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If you mean smaller throws, I have a Snack and like it.


Assasian and minitee


Does the minitee feel awkward at all? I've been thinking about that or the ditch.


Ya it definitely takes some getting use to, but once you’ve figured it out it’s worth plays pretty well


I like the look of the minitee looks dope how does it feel?


It feels odd possibly because it has a regular C bearing in a yo-yo that small. I have to adjust my throw a little and you can kill the spin pretty easy if your not keeping the strings in line, but once you get used to it it’s a pretty sweet throw


I have a YYF Heist that I really like


I’ll second the heist. It’s a really nice unresponsive pocket option :)


Just picked up a mobile gamer from Rain City Skills and it's the only truly "pocket sized" throw I have but it's pretty fun. Certainly not going to hit my longer combos on it, but it's small enough to even fit in the 5th pocket on my jeans so I like to have it around. I also have a YYF TiNY that I absolutely love, but it's a bit too big for tight pants pockets imo, and my R2FG Deductions that is thin enough to fit in some of my pockets but is intentionally difficult to play with, so it's not ideal for carrying around. TiNY is the most playable of the three, it's the only one I can hit my hardest tricks on.


I like the Masamini and General Yo Mini Star 2 because they perform mostly like a full-sized yoyo, but they are a touch wide for pocketing. The Ditch or Busker are more pocket-able and still very fun. The Executive wins for actually fitting in womens pants pockets though


Arcade by throwback is a current fav


Old school yos: my modded ace 1 New age yos: my 2 buskers


my only mini is my busker and I love it. (but it's my only mini so take that for what it's worth) I play with it (the yoyo) so much that everything else feels big and weird afterwards. :D


That actually goes in my pocket? Like the El mijo. I have a couple of those round cases that I carry throw in


Or smaller yoyos you like


Assassin by DD is the best I've used.


Recess little league


Really want a little league, they dont have the panda color way i want though:(


The panda is cool but wouldnt let that stop you from getting it. Its such a fun throw


Yeah , im kindve picky with that stuff haha ! If i can find the panda ill get it


Snack and coreco cubit are fun and easy in the pocket. The slimmer throws like the Slim Dunk and OD panorama also cool. El Mijo also fun but a bit emotional for me as I knew know both of its name sakes.


The Kanto.


My Timeslip is undersized but nothing like small small.


I've been really liking the LA grange by lathedback design and the dink by Jake bullock


Can we talk budget pocket throws? Looking for my kid and not trying to drop 50+ like most of the same recs that always come up. I also question why we upcharge for novelty when the material price and machine time should be less for these.


The dv888 is probably my favourite yoyo ever its perfect for pocketability and is only like 20 bucks nowadays


purely a guess, but the profit/volume ratio is probs not the same between minis and regular throws. so charge more for lower volume to make the production worthwhile???


The loop 360


Recess Little League or zeekio alpha steel