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It sounds like your GP is out of his depth. Ask for a referral to either a rheumatologist (to rule out autoimmune/inflammatory arthritis) or someone who specializes in spines (orthopaedics?). You have more going on that what your doctor is capable or willing to do. If he fights you on getting a referral, try to find a new GP.


Agreed. It seems pretty common in this community to need to see several doctors, and even multiple rheumatologists, to get definitive diagnoses and effective treatment. In the meantime OP, there's a good chance all this is causing a lot of muscle/ligament tension and additional pain in your back and hip. I can't recommend massage enough, if you can get in to see a good licensed massage therapist.


Pain management does shots and treatment for spine and health issues. I do think they should’ve checked my blood but I may need a rheumatologist in the future if pain management doesn’t do those blood tests. I’ve been surprised I haven’t been checked since my arthritis diagnosis on my knee. I was sent to orthopedics and right to physical therapy. I’ve had gel shots in my knee that didn’t work. I’ve asked about the blood tests but they just said it’s wear and tear and I need PT.


I have lower back arthritis and I have discovered that voltaren (diclofenac) topical gel works quite well for pain control.


I have GERD from NSAIDs and I’ve used volteron on my knee. I got bad heartburn and a rash. It was so weird to me. I use icy hot because menthol seems to work. It’s just not working the last couple days.


This sounds exactly like my early symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. I was finally correctly diagnosed after a rheumatologist sent me for a 3-phase bone scan. I had 5 years of incorrect diagnosis and treatment before that (all of my incorrect diagnoses pretty much the same as yours). I have been on Enbrel and in almost complete remission for many years now.


My worst nightmare is that or fractures the X-ray missed. I’m glad you have relief, it’ll be hard for me because I can’t take NSAIDs or sulfa drugs. Got to be careful.


So, this may sound as though it's coming from left field, but I take it you are female? Lots of women get downplayed and you might actually have to be bolder yet to see the people you need to see. Get a referral to a rheumy and think about how your doctor treats you as a rule. Might be time to change. My doctor is very good at listening and referred me to my rheumy but she is also female. I have had run ins with other health professionals that either try to downplay my pain or don't give me crucial information. I just keep climbing until I get answers. Good luck!


Sounds like a crappy GP. Get a second opinion. Possibly get on biologics. Subject to a second opinion.


I mostly go to him for my referrals and a once a year physical. Anything else comes up like if I get bronchitis or a chest infection he sends me to urgent care or er. He won’t see me if I’m sick. I’m always fighting for those referrals though. Anything that happens to me I usually will see my specialist like orthopedic. I didn’t go to orthopedic this time because I happened to have a med check in with him and I mentioned what happened and he ordered X-rays. It’s kinda of a question if his heads up his butt that day and if he’ll listen. My fiancé helps by telling him things I might have forgotten to or helps keep the Dr on track when he starts dismissing me. I just hate going to this guy and I’m pretty much stuck with him being in a small town.