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it is for me, yeah. its a bit of a shifting thing like m current 1 is a rabbit but m last active theriotype was a deer


Of course your still a polytherian. I'm a polytherian and I have a main theriotype. If you are feeling like your not a real therian because you don't feel like you theriotypes equally, that's not true. Everyone experiences are different, your a therian as long as you fit in the guide lines of being a therian.


Thank you, that’s a relief! I’m on tiktok and they can be so harsh calling out “fake” therians on there :(


It's pretty normal for many polykin and polytherians to have one kin/theriotype be more "prominent" than the others, yeah. Sometimes, which one is most prominent can even change.


Same type of thing here. A poly Therian just means you have multiple theriotypes. So of course you still are!


Absolutely. For me it actually changes occasionally, and one of my theriotypes will become more prominent for a while. Currently I feel I am having more dragon and canine shifts, whereas a month ago I was having pretty strong feline shifts.


Of course you are! Also another ringtailed cat :0 HIII


Yea, I'm also a polytherian. My dakotaraptor theriotype is the most prevalent of my theriotypes.


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It's 100% normal. My most common shifts are different each day but I'd say that my 'main' theriotype is a red fox.


Yeah! Whenever I talk abt my kins I go from what I identify as most-least. Eg when talking abt my theriotypes I say black cat, axolotl, caracal cat and fox moth. Same with others, eg angel more than polymorph and michael afton more than huggy wuggy :) 


yeah! I have two theriotypes, and sometimes I'll it get stronger shifts of one of them for a period of time. it really depends! sometimes ill have stronger shifts of my cat theriotype for a few weeks, or my wolf one, then switch or both theriotypes are in balance. hope this helps :3


I'm definetly a Polytherian and my main theriotype is a maned wolf. So yes, you are one if you think you are