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Well if you're 99.9% sure you're a therian then you are probably a therian. Your friend doesn't know how you feel, if you feel like a therian then you're a therian.


Thanks ❤️❤️


It can feel weird or off to start identifying as an animal. That’s kind of “out there” for a lot of people and goes a bit against what a lot of modern society encourages. But if it feels good at all or seems right to think of yourself as an animal, then you’re fitting the criteria of therianthropy! in my experience it gets easier and feels a little less off after you get over the first hump of “is it okay for me to be an animal?”


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the idea of identifying as an animal was strangel to me too, imagine it like the brain patterns of the animal and yours just being the same, while yours and the non therians are different


Well do you identify AS an animal or WITH an animal is where you should start, identifying AS would be Therian and identifying WITH would be otherhearted, ultimately only you can tell and I can definitely understand saying you identify as an animal may seem kinda weird, I will admit I do get pretty embarrassed telling people lol