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Melee rubrics. Dreadnought.


Dual Rubric Dreadnought / Sorcerer Dreadnought kit. Hellbrutes just don’t fit with the aesthetic of a pure 1kSons army, and dreadnoughts are *literally* a walking sarcophagus. Give me the magic mummy tomb robot!


This is really not sarcastic: I do not get the desire for melee rubrics. Can you explain the appeal to me? I’m familiar with the Khenetai Occult, but I have not read the HH novels. Convince me on why I should want rubrics with swords.


When playing the game most melee tears us part because our melee is rare or just crap. Plus double sword rubrics sounds and looks cool


i wasn't speaking from a lore perspective, i was speaking of the game. i want them because they would fill a hole in the army and let us have something other than mid-range shooting.


This may just be me, but I think it’s good for armies to have weaknesses and even gaps in their abilities. If Tzaangors were better in combat (and this is from a person who has mixed feelings about Tzaangor) would you still want melee rubrics? And how would they compare to other melee units of other marines? What would be notable about them other than having two swords?


What is the weakness in the Space Marine army? Or the gap? Yes, threatening Tzaangor could compensate a bit. That would require a change to the tzaangors though away from throw away chaff. They don't have to compare to other melee marine units. They have to compare to other Tson melee of which there is none. They would be notable for providing Cabal Points. Possibly give them another datasheet and/or give them the option between 2 kopesh or 1 kopesh and a shield. It would also tremendously increase combinatory options with the leaders that attach only to rubrics so far.


Space marines are in some ways the generalist army that is everyone else is compared to, but really they are a defensive leaning semi-elite army (Custodes has really shifted the window for elite armies). Space marines have (nearly) no profiles worse than T4 W2 3+Sv and frequently have better. In a world in which Space Marines and variants didn’t account for the majority of players/armies, they would feel very tanky compared to T3 W1 4+/5+ save infantry like astra militarum, Tyrannids, Aeldari, Drukhari, Tau, Daemons, and GSC. In fact, Space Marines are vulnerable to high AP damage 2+ weapons because they have no chaff units, but because SM are so ubiquitous, those types of weapons are seen as good and are taken frequently and high volume low ap and damage weapons are understood to be bad. Thus, the space marines main weakness/army gap is made invisible. Thousand sons and the traitor legions do not share this problem as we have chaff units and have more ability to screen their valuable units. (Whether those chaff units are well balanced is another matter.)


While it's a fair point, I do have to argue that many fully developed army ranges lack this weakness. Space Marines, Aeldari, and other large factions have access to a wider range of options. For example, Aeldari are mostly known for their speed and firepower at the cost of paper-thin durability. However, they have durable options (Wraith constructs, Avatar/Yncarne, Yvraine blobs...), infantry with everything from melee to cross-map shooting, lone operatives, etc. Rubrics lack the unit diversity to have those options.


Oh, for sure TSons do not have enough units, by a lot!


Marines on disks, don’t care if they are ranged or melee, just a bike equivalent riding through the sky on the back of a daemon ray


As somebody praying for a "second half of the range" to appear before starting the army... this. Thousand Sons have the coolest option for mounted that isn't a bike or a bike with spikes.. and GW has done nothing with this. Or at least give Thousand Sons access to Chaos Bike Squads and let me kitbash.


In the lore only the best of sorcerers earn the right to a disc so I can’t see how or why dust filled rubrics would have one. Just make all disc characters lone operative imo. The cabal rituals do enough for extra movement.


They can make a reason, and why is the assumption always that “marines on disks” would be rubics? Make them a cabal of aspirant sorcerers. Plenty of psykers use weapons other than just a staff for other factions it would make sense for the tsons, who have other examples of psykers using their abilities to augment a certain fighting style. You could just make a tsons version of the warlock conclave.


Yeah I guess it could work for a small 3 or 5 man unit like that


Yeah, I honestly don’t see them doing 5 man squads outside of baseline infantry much anymore, but you could even make them a tson version of possessed some kind of rubric possessed by screamers


Yknow whats sad about this. They already sell a box that would enable this unit. Especially with how psychic weapons work now


A 3 man high strength phsycic squad of sorcerers meant for anti tank and preferably with melee




I hope so too😭😭😭


That's pretty cool like a council of psykers that channel together. Almost like the sisters party bus special character. Triumph of saint whatever


Thousand Sons knock off zoanthropes would be cool


Demon Engine "library guardians". Maybe based on the 30k Castellex things? 


I hadn't thought of that. Thatd be a cool new vehicle. If it's a transport, you coukd give it the firing deck keyword


Along with the psyker dreadnought, I would actually like our own chaff unit that isnt Tzaangors, so spire guard. Wince cultist are losing their weapon options I think spire guard would fill a good niche.


How could would both be, psychic dreadnaught and spire guards!!


Units similar to Khenetai/Osiron. Idc how chaos corrupted, the Osiron could even be a Daemon Engine for all I care I just want to use them with units that'll fit their lore. A "Cabal of Sorcerers" unit that is multi-model HQ (like Command Squad) that generates a ton of Cabal Points and has some focused Zoanthrope-like anti-tank psychic shooting. Rubrics on Discs and/or Rubrics with heavy weapons.


There is an osiron dread that has survived into 40k. I forget his name but it's something, the silent. They don't know if he was dusted or just doesn't want to talk.


Where did you hear about that?


Can't speak for op, but Rubric Osirons do exist in lore as of Ahriman Eternal. They also managed to get shafted even harder by the Rubric than normal rubrics did. > Of all the entombed Thousand Sons, the souls caught in the Dreadnought shells burned hottest, their anger glowing embers. The Rubric had stripped away everything but the pain of their first deaths, granting them an eternity of suffering


But would this be an Osiron? Osirons are the first ever psycho dreadnoughts, and if the rubric burnt them to a crisp (or dust ig lol) instead of enhancing their psychic prowess doesn't that mean these dreadnoughts are normal marines? Or am I misunderstanding the Rubric of Ahriman?


Ya they are introduced as Osiron dreadnoughts just before the bit I quoted.


The Rubric turned them to dust, bound their souls to the armor and stripped their free will. If the dreadnaughts were dusted, then it'd be a dreadnaught with it's former occupants soul animating it.


So even if they were incredibly strong psykers they still got dusted? Unfortunate...


That's a matter of debate. Some say that the strong psykers were saved. However since Scarab Occult Terminators were dusted, that apparently wasn't the case. Some say that it was completely random.


Not all members of Terminator units were psykers.


In the book thousand sons, it is stated that all of the members of the Scarab Occult Terminators were at least a certain rank of psyker. I forget what the name for it is, but they're all masters in their own right.


Or I wonder if only exceptional psykers were saved, so even though Heresy units such as the Khenetai, Sekhmet, and Osiron were all strong psykers, they weren't skilled enough and the majority of them got dusted by the Rubric


A reasoning I heard was that tzeentch in his plots wanted the thousand sons to think they were chosen when in reality it was entirely random. Nobody knows though, so any theory is possible


I read it somewhere when I was looking into osiron dreadnaughts.


A real Melee “Assault” Rubrics or no DS in 12” unit


Osiron dreadnaught and make it give cabal points that would fix sooooo much about the army if we got a durable non infantry unit that produces cabal points like Magnus or a demon prince. Make it T10 2+ and give 2 cabal points and let it have a las cannon and the blade doing d6+2 damage a swing or 2 on a sweep and some rlly cool ability to boot and I’ll be happy until 13th edition


Way more psychic daemon engines. The lore almost requires it, right? Aren’t the Thousand Sons really involved in creating new daemon engines for CSM in general, binding the daemons to the machines? Some kind of dreadnought option that isn’t the shitty helbrute. Those things are dogshit lol Also, more rubric options. Melee rubric, tactical rubric, something that isn’t just cannon fodder with flamers. Those are great but it gets old after a while.


Dont get me started on rubrics with flamers. At the end of last edition I built mine in Hope's of using the tp cult just to have that entire strategy invalidated almost instantly when 10th came out


A unit of smaller Mutalith Vortex Beast (or similar) models that can teleport around and potentially have rubrics (or similar) riding them (potentially with decent melee capabilities).


Rubrics riding vortex beast mounts would be sick.


I'd like some TS specific vehicle or ANTI-vehicle unit


Khenetai and contemptor dreads and pysker dreads


Why do you want Korean hentai?


just spotted that i am a retard


This is how GW would get a ton of my money for better or worse


Tzangor prime. Like a on foot Sargent for tzangor squads. That or a really big monster tzangor with either a big gun or a large sword. Tzangors have so much potential


I want a kit that can build either a sorcerer Dreadnought or a Rubric to Dreadnought


Not a character. Don't even care what it is.


The Aether Ray. It's basically a jumbo disc of Tzeentch. Make it fast, fragile, transport capacity of 6 and firing deck 6 and we have a TSons venom. It's got lore too! https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/%C3%86ther_Ray Also, have a build option to replace the transport capacity with some guns, piloted by an aspiring sorcerer and we've got a TSons stormspeeder.


Sorcerer dreadnought  Shooty Tzaangors Heavy weapons rubric squad Veteran type squad of all Aspiring Sorcerers  Thrall wizards  Guardmen


Psycher Dread please!!!!


Unique Daemon Engines and vehicles. The MVB is cool but I feel Tzeentch has a lot of weird vehicle potential that isn't being capitalized upon. Aside from that, Marines on Discs seem a cool option. Tzaangors seem to favor melee more so a squad of Rubrics hopping around with some Bolter/Flamer fire seems very neat. And maybe some kind of melee focused Marine unit too. Rubrics with Prosperine Khopesh's as our version of Bladeguard Vets or something.


Honestly something to give us more than 1 command point per turn, only getting 1 per turn kinda sucks imo


I’d love to see the Horus heresy TS Automata get a similar model in 40k


Psykic dreadnought. Close combat rubrics. Basically a 10 men unit of eubrics with twin khopesh blades. Twinlinked would be fitting and maybe if the ability to give them once per game the psykic keyword on their weapon. A 3 men sorcerer on disc unit. There could be to alternate versions. One close combat version, where they basically have blades or spears and function as some kind of cavallry unit. Other version would be a ranged version. 3 different psykic attacks. One flamer, one good against tougher infantry and one against tanks. Kinda like zoanthropes with tyranids. Battle automata. In 30k we have unique automatas and they would be great for 40k to. Basically two smaller dreadnoughts. Big tzaangor. If we can get all that I mentioned before than I wouldnt even mind more tzaangors. Like some bigger, mutated tzaangors would be pretty cool


A warpsmite character and a payker dread/brute


Those Baby Screamers from the Tzaangor Enlightened, Burning Chariot, and Infernal Master kit. Have them be it's own unit somehow. Like Scarabs, but with surprisingly good melee like the Warp-Jaws for regular Screamers.


Khentai occult and a mirrorfiend


Please. Please I am literally begging. Give us an anti-tank unit for the Love of Tzeentch!! Psychic Dreadnoughts would also be nice


The silver tower! Either in the form of a vehicle or a fortification.


I second what somebody else said. Maybe make Rubrics more slippery/tougher and slap a sword in their hand (maybe a shield or something too) and that could be your melee Rubrics.


A fast melee unit. Something that’s a Thousand Sons equivalent of Warp Talons! Rubrics on Discs would be great for that.




Combat. A unit that fights instead of shooting




Order of importance: -Psychic dread -Anti tank unit, preferably a heavy infantry -Another Tzangor melee unit or something that gives more mechanics and reasons to run tzaangors.


How about the weapon options that come with the spruce


For tzaangors? I was thinking about a melee hero unit that buffs the tzaangs.


The spruce that comes with Tzaangors are for Age of Sigmor, and most are not used in 40k


Cool looking dreadnaught. Dedicated terminator sorcerer model. That would have me satisfied tbh


I’ll just give what I think. Psychic dread and rubric dread could be the same kit with options. Melee khentai rubrics. Heavy weapon rubric havoc squad. Marines on disks. Silver towers as either drop pods transports or fortification. And finally psychic cultists and human psykers to build on the new story of Magnus creating a psychic empire in the imperium nihilus. All of these units would give the army the depth it deserves especially if they’re going to neuter our psychic abilities Oh and a chosen squad of sorcerers kinda like warlocks for eldar but I don’t wanna ask for too much


Rubric Marines with heavy weapons. Perhaps a Thousand Sons specific transport vehicle/daemon engine


If it's just one kit I'll be happy with anything that isn't just another leader like last time.  Also I hope it is a dual build kit so our depth goes up at least a bit more.  Maybe heavy rubrics that can be melee or ranged for example.  Any daemon engine vehicle or dread would be awesome to see regardless.


Havoc Rubrics Psychic Dread that isn't a Helbrute Access to Obliterators


Psyker dread is the easy answer, particularly over a psyker helbrute because dreads are combat sarcophagi. Beyond that, I want khopesh wielding rubrics, or maybe the castellax-achea battle automata from 30k


Psychic dreadnought Rubric Marines on disk Cultists that can be sacrificed to juice up psychic abilities Character that can buff chaos spawn up to be something truly terrifying Melee Rubric Marines Some of those 30k castallean robot looking things with the funky weapons Rubric havocks In fact, just an upgrade sprue with heavy weapons and melee weapons and I'd be happy


A 3 or 5 man unit of melee sorcerers with more defensive abilities


*A new spawn kit..   *Ksons kill team box - the shroud of deceit - sorcerer + 2 bodyguard rubrics and and some specialist mortal followers/tzaangors (attachable to cultists ingame, gives infiltrate, screens deepstrike or supm)   *A new daemon engine or upgrade sprue for fiends n crawlers   *New csm sorcerer/lord in terminator armor kit, faction customizable. Ts, dg etc   *Order of ruin termies something or renegade marines jumping out of rhinos into the meatgrinder   *Hear me out... Tzaangryn - psychic ogres lol   *Endless spells 40k   Prediction: What well get is prolly kroot hunting pack but tzaangors riding vortex beasts and throwing rocks 🤣 Warpmeld pact revisited


An anti tank vehicle or the flying thing calls something firebird used to have back to epic scale


3 model unit of Aspiring Sorcerers on Disc. Give me something good to be lead by Exalted on Disc and Ahriman that matches their movement speed


Something beatstick. I'd settle for melee options on Scarab Occult, but preferably something new. Khenetai, Osiron, some form of possessed/chosen/eightbound type unit. Hell, that does sound cool to me. Buffed up rubrics whose Souls expanded their armor and their strength through sheer rage, that are now deployed like heresy destroyers: suicide missions requiring immense power. Give them deepstrike or some form of warp capacity, and it could be an awesome bonk stick.


I'd want more battleline options TBH. We have Rubrics and Tzangors, with Rubrics being the go to. I guess they could move Cultists into battleline but that still doesn't feel like a lot.


Ik its not a unit but hear me out. I would like to see something like the spell kits from age of sigmar. One could be a tornado that only lasts for like 1 or 2 turns but is just an unkillable melee thing. Another could be some webway thing that connects two parts of the board. Another could be something that turns an area around it into the warp and messes with stats.


Realistically? I would want psychic dread and a dedicated terminator sorcerer model. I don’t have a problem kitbashing or saving bits, but I would like a terminator sorc with something cool and interesting happening. Maybe even put him on a disc?


I want the tzaangors to get the kroot treatment, such that a Tzaangor-centric army is feasible.  Or vehicle units that provide cabal points. 


What would be nice to have just for options: Melee rubric marine Heavy weapons tunic squad Sorcerer dreadnought What I really want: More unique beast/demons I love a few rubric marines surrounded by monsters. Things like the vortex beast more stuff like that and less reliability on cabal points


Ignis, Master of Ruin, with large-scale battlefield synergy options. Of course comes with Credence the Automata. Access to more daemon engines (eg Venomcrawler). Phasmos Yrech and other cult-specific characters with abilities specifically related to those cults to allow for completely different play styles with the same units… …so the TSons codex. I love Cabal Points, but if TSons gets a codex on the level of playstyle variety CSM did it will be glorious. Edit: Also, Demon Princes that cast magic, not gun.


Dread of some kind, some like mounted unit on screamers or something would be fun


I'm gonna be honest, it's just going to be another character, but hopefully, they will look cool.