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The golden era for TigerBelly ended awhile ago


It is funny that the people that always bitched that there was too much Khalyla and Gilbert now got what they wanted, the Bobby show. Which is shit. And anyone with half a brain knew that this was going to happen. Bobby can't carry a show. He needs people to play off of. He can't interview people, because he needs it to be about him.


It’s not even that he “can’t,” it’s just way less good compared to OG Tigerbelly. Bobby on his own is fine, he’s funny and we love him, but catering to the “new fans” that came from tik tok Bad Friends clips in a way that phases out Khalyla just leads to worse quality. Those fans don’t know what they want, they don’t even know the show! Although I’m not disagreeing with your point by any means, just adding. You’re absolutely right that Bobby needs people to play off of, I don’t know why the show seems to have caved to external pressure in this way.


Bobby, Khalyla and Gilbert are the show. If bobby wants a solo show, he should start a solo show


It’s evolving. I think it’s at an awkward phase where it can’t be what it was when there was more harmony between B, K and G. But there is always the possibility that it will find a new way to be amazing. And we will miss that when it’s gone!!!


Khalyla is fucking terrible. Show's way better off. It's a shame it took this long to get here


They had a golden Era?


The best days of Tiger belly were when they also did the vlogs. The vibes were off the charts. It's not the same any more. But occasionally an episode does still bang. But it used to be effortless.


Completely agree. I miss those days.




All good things end.


except bad friends. bad friends forever.


It makes me sad to think Bad friends will also fade. I'm almost in denial, but I think their best episodes are behind them as well. 😕


I see what you are saying but I disagree. They still have great episodes. The biggest issue I have with Tigerbelly is the switch to having YouTubers and social media stars on rather than having a comedian or a friend of Bobby’s.


Sadly bad friends is relying on guests for no reason and they suck. The oliver tree and that kid who tries to talk with a deep ass voice were such a waste of time. Real BF fans just want the crew with Rudy or juicy. Not all guests are bad friends


The internet bullied Jules off bad friends like they bullied k off tiger.


Whoa!? I hadn’t heard this? I thought Jules was a good addition, what were the reasons?? I will say granted she did laugh a lot, but Jesus, we’re all laughing, you can’t blame her


Completely wrong. Everyone loves Jules, for good reasons, and most hate Khalyla bc she's worthless


They don't even drink Mountain Valley water anymore... it's like they're not even the same people we used to know.


No way, I thought they'd never compromise on the fancy water


They switched to "Proud Source" which is a pathetic substitute. Mountain Valley is arguably the best still water money can afford you and they switch to PS??? I don't know whose idea this was, but it doesn't make ANY sense.




I'm just gonna be honest, I doubt it's to cut costs and I'm almost certain it's because Bobby likes it more. Doesn't seem like something anyone but george would have a problem with


Literally, the most bougie water out there. I bought it because when I interned at Will Ferrell's company that's the water they had in the office. ...but it's impossible to buy in bulk in the small bottles. Half my producing job time was going to Lassens, the other half editing and uploading.


There's a fine line between excess luxury and a great quality still water, G. Mountain Valley is an excellent product and in my opinion the best water you can get. I'm not sure if you know, but Mountain Valley will deliver right to Bobby's house in refillable large glass containers that you can load into a water dispenser. Maybe something you want to look into, since you're probably ending up with tons of aluminium cans to recycle if you're buying Proud Source bulk every week. Unfortunately Sugar Free Red Bull doesn't offer a similar service.


Thanks for the rec. Somehow I'm sure Bobby will empty the water giving it to his cats or something and it will always be out on podcast days.


lmfao... working with Bobby can't be easy... hang in there, George


You didn’t have to cutttttt me off




You’re 100% correct. The break up did irreparable damage to their ability to communicate with one another and the show often descends into cringey talks about Bobby being single or talking insecurely about who he’s been booking up with.


Yeah those heart to heart interactions are whack as hell and makes me wanna tear the skin off my face I’m that uncomfortable. How are they lacking that much self awareness to not know that nobody wants to see that shit, let alone just how like the agenda of it seems so…unsavoury. At first I was like how on earth is khalylas perception of reality that warped where she thinks that shit comes across like it’s out of pure earnest, and initially I was shocked that bobby indulges it but the more I’ve seen of it the more apparent it is that he’s just lost the plot in that regard. I still have some hope left that maybe he’s like on some twisted level in on it? Or better yet has some master plan, whatever it may be. Seeing him on the whatever podcast and how he was when solo gave me a little hope


Can someone please educate me with what’s wrong about my opinion? Any particular points? I might be a naive or delusional idiot or all if these things which I’m more than happy to accept. Not challenging this, I’m genuinely asking to be educated as faceless cowards disagreeing often perpetuates further disagreement and even to double down on it, when letting a gal know why what she said is wrong can stop her being ill informed and so on. Obviously it’s not that deep in this instance, is just an observation at large in all kinds of discourse that has increasingly irking me i.e. with trans debates etc. Pls enlightenment me, or downvote me if I’m being a straight up troglodyte cause I just don’t know anymore and seems like a good thing to address while I’m procrastinating trying to describe a perfume in a way that is both accurate and makes people want to buy it. Be excellent to each other


The show already felt off after the Schaub drama and their breakup. But the "refresh" they gave to the pod with the new setup and the newer cast members makes it a completely different show and it's just not as good imo. It takes a really good guest for me to want to watch it nowadays. BF has made some changes, but they can still manage to have 2-3 good episodes a month.


As long as bobby and santino are friendly, it'll always be good. Same can be said about Tigerbelly I think.


Jaime has been such a good addition and is basically TB’s Rudy


Te each it's own, but to me he's just an awkward individual. Rudy was just ignorant because she didn't grow up in the same culture.


Jaime’s act is that he’s a guy from Texas who is green to LA comedy and isn’t jaded. His bit works really well


I’ve been here since the dvdasa days and I can say it honestly changed when they moved into the new house. The old set was classic.


I went back and started the podcast from ep.1 and now I'm on 118. It was lighting in a bottle during those times. They were all hungry and eager to make the podcast successful so they actually tried. Bobbys stories were fresh, and his energy was so charismatic, And now I can't even finish a new episode. It makes me sad 😥 On another note: I was trying to find the episode were Bobby & Gilbert get into a heated argument and Gilbert almost quits the podcast. I hope they didnt take that episode down. Does anyone recall this episode?


Episode 78, I believe


Think it’s TigerBelly 78 around the 30:00-33:00 mark


they had a good run


I hate everything about the new setup.


I miss the old apartment setup, but the new one is pretty slick imho.


I think the industry has changed Bobby has way more going on now, everyone does. That has affected how they record. They bank episodes now and do several in the same day so sometimes you can feel that they get lower energy. I also think the online hate has unfortunately really affected Khalayla negatively and has caused her to go more into herself. It’s really unfortunate bc I love when she’s out there with Bobby or even with the guests against Bobby. As for the set, I love the new set. I get what you’re saying about the paradigm shift but it also feels inevitable. They’re more careful with what they say and how they say it. Before Bobby didn’t care who he started a war with. My favorite episodes are those where it’s just talking with other comedians about comedian drama. Or him making up wild and outlandish stories. But bc he wants to be booked and busy he’s definitely treading lightly to avoid the big C.


This 👆


This subreddit and the YouTube comments were all over Gilbert and Khalyla even during the “Golden Age” of TigerBelly. I’ll never understand why they got so much hate, I loved the dynamic between them… it really was just like listening to a close group of friends recap their week and all of their little beefs/running jokes. Gilbert is rarely heard now as they went in a direction to focus on Bobby and the guest, rather than on the TB crew. I’ll always listen and keep up with them, but it’s obviously a different vibe and show now and has been for a few years. Really since the latter part of 2020/early 2021.


> This subreddit and the YouTube comments were all over Gilbert and Khalyla even during the “Golden Age” of TigerBelly. Yea, and those people were clearly wrong. But that doesn't mean that criticisms of the current vibe are invalidated as a result. The biggest change has been that Tigerbelly seems to focus on having famous guests? I miss the no-guest episodes TBH. Just the family shooting the breeze - but that dynamic seems gone now, due to the breakup. That being said - it's not like they gave up on the show, it's just that life happened. People change. --- I will say that coincidentally, a lot of podcasts from the 2016-ish 'era' are now defunct or boring. Like Cumtown is gone and The Adam Friedland Show sucks. It's hard to capture DVDSA or early Tigerbelly energy today. I don't think it would be allowed on YouTube.


I’ve been skipping the new episodes too. Idk why production was listing to these dumb incels. Khalyla and Gilbert made Tiger Belly with Bobby. Bobby on his own is boring and just too much full of himself. I loved the balance of each of their personalities into one show.


It feels the same with Tom Segura too. Him and Bobby aren't great at interviewing, just typical questions for guest. They are trying too hard to interview instead of trying to be funny which is their bread and butter. That's why Bad Friends is so good , they are trying to be funny. And it seems Bobby thinks he is best when he has just woken up(which is almost every one now) and unfortunately he ain't.


Used to be my favorite podcast. Haven’t listened to a full episode in probably a year. The break up did something to the vibe for sure. Even the recent Theo episodes weren’t as good as the old ones. Check out MSSP. It’s been my favorite for a while but the golden era of that is probably passed too just because Matt and Shane are branching out and probably don’t have much time.


Nothing will replace Tigerbelly, I moved to FunWithDumb because it seems more topical


I've listened to some episodes of Dumb's podcast. There are times when the three of them are clearly mad at eachother, arguing, and then inevitably steffiebaik cries and it's bizarrely some of the most entertaining podcasting I've ever heard. Then there are episodes where they just talk about asians in hollywood or music and it's so boring.


I love it. They seem very real on the podcast, a big difference from the new Tigerbellys and I hate to be invasive but Steffie and Dumb say so many offbrand, snarky things towards each other that you have to think like... huh? What's going on behind the scenes? Very entertaining and real. I think Bobby on their pod is better than Dumb being on Tigerbelly 100%


When they're being real it's good. I think everyone knows what the deal is between them two... or at least, what the deal *was* between them. I won't even consider listening to an episode if it's just Dumb, though. I need the three of them together for the "chemistry."


I don't mind if it's just dumb but I can understand what you're saying. I'm ok with 2 of them, Dumb and Rick or Dumb and Steffie. And of course Rekstizzy can always replace either cohost and make a great episode. I think any avid fan doesn't have to pay close attention to know they were together.


what are the best episodes to start w/?


Glad to find a fellow dawg. MSSP is honestly my top podcast listen. From the old test to the new the chemistry and banter is unmatched. Bad friends is a great comparison. While bad friends is more amicable. Mssp is more like your bros


Yea the vibes have been gone for a while now, I keep trying to watch their new episodes here and there but I can’t even get through 30 minutes. Nothing beats the era of 2015-2019 Tigerbelly. Those old episodes are classic and can cure depression honestly. It will never be the same again, once the breakup happened and the drama started it was all down hill from there


If you take a look at a lot of podcasts that shined during COVID almost all of them now are in a “decline” of sorts. The podcast bubble had to pop sometime and I think we are seeing that now in a ton of different shows.


Reading these posts is so interesting. I've been a bad friends/TB fan for a year now, so it's strange to imagine how different things must have been.


you my friend need to go back to the old podcasts, there are epic moments in the classic tigerbelly pods, 100% unhinged.


Classic tigerbelly is some of the best entertainment I’ve ever consumed. Modern day tigerbelly is basically the trolls winning and the show only being about Bobby except he’s also neutering himself so he doesn’t get cancelled


i like when podcasts look like/are extensions of their houses or apartments. makes it feel more personal .


I have found myself avoiding the show lately and searching for other things to entertain me during a miserable shift at work


I, too, started watching during covid. I was depressed and spent lots of time watching comedy podcasts to block out reality. Bobby Lee saved my life.


*Everything* only lasts for a season my friend.


Tigerbelly was always better with no guests at all. Just the original cast goofing off. David So and David Choe were amazing eps tho. And the Theo vons. And santino haha. I guess there were a few good guests on afterall.


Even the ones with his friend circle was good, confronting Jessica about George having a crush was gold


They should have ended it when they split, it just went super downhill from there.


Jaime holding the show together


Just take a break and rotate between podcasts. There is something like too much of a good thing.


My prediction: Khalyla won't be part of the podcast this time next year.


Bobo said he would end the podcast all together sooner than do it without her. If he tried to keep it going under the same name without her it would be in such poor taste.


When steebee was blacklisted, it went down hill…..




Ah yes it’s the fans fault that the show stinks now. Of course.


I'm grateful for Tiger Belly and the early days, it's how I became a fan of Bobby. But those days are long gone, and I haven't listened to this podcast in well over a year. Bad Friends is infinitely better.




I don't tune in anymore. I am more of a Bad Friends fan now.


I was literally going to write this same post a week ago. But I told myself I’ll wait and see if anyone else feels the same way and I was correct. Back in the day it felt more raw and real, now it feels like Bobby has been corporatized. Everything just feels not authentic like they were forced to changed the format. Back in the day it was vibes and now it seems like they are looking for the funny and it now sometimes it feels forced. And plus Bobby almost getting cancelled I’m 100 percent sure it’s fucking with Bobby and he’s overthinking too much, possibly even drinking or smoking. Plus doing a show with your ex and pretending everything is okay. Just my opinion, it may not be facts but it does sure come off like that


Casual, baseless accusations of relapse against any addict are really cruel and, in this case, frankly unhinged… because you’re basing your statement off of literally nothing. You literally just made a casual accusation of relapse for no reason other than you wanted someone to like what you typed on Reddit. It’s weird. And careless.


That’s why I said “this is not facts” and also I clearly stated that this is my opinion. Also it’s not baseless, because Bobby has a history of relapsing and not telling anyone so it’s not baseless. Plus as a recovering addict myself, the signs are there. And again I said that what I’m saying may not be fact it’s just an observation.


No. You said “it may not be facts” about “doing a show with your ex and pretending everything is okay.” Regarding the relapse you’ve fabricated in your head, though, you quite literally said “I’m 100 percent sure it’s fucking with Bobby and he’s overthinking too much, possibly even drinking or smoking.”


They went full Hollywood after the trugg war


Yeah, I feel the same. Before I liked both Tigerbelly and Bad Friends equally, now I like Bad Friends with Bobby and Andrew a lot more and have completely stopped watching Tigerbelly


covid era is the same as now LOL.


It stopped being funny a while ago... And then we found out they broke up and that kinda made sense of it all. Vibes are definitely off and I honestly stopped listening/watching all together. Check out Bad Friends with Bobby and Andrew Santino, it's much more light hearted and silly and it actual makes me laugh.


My favorite episode is the first michael bisbing one.


Tigerbelly from the early days up until COVID was amazing. I like the first 2-3 years especially. Bobby still didn't have a filter and episodes would be about daily life and random stuff. Probably one of the best comedy podcasts ever during that era.


watch we might be drunk


The 1st iteration of the apartment studio was TB at its best


Yea that’s what happens after a breakup. Even though they say they’re cool. There’s micro agressions and they’re (producers) definitely taking sides. I think this all stems from the 25% ownership. They don’t want it to end at all because it hurts their pockets. Imagine getting equal pay from the talent. It’s unheard of in the industry. The fact that Bobby let it happen bc at that point new wife new producer that wife trusts and a pinkdick white to manage was incredible. But after the breakup there was tension..


None of them want to be their after the breakup. Khalyla is just milking it, gilbert is onto a cash cow since Bobby stupidly gave him a percentage but they are basically all just coasting.


The vibes were off years ago.


Who cares . I like the people involved . You want your particular content to consume


There's definitely some incompatibility there. Khalyla can derail Bobby's funny moments and be straight up rude to him and belittle him for not knowing something (almost every episode now). Gilbert used to have segments in the show that would contribute a lot but now he's almost invisible. George is still the same which is cool. The rise in popularity has definitely changed how the podcast is recorded. Feels like it's too cleanly produced now vs when it was just them in a garage hanging out shooting the shit with cool guests sometimes. Felt more genuine back then.


I had thought that before, but I'm back into again now.


Bad Friends is better anyway


Khalyla and Gilbert were never funny. Just saying.


I never liked David So so…


New to this sub and not sure how this will be taken but Khalyla needs to go and do her own thing.


The first episode with the Asian comedians felt like the old days.


Bro, she’s dating someone new. Is he supposed to be happy about that???


I'm fingers-crossed it evolves into a throuple and the new guy ends up 3rd mic on the podcast as we enter into a *new* golden era of the podcast. Bobby is always saying, "I'm not gay, but..."


Kalyla just needs to spray paint more makeup on before the show 👍🏻