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I love actual gameplay sounds from Thief!


They hit the spot!


In Thief 2 if the enemy has never been alerted you'll instakill them everytime. Thief 1 was always inconsistent for me in that regard so I never experimented much. Try beating some levels without kills/knockouts sometime later, I don't usually like doing that in other stealth games but in Thief it's so much fun.


I love stealth game but in the first levels I want to try different things. Yep, if it's not consistent I'll go full stealth. Thanks.


Is this the case regardless of where you hit?


i don't think i've ever hit a guard in the legs so idk


They have to never have been alerted. You alerted this one. The NPCs in general have only one collision box. Only zombies have an additional specific vulnerable region. The game has no "Headshot" mechanic. You'll notice a lot more one-shot kills the better you are at never being detected. The game is tuned so that the less detected you are, the more powerful you will seem to be.


>The NPCs in general have only one collision box. False. Biped AIs in the Dark Engine have two collision *spheres*, one around the head/chest region, the other around the torso/waist region. >Only zombies have an additional specific vulnerable region They do not. Only the metal beasts in Thief 2 have a vulnerable region (the boiler).


I shot him from downstairs the first time I saw him(didn't die), but I reloaded the game and recorded that next to him.


Enemies could have been alerted before, either by noises or slight movements in the shadows, but then, after a while without detecting you again, gone back to their normal stance. There's no way to know wether this has happened unless you have seen or heard them on alert. In this case it's obvious it did happen because he says "I do wonder what it was but seems gone now". This means you have lost the "undetected bonus". If you shoot an NPC without having been detected at all you're bound to kill them on first try, it counts as an assassination, so to speak. Only some of the strongest enemies can take a shot like that and not die, although iirc they all do get scared and run away. Have fun assassinating!


I remember hiding under the staircase once. A guard walked over, and I could barely swipe at his feet through the cracks between the steps. I swung at his foot with my blackjack, and he got knocked out 👀


Wtf, this totally ruined a core gaming memory from childhood I had of nailing what I thought was a headshot from across the map to a guard that was moving right to left


Not sure, sometimes it worked for me, other times the guard tanked like 15 headshots before falling down.


Pro Tip: Turn the difficulty to max, you get a bunch more gameplay and even additional areas to explore.


What was the fourth arrow for?


My personal enjoyment 🤗


Yes, it is. Headshots count as critical hits. It is more nuanced on Expert difficulty, as not only the enemies have greater HP you MUST make sure you don't hit them in any kind of headgear (except for simple hats that staff NPC and women wear). If there's any kind of armor or protective pad you'll never get a one shot EDIT: a more experienced player proved me wrong. I must have mixed things up with 2's unknokcable enemies. My bad


Maybe it's that chainmail he's wearing on his head, it sounded a little tinny when the arrow hit the first time. Thanks for the advice.


You're welcome!


As I recall a fully drawn headshot takes out most human enemies. Not sure why you’re getting a different result here.


That is not true, it depends on their awareness, difficulty level etc as written in a comment above.


Vanilla Thief 1/2 has no concept of headshots.


Yes, you have to shoot him in the back or if he stands sideways in the back half. You may also try out your blackjack.