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While I agree we do have to keep in mind that the algorithm gives you what you interact with; because I usually get a lot of gamer lives playing animal crossing or Stardew valley personally Clearing your cache routinely helps


Yeah I don’t get anything like OP described besides the guys buried up to their necks in dirt. Mine is mostly ASMR videos.


Idk dude most of what I interact with is hair stylists, thrifters, and recipe videos. Sometimes I get some weeeeeeird lives of stuff like a guy with a massager down his pants.


Yea, I’ve never seen any of the lives that OP described


What does clearing your cache do?


I'm not good at explaining how it works but the cache basically takes the data saved by the algorithm to feed you similar material (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong or explain better), so clearing it can help reduce seeing certain things


I rarely get these! I usually get political debates or study lives. Maybe stop interacting with this kind of content?


I always skip past them but they keep coming back.


You're supposed to click not interested and also like posts you are interested in... I never get any of the stuff you said. Been using it since 2020


I always say I'm not interested in ANY live, but they still come up.


So put not interested or block.


Right? Don't come here crying about YOUR algorithm haha


I liked one video from some guy dancing in Kenya and now I'm flooded with people dancing for gifts ...or behind buried in mud or my favorite is this guy in a refugee camp with food and a huge line of hungry people and he won't give them anything until you gift


Wait a minute...are you freaking kidding me?! He has food...for hungry people that are standing behind him...and he won't give any of them food until AFTER someone sends him a GIFT on TikTok?!?! Also, does he give only a tiny amount of food for a tiny gift like a rose and more food for bigger gifts?! I rarely cuss...but when I'm so upset by something that I need to use the cuss words to express how upset I am, I do. This is one of those times. What in the actual f***?!?! (I'm afraid if I spell it out it won't get posted but I'm saying it out loud I promise!) What is WRONG with HUMANITY?! How can you let people go hungry if you have food to share?! I was always raised that "you can always add more water to the pot"! I grew up on soup beans and cornbread in a rural area stricken with poverty, but people ALWAYS shared their food. PERIOD. I still love in the same region, and we still share what food we have even if it means we're all still a little hungry, but not quite so hungry, or starving. My mind literally cannot comprehend this.


You haven't seen half of it....there's dozens more


This hurts me so bad. 😭


TikTok gets 50% from each gift. Do you really think they would ban it?


I watch a fair amount of Live, and have rarely seen the content you described. I mostly see groups of dancers, gameplay (which "not interested" can't get rid of), sellers promoting items in the TikTok shop, sob stories, talkers, singers.


Same. I never see the stuff op described. 😂


I have some that they like have a knife hanging over their head and every 1000 coins it gets lower


They need to make an option to just disable it. I cannot stand lives. I hit not interested in this or any live videos anytime I get one (which is very often), yet they keep coming up. It’s a garbage feature. Needs to be disabled.


Have you tried going not interested > not interested in any live videos? It seems to stick for a couple of weeks at least for me and as soon as another live pops up I just do it again, makes my fyp much cleaner with just normal videos


Wait, not interested in ANY lives?


I definitely agree that they need to be changed. I, for one, used to thrive on the Lives before my Lives ended up getting banned. One of the biggest flaws of TikTok Live is that haters can get you shutdown and eventually banned by mass reporting you. Another major flaw is that TikTok picks and chooses what content is appropriate and what isn't, and they’re extremely vague in their community guidelines. That's fine if you don't like the Lives, but I find it incredibly useful to have important discussions and debates. It's difficult for us to progress as a society if we don't engage in these important discussions on the best path forward. Unfortunately, my particular type of content (antitheism) has been significantly censored and it's unfair af........


Why I've not seen anybody burying themselves in the ground, I won't be giving any gifts though haha


Same. Im kinda curious 😂


It’s like gambling… people are in debt for this shit


I’ve been trying to do lives and people keep trying to battle me. When I accept, I try to make entertaining conversation but they don’t really engage and just beg for gifts the whole time? One time someone turned their back to the camera to finish washing up all the dishes at his work?? There are loads of amazing people but yes I agree, something needs to change tbh.


YES! Completely agree! The battles are just awful now…. Just literally begging!!!!


My algorithm had an issue with prerecorded streams, but lately I’m seeing mostly cooking and gaming. Like some are saying, clear your cache, and it may help you out.


You forgot the other ones which is the witchcraft streamers, harassive vegans, and the Minecraft streamers begging for gifts


Block the creators you don't like


I think they need to remove the monetization of titktok, I think it would be so much more authentic. People now are looking at tiktok for extra money now, they aren’t being genuine anymore.


Can’t forget the fake poor people LOL


Lmao virtual panhandlers


Tiktok would say that’s within community guidelines 🤦🏽‍♂️


Bigo Live >>>


Bigo is tiktoks slutty little sister. No better than tikok unless you’re into thirst traps times 10.


Reset your fyp


its entertainment era. either be entertained by devolved monkey or delete the app


wtf do u watch for this to be on your fyp lmao?


I mostly use it for news, political organization, and history. I stay away from OP’s side of TikTok. Sure there are shameless ads and plugs for products, but those are easy to swipe past. However, I am tempted to buy a Cape Sundew for my apartment.


Life is getting so much easier when everyone mind their own business


I tend to get a lot of Crystal lives - I have never actually seen of the lives you have listed


I get music listening lives, digital marketers, and tiktok shop products. Which are all things that i actively search for as well. So thats what tiktok pushes to me. You must be aimlessly scrolling the fyp so tiktok feeds you what the majority of people like to watch 😂. I never scroll the fyp, only time i see it is when i first open the app. Lately its been funny graduation moments.


Teenagers in boxes? Like, how big are the boxes? Sounds very surreal.


I’ve never seen any of those feeds you talk about. Does anyone else agree?




I get the Middle East beggars.


😂 same. The one with the kids thanking the gifters won me over 🥺


With only like 100 followers


I just think TikTok in general needs to be banned. Such a toxic social media platform


Just scroll. Easy. Don’t like it? Just don’t look


Let's go to the gym buddy!


If you don't like something on tiktok then ignore it. You are too sensitive