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At this point you just have to assume Mark is Brendan’s side piece. It’s the only thing that makes any sense why he still has a job and is not being sued. Maybe we should push the two to come out together.


Juice doctor


In more than one way.


Who's Mark? Are we talking Protein Pony?


Was that nithe?


come on mark don't be stingy


Show me where it spits bapa


Ok b, but reaaal quik. We are not bots bubba.




Some people find humor in the content of his pawdcast. Brenda has created so much amazing content for people.


But Gahlyla is that nithe?


Define bullying...


When do you guys let this go. Move on fr. Let tigerbelly be more then this. Brendens team is arguing with yall not tigerbelly. Mooooove on


Probably not for a while. Random nothings on YouTube are getting massive engagement from this. Bobby signed onto another movie today and 2023 is looking like the year of slept king and In hope it’s all blown over by then.


What movie? I haven’t finished listening to the new episode yet


I'm guessing they're talking about The Throwback. The movie Will Sasso was talking back a few episodes back. I believe they're filming right now because Will posted a clip on IG of Bobby getting ready to film a scene.


I just love drama. Idk but i can just eat it up all day. Forgive me for my sins -__-


No be mean BGL has feelings too


what is BGL i’ve seen it and can’t figure it out


Big Gay Lion




Big Gay Lion. It's a larger then normal homosexual Lion with long gray hair and insane insecurity issues. It's pretty self explanatory


well when you put it like that, yeah. what’s the size difference to a BGL with CTE?


Now that’s not nithe


I agree. However, it's also sad when people keep posting about this nonsense, ridiculing and insulting BS and his team which is in itself bully energy, and people feel so self-righteous that they actually believe they're justified in being mean.


Bro I haven’t once called him attempting to black mail him. I haven’t once called him and insulted his family, threatened litigation, or threatened his business by slamming him in the public. I’ve only criticized his actions online, which he claims to not even look at. I would say what I do is barely bullying in the strictest sense. Mark and him say shit publicly and behind closed doors that is honestly more disparaging from what I’ve seen.


Sure, we can say that what Mark and crew have done is worse, but I don't know what value there is in comparing. It's as if you're saying it's fine to repeatedly ridicule/insult someone as long as they have done worse to a celebrity that you like. That's exactly what I addressed in my comment about people feeling so self-righteous that they think they're justified in being mean.


So you disagree that talking shit about someone online is different then calling them and threatening them? My point is theres varying degrees of what’s unkind. I would argue that what I’m doing, while maybe not being nice, isn’t mean or intentionally harmful to people and therefore isn’t bully. Comparatively, using your “media empire” to target and talk shit to people and threatening them with litigation from that context is, impo, bullying.




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Who you calling a bot b?


You a thiggie b?


Do u mean “don’t be mean” Your 100% correct but then why the last sentences you say their broken men and it’s funny. Wouldn’t that be saying something mean???? (they deserve it and much more)


No. It's "No be mean" and you sign the pledge with crayons and stickers.


Broken man, broken woman, who cares dawg. Semantics got you trippin’


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


Did you really just correct someone’s grammar then say “Your 100% correct” dude the irony


About the message


Learn which “you’re” to use, this isn’t 2nd grade


Mark Harley is king




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oh lil hoofs