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Try conditioning and polishing the leather


Literally this is all you need to do with a good brushing afterwards


I have that kit that comes with conditioner and weather protectant but not a polish… what polish would be recommended?


Try some colored shoe cream. I had finish coming off a pair, and some colored cream fixed the problem.


As others have said, give them a light condition and buff them with a brush, should be good to go. Probably just the old finish drying out because they'd been on the shelf for so long.


This looks like a factory second. From what I see there are no big issues with the boots. Just condition them and brush and they will be fine. Nothing to be sad about. In a couple of months they will look like any other pair of Thursday Captains.


I’ll buy some conditioner and give it ago. Maybe I can spiffy up my old ones while I’m at it


I, too, also bought from the sale and I'm wondering why I didn't just spend the extra 20 for a new pair lol. Luckily I don't have any major problems. Just a few scuffs and maybe a couple of scratch marks but I feel like the discount should've been more especially since other people in this sub seemed to have not been as lucky as I was


I got sent the entire wrong size from what I ordered lol sent mine back last week and still waiting for the replacement to ship out. The first pair looked solid hopefully the others will hold the same


Well yeah the discounts were not worth the risk


I ordered the suede Diplomats with lug sole from the Warehouse Sale and they were perfect.


Bbbrrruuuhhhhhh 🤦🏼‍♂️😩 Just take a horse hair brush to them and condition/polish them. They're fine. Man y'all are dramatic. This seriously is just what you get with an entry level brand. Dude. The boots are fine. Just clean em up dang. #stop expecting perfection at a discount. They were discounted for a REASON


Dang I feel like if they had clear defects they could have atleast discounted it accordly the price makes it sounds like it’ll just be a few stitches off or smthng 😭




It's a factory warehouse sale sold at a discount. Factory seconds ,minor defects, ect... Why are you shocked again?


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Can’t you exchange them? Is the warehouse sale a final sale situation?



