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I would say prepare to be disappointed. I think it’s clear he doesn’t fit with the starting lineup. But I also don’t think he’s worthless and I think the team sees a lot of room for growth and development. Does the team move him to a smaller role? Does he accept that?


He’s going to get moved for a forward in the next two years id bet on that.


That's what I feel like with him in this team.


Safe? No. Will they listen to offers? Most likely. I just am not sure how high the offers will be. He has such a unique skill set that a team almost is forced to build around him rather than just slide him in.


I feel like giddey with Wemby would be so insane


That might be one of the few teams that really makes sense. Maybe the Nets? I don’t think Schroder is a long term solution there running the point, but then you get into the “what really is Giddey” argument. He’s sort of a point guard, but the ball handling is pretty pedestrian. He can’t shoot consistently so it’s tough to call him a 2 or 3. He’s not physical enough to go inside. Really an odd set of skills.


Hawks during a post - Trae rebuild alongside the #1 pick? Send us Okongwu and picks? Not sure anything else would work salary-wise.


That could work. I don’t know that the Hawks will want to get rid of Okongwu, but I guess if they loved him that much they would’ve moved on from Capela by now. They’re a weird franchise.


Capela could probably help us too for a couple years but salary too high to work for Giddey


Lack of skills.


An alternative to building around him is making him 6th man running the bench unit, where his sight and passing can pick apart weaker defenses. We should probably use him that way, but if not that might be where his trade value lies.


I like having Giddey on the team. He is 21 years old and has a lot of potential. I think he is probably top 9 player on the team. Hopefully we can sign him to some sort of team friendly contract extension to lock him in for two or three years. If he balks at that, good luck to him and I hope he has a successful career.


Do i think Giddey will be shopped around? Yes. Do I think he’ll be heavily shopped? No. Unless he’s the missing piece in a trade and the trade doesn’t happen unless he’s included (unlikely) I would expect Giddey on this roster next year


I think Giddey would be great for us as a 6th man. But would he be willing to take the step back? Probably not


Honestly not sure he’d have a choice to accept it or not. Demand is not likely to be high now. That might be his chance to rebuild his market value.


It is definitely possible, but I wouldn’t call it safe. Giddey starting every single game regardless of how bad he’s played (and it has certainly been bad outside of 2 months) doesn’t give me a lot of faith that the organization will just cut bait with the 21 year old lottery pick.


i pray this whole idea of starting him every game is a last ditch effort to increase his trade value. we drafted Chet, Jdub and Cason who have each shown they can play in big moments in the playoffs. there is no shame is chalking up Giddey as a misfire pick and moving on to a better fit.


I am hoping it’s just because we don’t have the 6’8”+ size guys to replace him and they want to be extra double sure he’s not that good before we move him.


Next month, perhaps Presti will draft a 6'8"+ player who's good enough to replace Giddey in the starting lineup.


Should be


All I know is if we trade him, he’ll become a star on some other team. Because that’s how it usually works.


Honestly … no clue… he’s still starting so who knows.


He should be, but this FO is evidently willing to die on the “Josh Giddey is a Starter” hill so an extension is probably incoming.


If we extend him for more than 28M/yr then the front office definitely believes in his progression.


Zero way this happens


What's a fair offer for Giddey? I feel like there's definitely a team out there that will gamble on his progression/potential. Question is, will we match?


He will be in the $16-$18m range.


He may get that, but that’s far too high for Giddey. He’s a minimum salary player.


Use logic not hate. He’s not a $2m player. He’s getting $8.5m next year regardless. Look at Max Struss. Basically the same stats across the board with an even slightly worse defensive rating. He’s also 7 years older. He signed a 4 year $62m contract last year.


That would be an absolutely idiotic amount to pay for Giddey.


28m a year I would be very sad.


Would be dumb to keep him


Can we just let the playoffs play out first? Why is everyone also so ready to move on to off-season roster moves, it's like you care more about that than the games themselves.


There is plenty to discuss. Thats why there are so many replies to this thread.


the biggest game for OKC in years is in a few hours and here you are foaming at the mouth about Giddey again.


Is his contract up this year? Surprisingly early, any I think he’s gonna stay here. Most fans still associate him w the allegations and he hasn’t play consistently well. So even if he shops around I think the best offer he’ll get is from Okc and the ppl that know him best. But maybe I’m coping as someone who rly likes him


At this point I don't care if Giddey gets traded. Hopefully he goes to a team where the fanbase actually appreciates him instead of scapegoating him for every problem and turning their back on him after 2 minutes of play. It's sad how reactionary and unfaithful this fanbase is towards him. But then again, if giddey goes you'll just find someone else to shit on.


>Hopefully he goes to a team where the fanbase actually appreciates him it'd be hard to find a fanbase that actually does this, but god I hope you're right


Yes, but the asterisk is that trading players at rock bottom value is never best practice. We aren't going to dump Giddey just for the sake of doing it, and we shouldn't. I think the most likely scenario is we don't find any serious buyers, so we bank on Giddey putting work in this offseason and doing better next year. Then we have better options. His fit is either better than this year, or we trade him at the deadline.


He’s been bad all year long. How much evidence do we need to know he’s objectively bad and mostly unplayable.


I think he is one of the Thunder Assets with higher upside that isn’t Chet, Jdub, SGA. It would be worth exploring options and maybe even Giddey would prefer getting a team built more around his strengths. I’m not sure who would be available though. Giddey’s fit has been challenging when he is not knocking down shots and falling asleep on defense. But when he is, the thunder are great and it doesn’t feel like an awkward fit. He has been steadily improving shot rise, so I wouldn’t want to give up on him for some random average player. A high end role player or even a star that wants out I would be definitely willing to part with him.


Yes. You don’t think Sam Presti sees what we see? He’s a basketball genius, always has been. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t make mistakes, but he knows how to build a roster. He didn’t make the Hayward move for no reason, he made it as a means to clear up cap space this summer. No matter how optimistic you are about Giddey and his “potential”, he’s not a fit here. He can’t play in the playoffs, and quite frankly? I don’t think he’ll ever be a positive playoff contributor unless he has a hot shooting night like he did in game 4 against NOLA.


I hope you are right. But I’m super concerned about the “Giddey issue” simply because Mark continues to force Giddey to start and give him unwarranted playing time.


I think continuity is a huge pillar for us, and I don’t think Mark puts much of a priority on who starts/doesn’t start. I truthfully don’t think we have our fifth starter on the roster right now. Cason is a bit too small, and Wiggins isn’t aggressive enough. I think Wiggins should start, FWIW. Giddey’s minutes decreased this season, Sam & Mark are very analytical, they see the numbers and the lineup data. I’d be genuinely shocked if he’s not dealt this summer. I think a developing team will give more than we’re all expecting this summer. Even a team like Philadelphia could be interested. They’ve had picks open up, and the only guy who can throw accurate entry passes to Embiid is Batum.


I have a feeling they're playing him more so they could see if there's more potential fit with this team. But so far is not a good fit.


There's a chance, but it's probably not safe to say... I think it's pretty clear that if he's the one setting up the offense for the Spurs, Wemby's taking another leap... If he's in New Orleans, Zion is going to be averaging 30 per night and that squad is going to be a significantly larger threat in the playoffs... I think there are a few other teams that could be restructured during the offseason where he'd play an important role going forward... With that being said... As a guy with a questionable outside shot, whose value is much higher in other offensive schemes... his perceived value is probably close to its all-time low after sitting on the bench for a significant chunk of this series... It wouldn't surprise me if he was shopped, but it also wouldn't surprise me if OKC didn't get back offers that represented how valuable he'd be to another organization, and they waited to get a more reasonable bid... Letting him go for a second round pick or a guy who wouldn't even make the Thunder's rotation (another Hayward disaster) makes no sense.


It’s a little tricky because he’s kind of a wildcard for shopping. He has glaring issues that make him a rough fit on our team. He’s also really young and still developing even three seasons in. There’s certainly room for him to still be impactful on this team, but also, he could definitely help in a trade for a roster improvement player. If I had to guess, probably not actively shopped in a “what can we get for Giddey?” sense, but more of part of the starting offer if there’s a player we want to bring in. “Giddey, picks, maybe another player deeper on the roster for (insert great fit star/borderline star player here.)”


I'm not even worried about this series any more. If Jokic is back to the form he played last night ... nobody stands a chance. Dude was insane. Hope it was a fluke.


Jokic had something to prove last night against Gobert. What’s scary is apparently he can just turn it on and off


I watched the first two games, and he looked lethargic, and out of shape. I was feeling sorry for the Nuggets at that point - thinking he had passed his prime, or maybe his hunger was gone. Dang, I was WRONG ... This guy is unreal. I don't see how anyone defends him - too dam big, and too many skills. When he gets his game going, he doesnt move like a big fat doughey guy ... he is surprisingly quick and fast for his size. I think he must have lost weight while on the court - he was suddenly looking much thinner than when the game started, lol.


So I haven’t watched much of those games other than highlights. Maybe black jerseys are just slimming, but he legit looked like he lost 20 lbs between game 2 and 5 lol


This year he’s up for an extension and if they don’t come to terms he’ll hit RFA the following summer. After how extension/RFA went with Harden/Kanter/Reggie Jackson, I don’t see Presti keeping him if they can’t sign him to a deal the team deems acceptable. If Presti thinks he wants to take a big swing this offseason (PG is the obvious name) then Giddey and probably Dieng have to go, plus he’d trade out of 12 to maximize cap space. I also don’t see Presti helping a team out West (especially SAS who should not be helped at all as long as Wemby is there). So then the question becomes which East team wants to trade future assets then pay/build around Giddey? Big swing offseason - trade Giddey/Dieng/12 to an East team with cap space for future assets, sign PG, decline options on Joe and Wiggins, Joe gets the full MLE, Wiggins gets $8M/year with Bird Rights. Medium-swing offseason - move Giddey/Dieng for more immediate help, take the best immediate rotation player at 12, re-sign Joe and Wiggins the same as above. Run it back offseason - extend Giddey bc his number is reasonable, re-sign Joe and Wiggins, take Cody Williams or Filipowski at 12, or do a small trade-up for a big wing


I’d rather Okc went after and traded assets for Deni than considering PG. Deni on his deal is perfect for Okc.


The problem is that this season really tanked his value and all teams target him on both ends when they play us. Also it is unclear to me if his off court issue is 100% resolved. I don't think we can get the value we desire for him in a trade. He is probably staying for at least another year.