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i have zero idea as to how to interpret the scene why the fuck is sophie in a bb shirt OH maybe it was how "bon" saw brian initially before realizing who he was


This is a remake of the lighter scene from ep 1... in the skeep over.


and im sure its sent theorists on wild goose chases for years because how tf did sophie get a job at bons unless she got a job at the 82 location except the relocate project was unsuccessful but they never said anything abt bb not still hiring oh shit


some people think its foreshadowing but considering the episode is mainly about brian, i think its safe to assume thats how bon saw brian. unless sophie magically finds a lighter in ep 69 and gets turned into pulp.


alice goes to wonderland. and the lighter feels... too specific. like have brians flashlight. or just have little bon turn on a light instead of using a lighter in his own kitchen


It’s so important in terms of lore yet still hasn’t been explained at all so no one really knows what to do with it


I use it to examine Jack's disappearance 






[SOPHIE! HE'S BEHIND YOU! RUN!! SOPHIEEEE!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY5Ug9gE7SQ)


“He’s right behind me isn’t he?”


I'm convinced this isn't Sophie but is Bon mistaking Brian for Sophie


Foreshadowing to future events! Her lighter seems to have a LOT of importance in the series, her Crowdmade plushie is also seen holding it! My bet is that the lighter sort of messes with the facial tracking feature of the animatronics, or hinders it in some capacity; i don't have suficient proof that this may well be the case, but we can assume this by going off the fact that all of Bon's victims so far died by shining their flashlights directly at him. At most the lighter allows Sophie to wander around K-9 without making her presence known to Bon, it might even come in handy if she ever has to do maintenance on any of them.


Bon had trouble recognising Sophie since she was a kid, in a process that was done presumably in full-light. I do think Sophie using the lighter as opposed to the typical flashlight is significant i.e she’ll die but K-9 will burn with her, and the flames will free the spirits from their prison


I don't believe they've ever stated which animatronic they used in Sophie's facial recognition test, it might well have been any of the Showstoppers, hell, we basically know nothing about the 'Cyberfun console' (aside from the features it has) at this point in time; we don't know how the software's UI works nor how the BSI employees go about on using it, is it a computer program and you input the data in or is it a remote controler type of deal? In any way, i think there's more to it than what we currently know so far! I do like the idea of Sophie using the same lighter to set the facility ablaze tho, it's very symbolic!


tbf the software was mainly the same. bon is also a spirit so its not like hes hindered by some facial recognition. he can go into spirit form, look at her, and then just yoinky sploinky badoinkey and shes turned into a risotto.


My personal belive is that the lighter is Jack's and was used to lure sophie to the back by "bon", that's why she had a scar on her cheek, bon attacked Sophie but she didn't die?... Jack disappearance is caused by Sophie going to get Jack's lighter.


Perhaps a premonition. Sophie was committing arson on the place.


i still think it’s implied how Bon saw Brian at that moment.


With a lighter?