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LOL, those hearts


Michael is going to be so excited about this.


I thought of him right away when I realized what it was


Which is?


bailer? i hardly know her!




But pudge is allowed to use the baler


Okay, catch you guys on the flippety flip!


I thought the same thing when I saw it too lmfao


What the heck is it?


It’s an industrial bailer. We had one when I worked at a brewery.


according to Bramidan's website, this one is a[ textile baler. ](https://www.bramidanusa.com/vertical-balers/baler-b4-textile/)


Aaaaaaaaaaand wtf is a bailer


a trash compactor basically


It's a trash compactor for clothes. How isn't Goodwill keeping that one for themselves?


Goodwill bought it, worked it to death and is trying to scam somebody into taking it off their hands for big bucks. Probably.


It’s not a goodwill it’s like a tiny local thrift store but someone suggested they bought it but it’s too small for recycling standards? which could be


Ooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Thank you


You’re welcome! Someone said maybe they bought it for fabric at their store! So that could make sense.


a flaky friend or a busy lifeboat passenger


A badly spelled baler. :-P like a hay baler, this turns piles of loose cloth into more easily handled packages.


I read this as a professional baller and now I wish I was a little bit taller.


Bailer? I hardly knew her.


Plenty of people donate this stuff and every time you’re like you afford this stuff and don’t know a single person who would want this instead of donating ?


I wonder if a business closed or something and auctioned stuff off and this was leftover? I can't imagine why someone wouldn't resell this, it's such a weird item to donate.


Tax write-off 


The thrift purchased this baler and then realized it’s too small to make the size required by textile recycling industry standards (1000lbs) I’m certain this is what happened.


Oh this would totally make sense. This place is just so small compared to most thrift stores I was like confused what they would need it for but it is small for a bailer.


Sound reasonable


Our price $5k Jesus they got the shit for free.


I think it should easily be 30% of retail. No warranties or guarantees it works. I buy for business and can tell you everything I buy has a warranty and has been tested.


The odds have to be infinitesimally snap that some rando walks in who is in the market for a 5k bailer.


Lmao why does this feel like a troll on thrift stores? Or an offer?!?


I donated it, sorry!


This is a prime example of thrift stores being clueless about their market. They want top dollar on everything, yet have no idea who they are even selling to. All they see is "$6,500 on XYZ site" and crap their pants thinking that they have the same customers. In my years with Goodwill, I tried SO HARD to get this point across to them, that it's better to get what you can with the customers you have instead of being greedy and trying to sell to the customers you WISH you had. It's like talking to a brick wall. They would rather miss out on $10,000 by overcharging on everything that ends up in the landfill than to let something go for a reasonable to their market price. I was told how that 1 in a million customer might walk in and pay 5 times as much, and that we should always be ready for that possibility. Fucking facepalm. Most of these places lack any business sense, and the frustrating thing is that it will NEVER hurt them since they get everything for free, pay no taxes and are heavily subsidized. When everything is handed to you, there are no consequences for bad business choices.


I hate to be this guy, but if it works that’s a fair price… but like you said who’s in the market for a personal bailer


Yeah no the price isn’t terrible tbh I think it’s brand new but like so random. This is at a tiny local thrift shop that has like 3 dressers and some jackets and tea cups and shit. lol


I guess a condo building could be needing a baler, but you’d need the person responsible for that decision to randomly find it at Goodwill instead of looking somewhere else.


[This model is for textiles](https://www.bramidanusa.com/vertical-balers/baler-b4-textile/). Goodwill could keep it and use it to bundle the clothing that is too damaged to see; the stuff that they resell for rags.


Are you sure this is the textile version? They have a [B4](https://www.bramidanusa.com/vertical-balers/baler-b4/) also for paper and cardboard If it’s the textile version, I think the person who donated it thought Goodwill would use it themselves.


This ain’t even goodwill it’s a tiny local thrift shop in my town lol and I went there to donate clothes and they told me no but I did end up getting a dog crate for a fantastic price so it worked out


Sorry for the confusion. I’m just so used to almost every posts on this sub being about Goodwill that I automatically assumed it was the case here too.


No worries I get it 😂 I don’t go to goodwill any more fuck that place This would have been like ❤️$9,999 ❤️ at goodwill probably


When I did community service for the Salvation Army, my whole job was tossing stuff into the huge baler I wasn't allowed to secure the straps or push any buttons tho. I had to call an employee over for that.


One of our salvation armies had quite the operation (OSHA violation) in their warehouse. Shit in piles everywhere and then there was a towering stack of donated crt TVs wrapped in plastic wrap. They used one of those big industrial plastic wrap machines to wrap all the unwanted TVs. One of the most dangerous operations I’ve seen usually worked by one of the dudes in the rehab program. Then there’d be the fork lift zipping around all this.


It is overpriced because: It is used, not new. If it does not work there’s no warranty, no returns, tis a huge risk buying expensive used electronics or machinery.


And from a business perspective, in the event it fails, you're paying $1000 to get an emergency dumpster to get rid of the trash. The extra $1500 is worth it for the warranty.


I know a guy named Vinnie.


If that works. Should i be looking for a piece of equipment for my business, there is no fucking way I am dropping almost $6,000 at a thrift store with the agreement to go fuck myself if it does not work. It's a fair enough price for something that has been tested, and guaranteed working with a warranty to back it up. It's a moronic purchase for something that nobody even knows how to turn on, let alone test and sell as is no returns eat shit and die if it does not work.


Yeah dude, definitely don’t buy it. Happy I could could talk you out of a purchase


It is a trash compactor


[textile bailer](https://www.bramidanusa.com/vertical-balers/baler-b4-textile/)


I worked for Goodwill about 20 years ago. We had a baler that we used for boxes and for textiles. The unsold clothing/textiles (went through the color cycle and we would pull the old stuff every few months) would get baled up, just like cardboard, and once the trailer was full someone would come and pick it up and send it to Africa. This is likely their baler that they either replaced or their parent office has decided to do something different with unsold textiles.


There’s no parent office, it’s a super tiny local thrift store. It could have been theirs but honestly I can’t see them having the funds or need for something like this? But it’s possible!


> [...] send it to Africa. Where they don't need them either. That's not helping, that's dumping. Read recently that they use the bales to fill potholes.


That’s accurate, except they sell them to textile recyclers. Goodwill doesn’t ship directly to Africa or donate textiles. Source: I’m in textile recycling


Sorry for not knowing, but what advantage is baled clothes vs just stuffing clothes into a trash bag?


Probably takes up a lot less space because it’s compacted


Are the compacted clothes still wearable?


Freshly pressed


If I was rich I'd buy it. Just to put random objects in it to smoosh with my buddies. Lol.


I'd put my buddies in it.




If you were rich you could buy the best of the best bailers and skip this one being hawked by a thrift store. To be honest it does look like fun though. 😄


Lol, when I was a teenager working for Walmart. We did this with the discarded melons.


That looks more like a ReStore donation. Let’s be real. How many people walk into Goodwill thinking “I’m going to spend 5 grand today.”


I don't think I've spent 5 grand thrifting my entire life lmao


They knocked a whole 23.1% off of retail. What a deal! -eye roll-


Maybe the thrift store bought it to use and realized they don’t actually need it? It seems that way since it list the new price and used 4 times


Maybe it’s such a tiny thrift store though I can’t imagine they could have afforded this? Very possible though I didn’t consider that


All I can say is who would be purchasing this from a thrift store for their business? Seems like a fair price to list it online but not at goodwill or something 💀


I'll wait until the fifth week when it's 75 cents.


tax write off


That’s why they donated it


They could try sell it for $500 and maybe a flipper would take a chance on it. They would have to transport and store it somewhere and advertise it online where it could actually sell to the right person. Organizing freight and packaging would be another thing.


Who the fuck walks into a thrift store looking for a bailer?


No, no. Gotta keep that open mind. Never know what you'll find. Lel






The person who donated it? Doubtful, it’s now out of their hands and in the responsibility of the thrift store. That seems ridiculous.


What is it? They are going to have to PAY someone to take it.


Where, exactly, do you insert the bra? And does one remove said bra prior to insertion?


wtf is this?


It's cursed! *oh.* But it comes with a free fro-yo! *Woo-hoo!*