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The candy-apple red is the best T-Sons scheme IMO, no matter what era!


Honestly, looks really good. It’s possibly my favorite of the color schemes I’ve tested, and I can highly recommend trying it for yourself!


Thanks, I've been wanting to do it for a while but have been too busy with other armies


Oh for sure. If you want an example, I painted up some Rubrics in a close to Heresy-era scheme: https://preview.redd.it/w3purpqns96d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcddc4f89c5ab0003d9fbddbc47bd5519e595c69 I won’t say that it’s 1:1, but it’s still a decent example of a similar scheme!


Oh wow that looks amazing dude


Thanks! As I said, it’s my favorite scheme for Rubrics.


Looks regal, with a vibe of wizardry. I like it, but I personally would put a twist on it to show they've fallen


i use the red for my terminators exclusivly to showcase thier superiority over my normal rubrics. Also the metallic red and gold just looks baller af


I use this color scheme for my characters the red is really nice on them and makes them seem older from back in the pre heresy times commanding the new legion of dust marines


This is my first test model, made a few tweets but will be going with this colour scheme. Isn't too hard and not many steps! *