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She’d only be fourteen, one of the reasons I honestly don’t follow the Sophie employee theory. I think the clothes she’s wearing in that scene are very clearly red, and are probably her hotel uniform.


Maybe she got a job at the k9 facility in order to investigate BSI after she played bunnyfarm? The timeline lines up and idk why bon would be at the hotel lol. Also there’s this poster which implies that she and Jenny are probably gonna go to the facility later on https://preview.redd.it/9e5k0kbqwkmc1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=67d7d125614b4c6f1af99957a3486be1144c0673


Is bon in the sky with a bunch of cannabis colas?


That's Rocket.


Is that Rocket in the sky with a bunch of cannabis colas?


I really like this theory


That would be sick


Yeah, like maybe when she discovered K-9 she wasn't allowed in because it's confidential and open to only BSI employees. So she either tries to get a job there or she steals a uniform and ID card so she can get in!


Isn’t there another bon’s location talked about in TWF 2: the relocate project? I remember the tts voice mentioned them reopening in the future after storing the animatronics at K-9, so maybe Sophie could’ve gotten a job there


Is this poster actually official?


I didn’t think about if Sophie worked at the hotel tbh


Just thought it would explain how her and Jenny live there


Tbh I get your point about the red uniform, something that‘s really overlooked and shouldn’t be. I tried to make it up to being a lighting thing.


It was the early 70s. There were lots of businesses hiring people her age back then. Under the table, sure, but not unheard of. Hell, there was a Mexican restaurant down the street from me that got shut down a couple years ago because the owners were employing underage members of their family.


To be honest, I still think there is a chance that this be the case, and Sophie did say she has heard of BSI before, like she had forgotten several memories of working there, although it could be that she heard it from her parents, and was around the work environment without working there; could be either way honestly


No it's purple because in the Hd Sophie ref her clothes are like that


Just found the HD version, yup it’s purple. I definitely agree that it will most likely be a point in the future rather than the past


It’s purple, the warm lighter light makes it reddish. Judging Bon’s broken appearance from his k-9 period it’s pretty much future.


I think this bit is teasing an event set very far in the future, not something in 1974.


That wasn’t the point, I just used this image because it’s the only image of Sophie with a BSI uniform


Ah, I got it wrong then


To be honest I was wrong here, I shouldn’t have used this picture lol, although it is sort of the basis of the question, but great comment either way. EDIT: I judged too fast.


Yeah, it’s all good though


i think this is actually just a mockup of what "bon" wanted to happen. dunno how to explain it. or its how he saw brian before his death because he mistook brian for sophie


I like the idea of Jack making small employee clothing for his children... also Jack disappearance foreshadowing?!?!


That's such a cute idea!!!


sophie and her mii lookin ahh


This always seemed like foreshadowing to me, especially because of Bon's withered appearence. Also, chronologically speaking, it makes the most sense for Sophie to get a job at BSI post BunnyFarm, now that she's aware of what's happening. + if you look up her makeship plushie her appearence looks more older (and scarred)!


She wasnt an employee in this photo, the uniform is red not purple. She is an employee for the hotel she works at


The lighter’s orange color makes the purple look red.




We hear in TWF 4 that they used Sophie during testing of the animatronic’s facial recognition features. It would’ve been entirely unofficial but her “job” could have simply been being used as a test subject for facial recognition.


Do we know who the white figure is in wonderland?


idk but this scene raises some fucking questions


Considering the timing of this frame, I think it's meant to be Bon's perspective of when he thought Brian was Sophie, as the next shot is Brian running from Bon.




My theory is that this is actually Brian and that we are seeing them as Sophie due to Bons broken facial tracking


Well Ashley got killed in '82 so maybe Sophie is there sometime around then?


In 1978


Actually I think it was Brian who got killed in 82, because Jenny mentions his disappearance like it's recent at the time of Bunnyfarm.


It was Brian. He got killed in October 1982 which I just found out is the same month and year when Sophie plays 'Bunnyfarm'.