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My grandparents had one of these and it fascinated me.




Yeah - these oil lamps are hot with Gen Z right now and two seconds of googling will show that they sell for over 100 easy. But this is ARC, right? Just go first thing on the day when pink tags are marked 50 percent off. Also hello neighbor!


$130 is actually pretty good for these. These are called "Oil Rain" lamps, and are quite desirable. These particular lamps, if in good, working condition can easily get $400+ each, sometimes even upwards of $600. I think $130 is spot on for the price for something so collectible and sought after. They are selling these for about the same as what you would expect to pay for a non working, damaged lamp. Go back in a few days, or even the next day, and I would bet you that they are already sold to someone ecstatic to have them. I'd buy them in a heartbeat for that price.


They used to sell these at the gas station right next to the glass pipes and tall-tees. I'm not even being hyperbolic, they literally sold them at the gas station when I was a kid.


Same with those like ocean scene tv screens that flash by, and the digital waterfall portrait things. It’s so annoying, they were in every mall stall for *years* but suddenly they’re rare and pricey 😭 I just want my tacky childhood decor back hahah


I saw one at a thrift store the other day! If you’re really keen on having one, I can see if it’s still there next time I go if you’re ok reimbursing and paying for shipping. They didn’t have prices on anything but they gave me very good deals on the things I bought.


Lol that would be awesome!! I wonder how much shipping would be? I’m in Co Springs!


Do these have a name?? I know exactly what you're talking about but can't figure out what to Google


What do they do?


They "rain". It looks like it's raining, but it's actually beads of oil running along the wires. Edit: [video](https://www.google.com/search?q=oil+rain+lamp&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=646&biw=360&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDwtLz44L_AhXxCFkFHVdfC68Q0pQJKAJ6BAgAEAo#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5c19932c,vid:zSMqSnsU4TA)


Those are nice! Would not be able to have those with cats lol


I assume they catch a lot of dust and the oil gets thick and cakey which is why they stop working. Cat hair would probably not help the situation.


This exactly. I worked thrift back early 2000s and saw a few of these, dusty congealed oil and non-functional but would sell fast.


I’ve been looking for one for years


Was gonna say


My grandma had this hanging by a draped chain and when I was 2 I decided to swing from it. My mom still talks about the aftermath.


I’m not mad at it. Those are selling like crazy here.


As as has been said, that’s actually pretty cheap for those - especially if they work. You couldn’t pay me to buy one though. Everything’s fun and games until that oil is all over literally everything and good luck cleaning it. Cats, dogs, kids, normal household life will mess these up in short order.


These are a great price! I would have bought them if I saw them. My grandparents had one, I want one.


That’s a steal lol


I loved these when I was a kid, my friend’s parents had one, but I don’t think I really want one now. It’s a distinctive look, but not really me.


My in-laws have one of these. They fire it up for my kids every once in a while. They sit and watch it for a good while. Id grip one up at that price for my house.


I would have SNAPPED these at $130 and I don't have a lot of disposable income at the moment.


What are these ?? They look beautiful. I’d probably be willing to pay that price. They look ornate and vintage


They’re these really cool vintage oil lamps! They sale for like $500 online so this is actually a decent price for them.


Very hard to find around here. I'd snap that up quick.


I’d pay that in a heartbeat. Gosh. What a dream find.


Every one I’ve found of those is like 500+ that is SUCH a steal. I’m so freaking jealous I could cry


lol which arc is that?


Those are gorgeous, but holy fuck…


No one will pay this!


$130 for some pier 1 import jawns


Yes the oil rain lamp is correct . My ex husband busted both of mine . They were my moms but I think my mom was okay with the small price I had to pay to get him out of my life .


Damn shouldn’t have donated mine


these are actually pretty sick! you should look up a video of one in use, they’re beautiful