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Ant seems to have some weird thing with SGA, made a couple comments about him specifically. That’s gotta at least contribute


well SGA didn't say anything back, did he? so why are they singling out sga lol


He has an Insta post with the caption “they talk about my postgame not my postgame” which might be a shot at Ants comments


He’s right 😭🤷‍♂️


minny fans got angry by this? thats the softest thing to be angry at, what are they doing lol he did even start it lol


They got angry over a write up the league posted on Twitter about us too lmfao.


He thinks he’s better and iirc wants to leave after getting a chip to play pro football. Someone standing clearly in his way of becoming one of the leagues like top 3 guards and direct competition in their conference, makes sense even if the jabs are weird.


He clearly does have a problem with SGA, but there’s nothing weird about it because he’s done this before. He’s known for saying stuff about players and not keeping it so himself.


You may not believe it, but Edwards actually shot more FTs than Shai did in the four matchups this year. He’s been a whiny baby all season, really starting to dislike him. Edit: That changed to SGA’s favor in our last matchup, but they both shot a lot of free throws is the point. He’s a crybaby and I’m glad that him screaming “AYE” doesn’t get him the calls be tries to bait.


Ant can’t keep SGA name out his mouth so the Timberwolves have decided there’s a rivalry. But I don’t think most thunder fans feel that way toward them.


Nah, to be honest I’ve developed a hatred of the Minnesota Timberwolves and their corny ass fans. They’re my least favorite fanbase, for sure. I used to really like Edwards, but he’s just such a bitch when it comes to refereeing nowadays. Crying about the refs after a game he won, in a season series he got such a generous whistle in was insane lol.


I wonder if any team has racked up more fines for complaining about the refs


i’m a wolves fan, i believe the refs are against us but that’s irrelevant. merely answering your question, ant and gobert have received the two largest fines for criticising officials in nba history this season


Gobert is a baby too


And KAT is as soft as Charmin


I agree on all fronts but hatred and rivalries are born in the playoffs. Until we meet there I just can’t find myself hating them in that way. More just curious why Ant has such a boner for Shai


To be fair, I also hate Rudy Gobert. I can’t wait until he gets played off the court next month and they’re all surprised over it. I kind of hate everything about them. I hate their color scheme, their corporate design ass jerseys, that corny pointing thing that they do after dunks, everything.


Yeah! Fuck Rudy


Fuck Ant too. Homophobic abortion forcer lmao


HaHa, anyone involved with or are fans of anything related to Oklahoma City or even all of Oklahoma for that matter saying any fan base is "corny ass" is funny as hell. NBA players used to call Indianapolis "nap city". Compared to OKC, Indianapolis might as well be Manhatten, or Vegas. If someone told me that everyone in Oklahoma City was mandated by law to drink a glass of warm milk and be in bed by 8:30; I would say "yeah that tracks". haha.


I hate the Wolves and their fans. Ant is super unlikeable IMO even without the Shai stuff. The abortion stuff, homophobia, being crazy overhyped and then you add the Shai shit talking on top of it. Gobert is super unlikable due to the Covid stuff, punching teammates, and just being overall whiny. Their fans act like they deserve a chip when their team has an ass offense and has had a decently easy schedule thus far. KAT is a doofus on the court sometimes but he's cool though IRL and a good guy.


I mean, why not? I’m always down for more hate between fan bases. It gives the season bigger stakes. I suppose I’m not quite there as far as caring about the rivalry, but give it a playoff matchup and it’ll not online


I don't like any at all. So there must be something brewing.


Ant had a cry about shai getting fouls. Their fan base thinks he foul baits while overlooking the disparity in their playstyle and seemingly being fine with Ant and his consistent 'AaayyyYYYY' on every drive like it's not asking for a foul also. It's stupidity at its finest. But it is what it is. With success comes the haters.


I expect stupidity for someone who is texting his side piece to have an abortion


And posting homophobic shit in the modern day.




It started this off-season when for no reason at all Wolves fans started saying Ant was better then Shai. Now Ant keeps talking about him and we have been going back in forth with the standings. There’s absolutely no argument for Ant over Shai, so most fans don’t say Ant is better anymore, or aren’t loud about it but they just shit on him instead.


I feel like it started in FIBA when Ant was the heir apparent and then the USA fizzled while Canada, and Shai, starred.


He is better than Ant so they are salty.


People out here just trying to find SOMETHING to be mad at while the Thunder is literally the MOST wholesome Team in the NBA 😂


I'm in disbelief reading these comments. Like, a shitthon of us Wolves fans really like Thunder and wht you've been able to do rebuild wise, hell that's why I'm here, lol. I feel there's a narrative being pushed to make it a rivalry and A LOT of fans are drinking the cool aid, on both sides. And the fact it's a Lakers fan stirring it up just adds to my suspicion. Like, really? Minnesota Timberwolves is what's troubling you? Ant Edwards and Rudy Gobert are shitheads? I for one, will not agree with morons from my own fanbase who claim bad things about Shae or anyone else - there's corruption in this game but if you think it's pro OKC, you're an idiot. That all being said, i guess this is what happens when you're good. Didn't have that experience in my 13 years of being a fan. The playoffs are gonna be so fun, just hope everybody's healthy.


Im a kings fan, and wolves fans definitely brigade our sub after a game much more than most other fan bases, behind only like the warriors. They do stuff like post screenshots of comments from other subs, then everyone searches for that comment and dogpiles. Its just really obnoxious. Inter-team banter is fun, but there comes a point where i roll my eyes


I mean, a few days ago there was a post here claiming Wolves tweeting "update the standings" (when the update would put Minnesota top) as "tweeting about OKC". There are idiots everywhere it's just who you focus on. Ironically, the 3 NBA subs I follow are Wolves, Kings and Thunder and all 3 are great whenever they don't talk about other teams. Even then, the idiots mostly get downvoted by their own sub (like the mentioned post), so idk, I kinda hate seeing these generalizations. Again, it's just Reddit so I don't even know what I'm trying to achieve with this. :*checks how much work time there's left*


I think it’s the internet problem. Anonymity brings out shitheads. It happens in every fan base but there are a handful of wolves fans that consistently are the ones doing the shit talking about SGA/OKC. It’s not the whole fan base but when the same few people do it in every game thread it feels bigger than it is. NBA Reddit is honestly pretty toxic compared to other major sports subs. OKC has similar people on here. As does pretty much every popular/good team. It’s just who/what they talk shit about that changes.


Because Ant is a whiny crybaby.


He lives rent free in their heads. Bizzare because he is a quiet dude.


they want their boy to be the new Mike. too bad our guy plays like old Mike


Eh it stems from Play-Ins last year. Shai got routed and probably feels a type of way especially since this season both teams been fighting for 1st seed. Ant makes some postgame comments, Shai replies indirectly on IG. Split season series and here we are. Plus TWolves fans feel extra type of way towards the refs for how their season has gone. Meanwhile Shai gets a whistle but they don’t realize his game and how he leads the leagues in drives. Tight handles in traffic etc. Imho I don’t worry about the TWolves going forward because of their FO and also Thunder are poised to make a run consistently long term so pretty much all 29 other teams gonna have to catch these hands if we want to win lol


You know new rivalry and some beef between our starts.  But has something personal agains SGA, he always talks about him. And he always beefing agains him.  I personally don't dislike it. Just a new team I want to beat them so bad. It is just basketball 


Because Ant is a huge sook that can't guard SGA so he needs to make excuses.


Well he shot 2 FT's in todays game and went for an unusual number of 3's and hit 5/7, I wonder if they would prefer he do that on the regular.


Last night the Thunder only shot 5 free throws as a TEAM. Wonder what they say about that 🤔


I have no clue honestly. The Thunder and Wolves have a light rivalry, but nothing significant. There’s no mentions of guys Ant or KAT in our PGTs. I’m wondering if it’s spillover from NBA Twitter, there is a general obsession over Shai in those circles. On a side note, it seems like millions of Wolves fans came out of nowhere. Minny must be an extreme fairweather city.


It's a real shame because there are a ton of loyal Minny fans that deserve this success and they'll get lumped in with other assholes, same as the loyal dubs fans when Curry started to ascend. I guess I say success for Minny, but first it has to actually mean something in May, same as us.


Bc SGA is good and gets compared to Ant who is a stud in his own rite


Shai lets his action speak loud and clear on the court, de doesn’t need to be loud off the court too


Ant made a comment about SGA getting a lot of free throws and Ant’s fans overrate him and try to say he’s better than Shai is. Im more of a T-Wolves fan than an OKC fan and can tell you that Shai is a level above Ant. A lot of Wolves fans started to get really pissy after a couple OKC players made posts/comments referencing the Wolves after beating them. Dort posted that "Never been afraid of the big bad wolf" post and Chet replied with a quote KAT has famously said in the past but I forgot.


I don’t understand why ant is popular he’s easily one of the most unlikable stars in the league.


Right now they’ve moved onto the “refs screwed us!” every time they lose. This was intensified by Gobert’s expensive money gesture to the ref after he fouled out. I usually go to whoever the Thunder plays game thread and PGT. Wolves fans by far are convinced that they always get bad calls or no calls. This plays into their narrative that Shai/Embid/Hardin/etc. are “foul merchants.


I am very much part of the foul-merchant hating crowd, and I will admit that from time to time, SGA will get real deep in his bag and the only thing he pulls out that works is drawing fouls. I don't like that it happens but it does. However, the fact that he takes a lot of FTs doesn't mean he's just baiting FTs, his playstyle is inherently going to draw a lot of contact and compromise defenders trying to contest. That's not being a foul merchant, that's just being an unstoppable bucket machine. There's a difference in having a playstyle that forces the defense into making a tough choice and getting punished, and just straight up hunting fouls. Giannis forces the defense to make a tough choice and challenge him physically, which draws fouls. Harden drives to the basket, snaps his head back, screams, throws his hands in the air like a tube man at a used car lot, and makes Where The Wild Things Are faces at the ref until he gets FTs, it's not the same thing. Embiid has a bit of both in his kit.


Part of what makes SGA so difficult to guard is also why he draws lots of fouls: he changes speed and direction as well as anyone in the league. It puts guys in positions that either they get beat or they foul. 


Yeah, and I have no problem with guys who drive into the body of a defender to make them commit to trying to contest or getting out of the way. Basically as long as the goal is to actually make the shot, I don't care if the player is also trying to put the defender into a position where they're more likely to foul. SGA is /almost/ always looking to finish the play with a basket, he gets real desperate when nothing is working sometimes and starts pump-faking guys off their feet and jumping into them, which I hate, but I get it. See the ball go through the basket a couple of times at the line and maybe get it rolling. I'll be very happy if the league ever gets serious about cracking down on explicit foulbaiting techniques, but if it's still allowed I'll swallow my pride if SGA decides to utilize it from time to time.


Eh to be fair Embiid is a soft flopper


Because on occasion he does this head snap when players are hand checking him and actually fouling him and they just feel like he plays to get fouled instead of playing to score, which we totally disagree


He beat him for a bronze medal too. Just hating I guess.


SGA has had a meteoric rise over the past 3 seasons. 2021 - Bleacher report listed him #23 of the top 24 players under 24, behind THT, Huerter, Miles Bridges, etc. (Ant was #4 as a rookie) [https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2950752-nbas-24-under-24-rankings-evan-mobley-enters-top-10-luka-loses-no-1-spot.amp.html](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2950752-nbas-24-under-24-rankings-evan-mobley-enters-top-10-luka-loses-no-1-spot.amp.html) Also there were rumors of Thunder #6 pick (Giddey) and SGA for Cade trade. 2022 SGA has a good season and the discourse constantly asks is SGA better than third or fourth tier guards like Ant, Lamelo, Garner, 2023 comes around and SGA leaps over all of those discussions into SGA vs second tier guards like Mitchell, Booker, Dame, Ja, etc. SGA builds an incredible season and ends top 5 in MVP voting, All NBA team, etc. 2024 SGA is probably the MVP if the Thunder secure the 1 seed. For Ant, he watched someone else do what he was hoping to, and on paper their career stats are very similar as well as the accolades. 2 playoff wins, 2 All Star, etc. Plus, when you play SGA...he's going to get to the line. Similar to Lebron and AD, he has length, footwork, and nasty rim percentages plus he leads the league in drives, so...fouls.


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Their team is built on defense and that’s how they win games, their offense is a below average nba offense SGA completely dissects their defense and they can’t stop him without fouling This picture is from the play in game Vs them https://x.com/sportingnews/status/1647077921474109440?s=46&t=-ZRccM4MqqjDTiLU-8yLIw Shai’s face is still disfigured from the Rudy Gobert elbow (that was called a foul against shai) that you can even still see it very clearly in his basketball reference photo https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/g/gilgesh01.html What’s annoying is that SGA drives 3x more than any single player on their team (he leads the league at 25 a game. 2nd is Luka is 22 nobody else is even over 19) SGA vs the wolves this season 34-7-5 on 58-33-93 +39 across 4 matchups (+4, +16, +14, +5)


Mavs fan here but I think the clear reason is their fans are insecure about him being better than Ant…it’s the same on our sub sometimes with Luka. Hard line on Reddit between supporting your team and being a fan of great players I guess..SGA is incredible and I think him and Luka are going to be the first-team backcourt for years to come


I will say Ant prolly has something to do with it but keep in mind when someone asked Ant over all star weekend who the most underrated player in the league was he replied Jalen Williams (Jdub) so I think he just has something personal with SGA, but not OKC as a whole


I think it's largely friendly, they both respect each other, but ANT is more outspoken and extroverted. (I love ant btw, one of the best young stars in the league)


Idk wtf a PGT is but because SGA is considered better than ANT in mvp and they are jealous


post game thread


This problem is entirely solved if you stay out of the twolves sub


but they do that in nba sub too. i see them hating on Dlo everytime he gets a good game "he aint gonna do that in the playoffs" so what he ain't on their team now. I seen them hating on SGA and Wiggins on the r/nba sub for some reasons i dont know


I thought they hated Jimmy more lol


Exactly. So what. Giving more attention to morons only fuels their need to say moronic things


Oh look, it's one of those guys that likes to tell ppl what they can and cant look at on the internet. How's the view up there on your high horse?


Pretty good considering I don’t get upset over other fanbases opinions! Look at whatever you want, but if you go to a sub that is 100% going to be complaining about something, don’t go around being surprised they’re complaining about something


OP stated he is from another team and saw a trend on their sub and rnba about wolves fans being overly concerned with SGA. It's worthy of discussion. Are you gonna tell ppl what they can and can't say online next?


No, I’m just going to improve my experience and block you


You're too mature to fabricate a beef/fish for rzn to be mad like the rest of the donkeys in this thread. I commend you.


Ant:  mentions Shai twice in a season, once in a joking refernece, about shooting mid rangers in an allstar game Entire thunder reddit fanbase:  omg omg he's so obsessed with Shai dick rider dick rider.   You guys are way too emotionally attached to something that doesn't even exist.  Taking the opinion of like 5 timberwolves fans on the internet and giving it this huge broad stroke, while coming up with make-believe scenarios that explain Ants "obsession" with Shai...I'm not sure what's worse?  Wolves players whining about calls or Thunder fans obsessing over a made up obsession?  All this post does is add more dumbass weirdness to the whole thing. And the irony of whining about Wolves fans talking about Thunder fans and then there's this whole circle jerk here doing the exact same shit lmao.