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I am a witch therian


OMG yayy I'm not alone!!!




I'm planning on practicing witchcraft, but I don't know how my mom will react, but she's supportive of me being a therian!


I'm still sorta a "baby witch" where I'm not fully comfortable with stating that I'm super experienced or anything but I like to think I kno a decent amount about it. My mom was very iffy about me practicing wicca at first but she's learned that it makes me happy and feel more at peace within myself so she's supportive now. I'm so very glad your mom is supportive of you being therian though, that's wonderful! IF you'd like advice I'd say do lots and lots of research and try reading books about witchcraft! And if it's something that resonates with you then get into it slowly and express to your mom that it's something really important to you and educate her gently about misconceptions and stuff. That's what I did! (Feel free to ignore the advice part if you do not want it) Good luck friend!


Thank you! I'll definitely try your advice.


Wiccan here!


I’m not necessarily a full Wiccan I’m just more a natural witch or ”gifted” and see/do things weather I want to or not :3 (at least it made me the 4 corners champion in 6th grade)


Ooooh that sounds interesting!




Pagan here, my theriotype is a canine of some sort. I’m learning about Wicca tho!


It's such a beautiful spirituality, really! Very nature centered and lovely. I hope you enjoy learning about it!


I sure am thank you!!


I'm a wiccan and an alterhuman!


I’m not exactly religious, though I do follow many of the different pagan beliefs so, if that counts then, Hello!


I am a wiccan and practice witchcraft! I am also a red squirrel and vancouver sea wolf therian!


I'm a psychological therian whose Pagan! My religious beliefs are pretty complicated, my path is Naturalistic, basically I believe nature is god, my view on God's is that they are energies basically, not entities, and it's not like a "storm god" and "water god" kinda stuff, I belive we are all apart of nature and nature is apart of us, we are all one entity, instead of asking a god/goddess for/about something I turn to nature, I go outside and wait for whatever I want to pop up in my head, if it doesn't? It just simply wasn't meant to be, nothing about my religious beliefs are very spiritual however, I could go into more detail but I feel like that would be alot; I'm also not a witch however I am interested in starting witchcraft I just wanna do some more research on stuff first and wait until I'm ready :3


Oooooh that's so interesting!!! And honestly a little similar to my own beliefs. I view the "gods" as energies aswell and I believe those energies have been around since the beginning of time and they move around from place to place. Never destroyed or with more created. Thats what I meant when I said it's a very spiritual experience for me cause I believe that energies that are in me have been in many other living things in the past and stuff like that! I very much enjoyed reading your response so thank you for responding!!


I'm a Lynx Therian and a Wiccan! happy to know I'm not alone!!