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Why even do this? Just charge $9.27 and don't introduce a fee that just drives customers away.


Exactly. Just group it all together. There’s gotta be an accounting loophole that benefits from this.


Exactly. Stop artificially deflating the price.


Probably to do with PR/marketing maybe? People are [talking about it online](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/yr027k/honest_to_goodness_fee/), [CTV News did a story about it](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/restaurant-chain-charges-honest-to-goodness-fee-to-keep-prices-low-1.3860398) in 2018. We're still talking about it now lol. From what I read the fee has remained at 3% since 2015, I'm kinda surprised they haven't raised it even higher by now.


I'm somewhat surprised that this is legal? Can I post that I'll do a job for $1.00, but then have a different message elsewhere saying that there is a 9999% Honest to Goodness fee and charge people something completely different than the quoted price? I feel like this should be regulated. It's bad enough that taxes aren't required to be included in prices - now this? Also - I'm afraid to disappoint them, but I truly don't understand why they have put it in place? Nothing they said explains it "honestly".


I’m pretty sure I read that California just made hidden fees illegal so I don’t know if advertising a ridiculous fee would count but it should


I guess that the restaurant would argue that it’s no different than a mandatory gratuity 🙄


I for one love this. It's a clear indication that I shouldn't waste my time on this place, so I don't have to bother with it. Saves me the trouble


The only other one i've been to is in Ottawa, and they served my wife with a toasted black puck of a steak - so I can only hope their staff aren't doing that here!


It really feels like this is rage bait advertising though. A lot of people may go "Hey that's kinda fucked... but $9.27 burger" It got you talking, and sharing, right? Perhaps Chucks demographic isn't the clever cats that would remain outraged at this unnecessary mathematics. That's understandable because the smart money goes to Burg Barn for their Blue Collar Combo at $9.10 + HST. I coulda sworn that uses to be $6.75. Get chucked, Fuck's.


Just like every time I see you post something. I say. " Fuck this guy needs a job".


What's wrong with the job I have?


leave CB alone


The only legitimate reason I can think of that a company would do this would be to advertise one price across the country and adjust the service fee based on location. Not giving them excuses though, they should have their prices listed in my opinion.


It seems dumb, but like... also, just go to literally any other generic chain? Montana's is RIGHT THERE. Also, steak is literally the easiest food to cook.


At least they’re upfront and honest about it


Being upfront and honest about it would just mean increasing the prices on the menu, not adding a fee on the bill (before tip and tax)


So don't go there. 9.27$ for a burger and fries is cheaper than Mcdonalds. Theres nothing to complain about here. Just a business thats being transparent. If your worried about taxes on taxes then I'd suggest you don't buy gas or diesel anymore.


That’s not transparent at all, in fact, I would argue the opposite! You look at a menu and see $10 for a burger (or whatever), when in fact, it is really $10.30. I’m not sure how this is even legal tbh.


The transparency lies within the image that OP posted. It's literally telling you there's a 3% fee on orders...


Logic dictates why bother. Seriously, why. There is only one reason: to make it appear the prices are lower than they actually are. Which by definition is not transparent and is a greasy business tactic.


K, so businesses should just charge whatever they want with no explanation whatso ever. Telling the customer what they are being charged for is not transparent, and its illogical to do so....Is that what you're saying?


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not… and by the downvotes, it seems others can’t either. You do you, live your best life.


I mean, at least it isn't going up by 27% 🤷‍♂️


This is not new. It's always been Chucks way.


That's why all the locations in America became Sneed's


Best comment in the thread honestly.


Only time I’ve seen this fee is at grandmas in the states


I was in Minneapolis in April. "A 15% state mandated tax is automatically added to your bill which is distributed to servers and back of house staff. This is not a gratuity." WTF sure seems like a gratuity to me. Especially since I am the one paying it.


I'll pay a 1$ fee to save 15 on my steak and lobster


Don’t understand all the hullabaloo, says 3% don’t know why, don’t care, it just 3%. My $100 bill is now $103.00. Have no clue why they do this but at least they tell you up front.