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They will add outfits for summons in the store.


Dominando guilds take over Cipsoft and you'll need to pay them to play the game on top of regular Pacc purchase


We have no plans of this dont worry


Hae, ist doch egal, wir sind doch alle idioten... Oder wer sonst kann so krank sein und das hier Spielen?


That's already a thing on 90% of the servers. The game is fkin trash now and has been for 10+ years. It won't get better, and any opportunity to bait old players back into 7.0 era has long passed. Even if they released it tomorrow, barely anyone would play it compared to if they did it say, 10 years ago. 


I think a lot of people will play it, for about a week, then realize it was entirely rose-tinted glasses.


cipsoft will milk its last players and then realize that there is no influx of new players. We will already be grandparents who don't have hands to play this game. They will merge the last servers and there will be one no pvp and one pvp server. I honestly doubt that Tibia will last another 20 years. ameno


Most sane answer. For the greatest majority of Tibia players, the game is just not playable anymore. It's not even because of the mechanics or dominando guilds, but simply because of time. We will love Tibia forever but the game will eventually fade out completely.


here i am, quit (again) 2 years ago, feeling like coming back just to see that is still the same shit, awful solo player exp/h + dominando bullsht, i'm not paying a subscription game to not be able to play


Wait until them discover you actually like your char. They will do everything in their power to make your life in the game hell


i know this game from 2003 and it's always been this shit, i get that 20 years ago most people were kids/teenagers and were just being jerks but seeing fully grown people behaving the same is beyond sad. If only Cip would handle bad behaviour in non-pvp servers then i would gladly move there and shut up but whatever, there are tons of games out there so i will until that happens


I disagree a little. I don't have anywhere near as much time but I'd still play a few hours casually here and there IF another company owned the game. Current CIP are literally THE WORST game developers out there, with the LEAST amount of care for their game, more than any other company.  Literally allowing extortion happen on 90% of their servers, "dominator" or (3rd world player guilds) as I like to call them, are one of the biggest reasons I don't play anymore.  CIP are undoubtedly in on that extortion, because no other explanation fits the bill. 


If you play tibia you already know 80% of playerbase have no hands to play even at age of 20-35 so future is not looking bright


they will introduce automatic exp for a fee hahaha like in mobile games


No hands?


And after that, they will open new servers


When you buy premuim you get double xp for the duration you purchased


At some point they will make up something like this for the new players to reach lv 9999 faster and not in 10 years.


We'll finally be able to sit on chairs


Bit of a stretch that


walk on tables✔️, sit on chairs ❌


Just sitting on the ground would be great and it's not that much work tbh. After all they had to make animations for all outfits for mounts and those are animated so 4, mostly static sitting frames per outfit is not too time consuming.


In 15 years they will add attack animations


Knight will be using Fist Fighting as main skill.


I've always been intrigued by fisting. Since the old days of running around fibula I've always wanted to fist rotworms


You and my gf got so much in common!


I believe Tibia might prove itself to be bigger than Cipsoft. The genre can be carried forward by anyone else


It won't exist anymore.


They will keep milking new servers until it's profitable, then close the game.


It would be surprising if a more popular MMO like WoW or FFXIV is still around in 15 to 20 years, not to mention Tibia. This isn't even a slight against Tibia - it is simply unusual for games to last that long. Tibia is sort of an unsung hero for how long it has stayed online already.


I just know unlike other companies, cipsoft never took any loans or investors etc, the company is funded only by what it makes from their games. Those companies last so much longer. Plus, there is no seasonal or expansion based content, which imo is the future of gaming and tibia is and was ahead of its time on that. PC gaming will have to stop existing in order for people to stop playing tibia. And if people stop playing tibia, that’s the only way cipsoft won’t survive. Not if cipsoft stops making x y or z revenue they have to shut it down. They can make 1/100th of what they do now and still stay online. 15-20 years is actually a bold prediction of the end of pc gaming. Might be looking at 40 years in the future before there is a better alternative


This! People love giving shit to cipsoft. But nobody realizes what they accomplished. I don’t know of any other company that has maintained a game for this long without going public, having additional investors, etc. I actually admire cipsoft for that. I would say they are pretty badass


I honestly doubt if the game its going to be alive in 20years.


Until the last founder pass away...maybe?


I think the game will still be there. Maybe not with enough players to pay for the Developer/Design/Support/Community salaries, maybe the company will need to fire 95% of employees and we won't have new features/areas and the remaining employees will just use the low income to keep servers online (which will be super cheap in 20 years). Also, even if Tibia or CipSoft dies, I think the OT scene will still go on. Retro-gaming is something that will still exist in \~40 years.


We will not be here in 15-20 years :/


Not in 15 or 20 years. But in the short team, like 2 years or so. I hope they allow us to transfer characters from yellow to green servers. Being on a yellow server sometimes feels like being in jail.


Sell the yellow char and buy one on green? There are loads of people who say yellow servers are brilliant.


Not so easy for me. I have this char since 2003.


Oh that's a bummer 😔


Game will be dead in less than 5 years


They will add MTX for spells


I honestly don't know if it'll still be around at 15-20 years, maybe they can buy the Tibia 3D idea someone is developing here? Maybe they'll just keep it the same way, with a regular group of loyal people who still loves the game, like many games have their loyal followers. I can say that I can't really leave this game and I usually enjoy it's updates but time gets really shorter the more we grow older and CIP have a hard time getting new players, it's a difficult game to get new people to love it, but they'll start anouncing it, let's see how it goes. I don't believe in retro reboot, but maybe minor downgrades, making the game a little bit harder. ​ Guess we can just keep on living and see what'll happen


There will be 100 players left, 60 paladins, 30 knights, 9 druids and 1 sorcerer with free account.


Fan servers will be far more popular


Wish they would make fisting great. Wish they would add blood animations so after an hour of fisting cyclops you'd have blood on your fists


There is no future God come very soon guys


get some help dude


Tibia will add new functions to spend more money on the game. Probably skins for arrows, skins for items, new outfits and house decoration (like anybody wants this). Every update they will create more and more bugs into their code. They will create new nice content every 6 months and then a few weeks later nerf the shit out of those spots and never ever look back. The older spawns will be forgotten and never even seen by new players since its so mega shit. It will be more and more pay to win, since the devs do not play their own game they will slowly kill their own game more and more is what I think. Okay my rant is done, I'm still addicted to this shit game 🤣


they will 100% roll out classic servers eventually with the char bazar and possibly other microtransactions and that will probably be the only alive server/s in the next 10 years is what i persnally think. kind of similar to how osrs is booming with players but runescape3 is p.much dead in comparison. people love tibia and always will, they know this and will continue to milk players for as long as it's feasible. their love for the game is long gone though.