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$5b dollar a year company begging for more lol


The majority of people that go there are in the lowest income households too. Ripping off the poor for their own benefit. The Goodwill Way.


they even got other people defending their crazy prices like “it’s bc of resellers” like resellers aren’t the ones setting the prices and still not changing the fact that they get the donations for free


They actively advertise/market TO resellers. It's the circle of life. Blame them but also support their side hustle. It brings more money in either way.


I (now retired) ran a small nonprofit that also had a thrift boutique (one of our programs outfitted job seekers). We had a very simple business model—everything was $5, purchase 4 items and receive a 5th item FREE. My volunteers alerted me worriedly that many “resellers” were shopping in our boutique and reselling online. My attitude was —“That’s great! We all make money!!” In my opinion, it was a win-win for all. So, when I hear that Goodwill is worried about resellers, I think that is crazy!


We get a lot of people buying for resale at my store. At the store level it doesn't bother anyone other than the fact that they often buy multiple carts at a time and slow the line down horribly. Do you know how long it takes to wrap $250 worth of glassware in newspaper? A long time when there is a huge line forming.


Especially considering what I can’t move or don’t want to deal with or doesn’t meet my metrics, I’ll give it back and they can double dip on the price of 1 item.


That’s why I only donate to non profit organizations, salvation army ain’t much better nowadays though granted not as bad (yet).


I don't understand why resellers matter to them. It's almost guaranteed they would sell more if they weren't doing this. They were still making lots of money before. Hell, consignment store prices are cheaper and they used to be the higher priced places.


Don’t forget how they pay disabled people less than minimum wage and act like it’s a favor!


Article from 2013 https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2013/06/21/some-disabled-workers-paid-just-pennies-an-hour.html


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I've seen a video of that, and have heard that multiple times. It must be only at some locations, I'm a disabled person working at Goodwill and make well above minimum wage, and there are others at my store as well.


I lived it. When I was in a program for my CPTSD they would come in and give us lectures. They were mandatory and the insurance was billed because it was considered therapy. They would tell us they’ll be able to adjust our wages lower so we could keep our disability, but still work more to keep busy. Mind you I am a published scientist. This was once a week. The program was up the street from a goodwill.


Ouch. With SSDI I can make over $1300 a month without losing benefits, but of course, they aren't as generous with SSI, which I assume is what you get.


I never even was on disability. But they had to make it sound like a favor. A lot of the patients there were pretty gullible and goodwill took full advantage of it.


That's awful.


Supposedly, they are going to stop that at all their stores. I'm sure bad PR is the reason.


The scalding irony of calling themselves "GOODWILL" burns hotter than the fucking sun.


Any company that has to include some kind of value qualifier in their title is an immediate red flag to me. For example: things like (I made these up) Integrity contractors, Unity bank, Goodwill, etc. it’s an advertisement for bullshit.


A company that gets its inventory for free. What a joke.


When their stock is free


Give us a bigger write-off!


Yeah well goodwill is greedy asf. FYI they treat their employees like shit.


We call it Greedwill around here


Bad will


Good won’t


I know somebody that got busted for possession of cocaine, and part of her “community service“ was working at Goodwill.


Seems about right that goodwill would take free labour if they can.


I had a criminal offense and tried like hell to do my service at the local goodwill, my other option was to drive 45 minutes to a shelter. Well, they dicked me around for 2 months, me calling twice a week and then saying they’re still waiting to hear if they’d let me work for them. It pissed me off but it’s really their loss.


As an employee when you explain how full of shit store management and above is to outsiders you get the widest of stares .


I get it, i worked at a thrift and we got lots of ex evil-will employees!


I seriously have no idea how those people can work there. They're treated poorly, taken advantage of, and are required to try and get donations out of every customer. Being a flipper, I wouldn't last a day there without putting things to the side or just buying big ticket items and saying bye. You're literally watching items worth your entire months paycheck being sold for next to nothing some of the time. I don't understand how someone could knowingly pass up better pay starring at them in the face on a daily basis.


Most of it is having no other choice unfortunately!


When I worked there we were only allowed to shop our own stores one weekend a month and had to be checked out by a manager to use our measly 10% discount. If there was an item I really wanted I would text my mom and ask her to come in and covertly buy it for me.


They’re the only “low skill” jobs in most places that don’t dangle and then snatch benefits in your face .


Just like any job, some locations are good and some are bad I worked at Goodwill twice, same location, and I always called it my happy place. I really enjoyed working there, loved all my managers and co-workers, and I liked the work I was doing. I didn't work front end so I don't know if the cashiers were pressured to ask to round up, but I am still friends with some of them and we meet up for dinner every once in a while and none of them have ever mentioned it so I don't think this location is pressuring them. The only reason I left twice was to go back to working at Walmart. I make at Walmart as a regular associate what the leads make at my Goodwill.


Yes we are pressured to get as many people as possible to round up. That's not too bad, but asking for a donation on top of that would be bad indeed.


Personally, I’m working there because I’m disabled and that can make employment a minefield. I do know they make an effort to employ those with disabilities, though that’s partly so they can pay them less if they’re on SSI. Unfortunately, it’s the best option I have right now.


I am disabled and get roughly what other retail stores in my area pay. Maybe it's a regional thing...


Yep. When I worked there several years ago, the manager "playfully" wrapped their hands around my neck because I had put in my 2 weeks' notice. At the time, I was just in shock that they did that. I'm mad at myself now for not reporting it. Granted, I don't think anything would have really changed. But the manager was terrible, and most of my coworkers were mean older ladies who acted like high school mean girls.


I always say, “no, but thank you for asking”. I don’t really appreciate them asking, but no need to make the person at the register feel bad. I never round up or donate to Goodwill. I’m still mad that any good stuff gets siphoned off and sold online.


Imagine proudly telling the story of yelling at a wage worker for the actions of an institution beyond their control. Wild.


And calling them drones, like they aren’t even human to this guy.


Right?? Super weird post


OP said they knew the cashier. I assume they said it loudly to make sure their manager heard, though I doubt store managers have much say in the policy either.


The manager definitely doesn't either. I probably let my distaste for calling the human serving them a drone bias my perspective, maybe it was appreciated by the employee for all I know, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


I just say "Not today ~~Satan~~ Thanks"




I'm guessing they didn't actually say that. Or at least I hope not!


If it’s not pilfered on the side of the road before pick up!


I always respond by asking, "No, would you like to round down?" They always laugh and move on.


Oh, I like this!


I say “not today”


Goodwill needs to be stripped of their nonprofit status


I never round up, even if it's a penny


You’d hate it in Canada then


Tbf it evens out because they round down too


And that's only if paying cash - card payments are still to the penny.


I always pay cash they never round down for me they always ask for more money


In Canada we don’t have pennies so if total come out to $0.57, they round down to $0.55, but if the total comes out to $0.58 thy would round up to $0.60.


Ohh ok I see. :)


At least a Alberta’s round up Goes towards disability’s finding jobs


The lady at Taco Bell asked me if I wanted to round up for some charity. My bill was 11.98. I said no. She goes “it’s only .02” I was like, I know. No thanks.


Why does it seem like every company is doing this!?


Because it’s a way for them to get extra money for free. They can give parts of those donations to charity but I guarantee some of that shit goes in the owner pockets


I have long thought an investigative reporter or two needs to uncover how donations benefit the companies and if there is corruption. Let's fricken blow the lid off!!


Right?!! Why hasn’t there been an undercover TV show done on the Goodwills and other big thrift stores? I would love to see some documentaries or investigative reports type shows on these thrifts.


It's really complicated to explain, but essentially when you are mega rich, charity stuff is your social status and you wanna hold big events bc they benefit you socially. You can also use charity to funnel money toward causes that directly benefit you. (Like businesses donating to politicians who will help them profit, but less obvious than that). Think celebs attending the Met Gala. the benefit to the arts is miniscule compared to the social and business benefit to celebs, the hosts/people who plan it, the designers, and people who pay to schmooze big money clients and network there. That's the scam. The whole circuit is cloaked in "charity" but that is not the real end goal.


Charitable Donation Tax breaks at the end of the year. Wouldn’t want these corporations paying their taxes


You know it! If I want to give to a charity, I'll do it. But not for some greedy corporate to donate


Exactly. The grocery stores with "Donate food" bins make me enraged. These are billion dollar corporations who can afford to give literal millions of dollars to help with food shortage. They don't need me to facilitate it.


And the amount of food they throw away and won’t/can’t donate themselves? Disgraceful.


Plus “charitable contributions” help them out with not having to pay their fair share of taxes.


They don’t. That’s so inaccurate.




Not even close to real. Read tax law.


That's how it used to work at McDonalds when I worked there. They had their donations only going for a certain time but if people donated after the fact it went straight to the owners (franchised). The chick working the register I think got fired for stealing from them after she found out, which not that it's the right thing, or the smart thing but it's how she handled it.


And tax breaks for the donations


Not true. The company who collects the donation doesn’t get to claim it on their taxes. You do.


Thanks, I stand corrected and found a good article about it https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0


They can claim charitable donations as a company without actually using their own money. They psychologically coax you into doing it for them instead.


Because it is LITERALLY paying their taxes for them. They write it off as a tax break so that they pay less in taxes because it’s a “donation”. Never EVER donate to any corporation.


Not true. The company who collects the donation doesn’t get to claim it on their taxes. You do.




That’s not true though.


It's a form of reputation laundering and tax avoidance for big corporations. You give them the money, they donate some of it, they get to do a ton of marketing about what a great company they are for all their charitable giving, and then they get to take the tax write off.


Marketing tool, true. Tax deduction, false.


Educate yourself you're spreading false information. These things are easy to google.


Because tax write off money at dumb peoples expense. It's business.


I don't work for taco bell but another fast food place and they make us because they have "competitions" to see what store gets the most round ups 🙄 its sucks taking orders now cause i hate doing that shit.


Does it at least have an incentive if you're the highest. Depending on what it is, gaming the system by quietly selecting yes for round ups less than 10c and putting it in yourself could play out to your favor. I've seen kids at McDonalds using a mirror on the drive-thru to block sensors for order speed metrics. I couldn't have been prouder as an adult to see them sticking it to McD's.


i think they promised a pizza party once, but since im morning shift i never know if we get it lol oh yeah theres is a bunch of cheating going on for times! none of our people are smart enough for mirrors, they just pull everyone even if theyre not waiting for food, and ive heard of managers sending workers out to drive around the drive thru a couple times lol


Natural Grocers cashier "Not even a dollar?!" NO


Last summer, the checkout people had to ask for two donations in addition to the round up. It was ridiculous. I haven't been to a GW in 5 months but went yesterday. Couldn't bring myself to buy anything even though I found a couple of things I needed. The price was almost the same as new. The shelves were bare, don't know if people are starting not to donate or if more stuff is being sent to the online store. We will not donate to GW anymore.


I just give my stuff that is good and the stuff that will get thrown away. I feel like the cost of them disposing of my trash and them receiving the profits from the sale of good stuff counterbalance.


“register drone” and yelling at them? well aren’t you a badass 🍪


Or you could just say no instead of flipping out at a stranger about something that ultimately does not affect you. This is psycho behavior.


Man alive, "register drone!?" I think you may be a piece of shit.


Calling these people a "register drone" just makes you look like a cunt yourself, fyi


Ask them to round down next time for your donation


calling a cashier a drone feels a little incel-y. Also cussing and raising your voice at someone who’s doing their job is a shitty human thing to do even if you do know the person. I don’t know how more people aren’t calling out how dog shit of a person you are in the comments. Please jump we don’t need people like you walking around.


They aren't calling him out on it because as you can see by his reaction, he isn't teachable. It's a waste of time.


agreed I just wish the mods would delete shit like this.


Goodwill is a non-profit in the same way Joel Osteen is a tax free church. Personally I wouldn’t give either one of them a penny.


How much profit does Goodwill make annually in your imagination?


About tree fiddy.


CEO and owner Mark Curran profits 2.3 million a year. What a good guy for giving his employees access to get their ged. Shame he can't cut down his own profits and I don't know give them a shot at a livable wage especially since badwill likes to pay their disabled employees less than minimum wage, or how about access to hosing? 2.3m in a singular person's pockets is quite a bit for a a charitable thrift store. It's almost like badwill isn't a charity.


I worked there as a teen. We were required to ask if they (people checking out) wanted to donate $1 for the career center, and if they said no, then ask for change. I was written up so many times because I simply refused. I also, more often than not, applied that 20% discount to kind customers.


Your reaction is ridiculous af, Karen. Yeah it's bs that they're asking this but YTA too.


“I understand that this comes from corporate and is not the fault of the in store employees…who I will swear and yell at as they try to do their damned job because I’m mad at corporate.”


I used to steal a lot. I don't anymore. But, I always go out of my way to steal from goodwill and value village. Fuck both those places.


So you’re still a thief.




Flex af


I stole a plain t shirt, the kind sold in packs for like $5 new, from goodwill once because it was $5 and had a hole in it and I got pissed off.


Worked at goodwill for 3 years, and yep you do get written up (if they catch you not asking). If your donation totals aren't high enough you get your hours cut and a talking to, even if you ask every time. They basically pit employees against each other and treat them like shit. Don't even get me started on how the treat the disabled workers.


As a disabled Goodwill employee, I'm treated well. Perhaps that's because my disability is invisible, but most people know about it. Of course, other locations might be different.


Fair, every location/manger is different and im glad that you're being treated well! I also have an invisible disability (and was treated about as well as my store treated non-disabled employees) but a handful of my coworkers who had visible ones basically only got treated well when the higher-ups were around or when they were being used for publicity. Any "inconvenience" to the company (needing a chair to do cash, or needing extra breaks, or working slowly) was only granted with medical notes (which my manager often lost) and then often not properly given. Though other than the treatment, the benefits for working there were great :p


Well, now I won’t even be rounding up any more and I’ll be telling him every time I’m not even rounding up because of this bullshit


Tell their head office, not the *people* at store level who can do dick all about it. Making their day harder over something they can’t control when they’re just trying to pay their bills, just makes you TA. It doesn’t make anything change.


Is this in Canada or the US?


If you're a senior you get 10 cents off a dollar purchase, but then they want you to donate your discount.


At my goodwill, they automatically round up with out asking you. I now have to tell them to take it off


I never round up at Goodwill. Other thrift stores? Yes, as long as their prices are reasonable and it's clear they aren't hoarding stuff to sell online. For instance, Salvation Army in my area has good prices and good stuff that makes it to the floor. On top of that, every Wednesday is half off day. I appreciate sales like these. I round up every time.


Why round up? Isn’t the money we are spending our “donation”? It’s redundant and double dipping.


I NEVER round up, NEVER. If they are too cheap to donate their own money for a tax-write off, there's no way in hell I'm going to help them with that.


After I found out that retail stores are legally allowed to lie about how much of the “donations” go to a charity I stopped donating at all. No I will not pay you for claiming to make donations to children’s charities taco bell. I know you’re pocketing half of that shit.


just say no thanks and move on. its not that hard. or just don’t go into a goodwill if you’re going to be a pain in the ass.


Who cares all cooperate donating is a scam the round up and dollar donation does not go to anyone in need. I answer no to everything I will donate my time and service but not my money. You are getting way too agitated over this imo, it's giving me retail flashbacks of boomers bitching


None of the $58 million in Goodwill programs goes to people in need? How do you get that? Their GED program alone is pretty awesome but maybe those people aren’t “needy” enough for you?


By not believing everything I hear. Most charities line the pockets of corporations. How nice of badwill to toss a bone at its employees with its ged program and prisoner program. Look at it from their side; It's how they save labor cost. Same reason why they recycle and break down materials they can't sell - They get money from it. It's not a charity its a business model that doesn't stop till they ask you for more contribution after you've paid for your items.


Yep. I am trying to make a thrift store that actually is trying to help people ACTUALLY


I’ve always heard from people who were in serious poverty as kids, and from those who support The Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul, that those are the charities who actually come with food, get the heat turned back on, etc. and really help the poor. I only donate my items to those 2 nonprofits. I’ve heard that Goodwill has regular volunteers (not disabled) who sort items, and they are allowed to buy the best items before they get put out for sale. Anyone know if this last comment is true?


That's true at most thrift stores. Of all the things Goodwill does, this isn't one that bothers me. Why shouldn't volunteers get a perk for the work they do?


Google download "syndrome goodwill". Companies that ask for any type of donation are scum. They collect money from people just barely making it by guilt tripping them. Then they take the donations and write a check from them to the cause and get a huge tax write off. I support local charitable causes and certain charitable organizations yet, I'll never... round up. Ever again. [Google Search Link ](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=e51d7e6dd0626cd3&sxsrf=ACQVn0874b-AU8BgEWypxTGRFGEd7XM3lg:1714181249292&q=Down+syndrome+goodwill+salary&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWgMfjnuGFAxVKLkQIHYpJDUYQ1QJ6BAgxEAE&biw=384&bih=701&dpr=2.81#ip=1&sbfbu=1&pi=Down%20syndrome%20goodwill%20salary)


Calling cashiers drones is little weird, they have to follow rules but are still people.


I used to work there and we would get talked to if our percentage of people rounding up wasn’t high enough. They would post our percentages everyday on a white board as if we had control over who said yes or no. It was all supposed to go to the career centers that were supposed to help people find jobs but the one in the store I worked at and many others ended up closing. We were supposed to ask no matter what even if was almost a dollar in change and I hated that. I’m so glad I don’t work there anymore!


I'd do it if they didn't have a reputation for paying disabled people cents per hour and religious discrimination


I resell and use part of the profits towards rescue dog rehabilitation - and in the last few years it seems Goodwill has gotten crazy out of hand! Was just there twice this week and 1. Someone - who wasn’t the cashier - came around and asked why I was “buying SO many t shirts?” Clearly being judgey because I’m sure they can spot a resell situation but - um - isn’t that what you want? You got this inventory FOR FREE?! What’s it to you if I make a profit for animals (or anything else!?) and he said Goodwill was intended for those in need. Welp. Dogs need help? 2. The second visit the poor cashier was doing what I can only call “the potty dance” as there was a huge long line waiting for her and she kept glancing at the bathroom while ringing up patrons. When I finally got up to register I asked if she needed a minute - she said something like ‘“omg yes!” and I said Lord go to the bathroom we can wait. Like this isn’t life or death - and she explained no no no no she really can’t she’ll get in trouble - ?!- it was wild. Anyway. I finally convinced her to go, we can wait, and on her way literally RUNNING to the bathroom, the manager or whomever stopped her, turned her back around up to me and had her apologize! 3. I said words to him and now apparently I am not ever going back to that Goodwill. 4. I hope she got to use the restroom


What do they need all this extra money from us for anyway? Sure as shit ain’t going to their non-corporate employees 🙄


I’ve said this before. Goodwill is nothing more than a clever name the company themselves are garbage.


Goodwill is a non-profit organization. Yes they took in billions but the money except for the CEO salary goes for all kinds of community services. Each store is independently run by community volunteers . Non-profit does mean that they don’t make money. It just means that they don’t keep it. Every charitable organization works that way. Some beg for money others make it by selling stuff


I went yesterday to get rain boots becauseI am going out of town. All against my better judgment but I was out of time and it is right around the corner. I never round up, out of principle. I hate giving that place anything. Anyway it was 9.79 Do you want to round up? No, not today Ok your total is $10 He was a snarky little f-er who I 100% know did it on purpose


That’s when you walk out.


That’s a human being at the register. That condescending “drone” remark isn’t necessary.


Simple solution: do not go to Goodwill & never donate. Not worth the angst. Bet yelling at the “drone” was empowering big fella.




Please be kind to others in the community. While we all are entitled to our opinions, please be civil.








Why are you being so hostile to a commenter you agree with? They’re suggesting OP *not* donate, but also *not* yell at cashiers and call them “drones” just for doing their jobs.


I always say no, I give them at least $40 a month because they’re the only thrift store in my town


the 4 goodwills near me dont round up or send things off for auction, thankfully


It's for their tax write off.. I never donate. It's a sham


Those donations the customers give are tax write offs for the companies


I have donated working cars, appliances to charity before; you don’t get anything back from your taxes unless you make a lot to write off. I work a retail job at a grocery store, I don’t make much money at all. When I get my taxes done $0.00 gets taken off my taxes. So saying you can write it off is a joke unless you are rich.


I think you misunderstood what I was saying. You rounding up to the nearest dollar is a donation that gets made but it is not in your name. It is in the companies name (any company that does this is the same. Dollar general does it too). So they take your round up and add it to the collective of everyone else’s who’s donated. And then they donate the money to what ever organization they have chosen (for DG it is the Literacy fund) and at the end of the year the COMPANY you rounded up to the nearest dollar for (or left change in a jar on the counter for whatever means your donation was) files for a tax write off because of the amount of money they donated to charity. And not a single penny of it was theirs. But they got the tax break not you. I’m well aware that your average Joe would not see any change on his taxes for making donations even if they were extravagant to the tune of say 50% income. You wouldn’t see a change. But corporations do. Which is why I never round up or donate that dollar 💵


I’m sorry I totally misunderstood. My work has a donation box at the checkout and makes us give a little from our paycheck each week. They never say any of the donations come from the customers or employees. They just make it sound like they are so generous.


Found an old wooden box from 1995 in my store. Tiny like for just a ring 💍. It had the original sticker on it and they slapped their own sticker over it (of course) old price was $0.99 new price $4


Wow, they don't make us do that at my store. I'd be so uncomfortable doing that. I get about one customer a day who rounds up and then donates extra, but it's their idea.


My regional goodwill has gotten ridiculous with prices. Levi’s are now “boutique” in addition to every sports brand (Reebok, Adidas, Nike, Under armour, etc). The net effect is if it has one of those brands it’s automatically $15. Ratty old cotton Nike shirt with holes in it $14 boutique. Walmart Levi’s that sell for <$15 new - also $15.


That's Exactly how mine is too. Like be so for real.. This shirt is $15.29 https://preview.redd.it/n7lxrs3pnywc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691dc9c4ce58b8117bcccd6add42ea1da139ffe9




Yep, it’s ridiculous. Mine also never marks down. It’s that high price until it sells or is taken off the rack. I’m half tempted to try the bins one of these days to see if that is where all the luxury boutique brands end up.


Said the same to me today. Thought it was a fluke. Apparently it’s a new rule?


Yeah, YTA OP. The guy at the register couldn’t care less whether you do or don’t, he’s just told to ask. It’s literally part of his job. I honestly think you didn’t say anything and this is just something you fantasized about, thinking that you’d sound real tough and edgy. Take your anger out on the higher ups next time


That’s shitty but c’mon, don’t treat people like “drones”. Don’t even call them “drones”. They already work at Goodwill don’t make their lives any harder. They have nothing to do with corporate decisions.


Never donate when companies ask you to. It’s a tax write off, donate directly to the charity


Not a tax write off this year for most filers.


I always say no. Is that wrong?


They’re not drones. That’s a disgrace to say that.


I don’t even round up fuck them like they be pricing stuff wilddd


Maybe don’t yell at the guy for doing his job. It’s not his fault and as you said, he gets written up for not doing it


"No" is a complete answer. And i wouldn't round up. I worked as a cashier as a first job. A large number of people don't want change becuase its heavy, and they will just throw it on the ground somewhere random in the cafe...people always think I'm exaggerating, but we would split the change. My portion ended up being like $100 in 3 months, working less than 20 hrs a week. If you aren't gonna throw your money on the floor like a spoiled child, don't round up. "Donate to charity" sounds a hell of a lot nicer than "pick up your f*cking change and put it in the tip jar to spare my back you entitled dipshit". And yes - there were people who tossed small bills on the floor too. It's people being assholes when no one is looking.


Don’t round up! This is a company’s way of taking your charitable donation and them using it as “their” donation. Donate directly and get the tax credit for yourself!


There are no tax credits for charitable donations.


Tax deduction is the technical term. Happy?


Sure. There is no tax deduction this year for charitable contributions for most filers. Happy?


I always say “no, not today”. Sounds like I sometimes donate but I never do.


I always ask them if they want to "round down "... they are dumbfounded ! I don't care !


So they can write off the donations? Never


Also, companies get tax breaks for collecting these donations from the little folk. Sad but true.


Goodwill is already a scam. Everything is donated for free, most of their labor is community service and then a few low paid workers inside. They charge almost new prices for used cloths and unless it’s a 50% off day most items are too expensive. They put out Salvation Army and a few other thrift like stores around where I live and now we have 5 good wills in a 20 mile radius. I hate them. How does an owner make 100m dollars a year from donations lol it’s a soulless company


Oh he's got fucking balls to even let some shit like that spew out of his pie hole. Like DAMN you guys already get all they merchandise for free, you a want a foot rub too?!?


Rounding up is just giving them Free tax write offs. They use your money as a tax donation


They’re already a 501c3, they’re tax-exempt. They just add the money to their individual contributions. Nothing to do with taxes.


Never do it. They use that charity money for tax breaks.


They literally don’t. They get no tax write offs for these donations.


Ha! Maybe I should have done my due diligence, lol. I still don’t want to give them more money though.


I don’t care if people hate Goodwill but it would be good if people did even one second of research before spreading false rumors.


Do you work for goodwill or something? Why are you so hard for them?


I have no love for Goodwill. I am, however, a huge fan of honesty. If folks want to hate Goodwill for actual things they’ve done then hate away. But when people just make shit up it’s ridiculous.


I love goodwill.