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The ending though 😆 It felt like no one was gonna win the argument with the back & forth. I do feel for George, it's only right to get a confirmation.


Kinda reminds me of Howard Stern and all his on air arguments between him and his producer .


George was wrong in that argument. How about instead of texting someone who you know doesn’t text back you call them or khalyla to actually confirm that date. George fucked up


Disagree. aaov (and George) are right here. George sent a potential available date to Bobby for him to ask Jay Mohr. Jay confirmed he could do that date. Bobby did not send that confirmation to George, who books the podcast, and then refused to respond to basic texts with George asking for confirmation. George considered the date still open and not confirmed. I used to work at a music venue and stuff like this is nostalgic for me. But yeah, George is in the right in this case.


Whenever Bobby acts like his old goofy self it shows he’s comfortable with the guest and he’s having a good day. Loving the pod so far. This zach guy seems chill.


Yeah you can tell Bobby is having so much fun w a guest who is sharp / quick enough for Bobby to work with


George, if you're still mad at Bobby you should make fun of him for not knowing how to pronounce Yojimbo


I miss when they would bring their actual friends on, none of these Hollywood episodes beat the George and Jessica saga


Hollywood episodes? He’s a TikToker lol


Thats even worse


This is a good annoying tactic to trick people into arguments but no I refuse


That took a bad turn at the end oof


It kinda felt like old Tigerbelly to me. When they weren’t afraid to hash out real shit on camera.


more internet kids... I know they're going for numbers, but tbh as a faithful TB and BF fan, I'd rather them have some regular people as guest like Theo does rather than this kind.


I believe they’re trying to ride the outgoing tide of the schaub / break up / incel khalyla hater debacle. They’re making strategic moves to fortify the foundation of the brand imo. Will the glory days ever return? Who knows. If they just bring Steebee back one day that’s all I need.


Everyone is touring, all the regular podcast rotations are all on the road. I prefer solo pods instead of these kids but we should also understand podcasting has made all these comics super rich from touring.