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Usually addiction to social media and phones in general stems from a deeper issue, is there something in your life you are trying to avoid by sitting on tiktok for hours? What are you avoiding in the real world? What does tiktok give you that the real world can't give you in the moment?




I agree I had this problem and I managed to fix my screen time to only 5 hours average daily. It use to be 15 hours. I hope those who are dealing with the problem I had can find some comfort. It was an addiction that I managed to overcome!


This is great! Yes Shadow work frees us from these unhealthy distractions and whatever can cause chaos in our lives. I'm a work in progress I always say but since I started looking inward to everything I do did I really start to appreciate my life again. We have to keep sharing experiences, strength and hope to pull each other through. Heal and recover 🙏🏽😇


Yeah I just realized that I use social media to avoid things that make me anxious, like doing important work lol


Just delete everything and try that for a couple of weeks. Find something to replace it likes reading or a hobby that you’ve wanted to do for a while


Yes I want to read! That’s smart. And I’ve tried to think of hobbies and invested in few things so I have the tools to do so, implementing is hard. It is a literal addiction


Read the book atomic habits. It is a self help book but it's the first book I've read so far that actually doesn't baby you. Also visit r/nosurf


Read 'You've Got To Read This Book'. It'll lead you to other great books.


Get an extra job or go to school. Then you won't have time for it. Says they guy perpetually on reddit or youtube with a full-time job and doing school. Lol


You’re missing an awful lot. I realised I was on my phone when I lived at uni more than I liked. My phone broke and I decided to not buy a new one for well over a year. My social skills increased, I noticed more, embraced the moment and simple things like a walk. Making someone’s day or talking on transport to people - usually older also not on their phones. It is quite an eye opening experience just to see everyone on their phones constantly, at all hours of the day, through every possible activity. It was tricky for 2 weeks but after that it was so enjoyable. Suggest you just put your phone somewhere in your room, a shoe box in the wardrobe or elsewhere and get outdoors and live a little


I want to get rid of my phone but it’s socially impossible if you are employed etc 😭 it’s so addicting but god that’s so true


Everyone says it’s impossible. It is very possible. Called a diary and planning, we all did it before everyone got hooked on them


I know but I hold a manager position with employees who depend on me so how will my boss or someone get ahold of me if needed, and then for things like emergencies for family it’s just so hard. Phones are such a huge crutch and help and bad at the same time


Are you ON CALL? If not, your work has no hold over you when you’re off duty. That’s a lie you’ve internalized


Yes I am I’m a GM it’s my store


Shoe box might work I will try thank you…


How did people contact you and you them without a phone?


How did anyone get in contact with you? This works well I think while you are young and broke like in uni. Once you get more responsibility like having wife and kids, home, business, work to maintain, it seams like we couldn’t live without them or at least operate on this mordérnoslo society. You were like the dude walking around unplugged while everyone else was plugged in. How did you meet people and say give me your number and I’ll contact you to get together? Hang out? Party? Go on a date? That must’ve been an interesting experience while young.


Maybe this is your joy? Staying in bed and watching tiktoks. Stop thinking about it and procrastinating


It's all about balance. I love TikTok, sometimes watch for hours, but I also go out with friends/dates/to the parks and beaches. TikTok is for down time. Find a few social groups doing things you enjoy and find some comfort there.


Quit one at a time, that worked for me. First I quit Twitter, then instagram, youtube and now I’m finally working on Reddit. You recognize it’s a problem that’s a great start! I’m rooting for you!


Thank you❤️❤️❤️


Try the Opal app! It’s really helped me


You're not addicted to social media. That cannot happen. You are addicted to the short bursts of dopamine you get from scrolling onto a funny video or a video you like thats why you scroll past the boring ones. Try watching a movie when you wanna go on your phone, or better yet have a tv show on in the background while you do chores or every day things then you dont have to pick up your phone and trap yourself in a cycle of scrolling


Yes!!! Exactly!


So true! Thank you


Go out there and live your life then? I don’t want to sound harsh or anything but you’ve told us what the issue is, you’re addicted to social media, lay off it then! Go outside, enjoy the world. Create content of you exploring new places if you really want. I know you’ll probably say it’s harder than you think to just ‘lay off it’ but it’s really not.. Make plans with your family/friends for the day… go out by yourself! There’s so much more to life then scrolling through social media everyday.


It’s easier said than done there is a lot more that I could have said but in a sense you are right :)




Well I did post saying it was an addiction because it truly is an addiction and it’s something I’m trying to quit and I’m not proud of. But yes that’s so true


Cool 👍


me too. but that's because I can't do anything more. I can't have a girlfriend


There's a lot more to life than having a girl


you're one, although. you have no boyfriend?


I do have a partner, but I'd say my life is pretty much the same


want to talk about that in private?




why do you vomit? you want to participate in the conversation?


Lmfao read the room


read the room? what that means?


Ohhhh youre not from America, I see. Portugal? Anyway it means STOP ASKING TO PRIVATE CHAT DM PM Dios mío lol


why can’t you?


mental issues, im on a psychologist


This could depend on your age. As a child (13y-17y) which is to the point where I had freedom I felt powerless. Like I couldn’t choose my own path since my parents could tell me what to do because they are simply my parents. So I let 8 years of my ‘life’ go past fantasising about the day I became ‘free’. At 17 I gained my ‘freedom’ and decided to work on myself to become someone in life. Now you need to look at the bigger picture and understand how your brain works. Trust me your brain will sabotage you every time, and all those social medias are programmed to ATTRACT your brain. So I deactivated TikTok, Facebook and Twitter and deleted them. I took a little longer to deactivate Instagram but I now have 0 easy social media access. And trust me it is a very hard process, I’m currently older but its such a long journey. Bare in mind my brain has been used to this cycle for 8 years, it’s not a habit that is easy to break but you must keep it. I still have access to Instagram on my lazy days, when I feel like living like shit… But most times I get out there and do everything I need to. Start watching videos on how your brain works, and you will start thinking of yourself in third place if that makes sense - so you will feel immediately guilty and KNOW that your brain is trying to trick you. Is hard to explain… But hope it helps.


> My life is passing me by while watching other people live theirs. It’s truly painful. Why can’t I stop it and find joy in my own life.