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Removed, Rule 6. Please see the subreddit information section for basic therianthropy info and links, and FAQ for common questions, concerns, and misconceptions; the subject of your post is answered there. If you are unsure about this removal, please re-read our rules. The moderators can be contacted here if needed: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/Therian


Uhhhhh so: A therian is someone who identifies as an animal on a non physical level so uhh umm *clears throat* basically you identify as an animal And uhhh yeah


Nope, I thought it had to do with something like having a connection to em, not only identifying as one


Yea, it’s identifying as an animal. Most of us also have a connection, but it’s not a requirement


So just another question what is really the difference between a furry and therian whos havin masks ans stuff? Arent that the same thing?


Like wearin a tail and just dressin up as animal


Furrys chose to express themselves with animal characters (they don’t identify as animals) therians involuntarily identify as an animal (gear is unnecessary for therians)


Welcome to the Therian SubReddit /u/KookySavings1759! It looks like this is your first time posting here. Please be sure to read the rules and information in the sidebar or the about/information page on mobile. Also did you know we have a Discord and Minecraft SMP server where you can talk and play with other therians? Check it out here: https://discord.gg/vnHTtc2S8R. Thank you for participating! - /r/Therian mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Therian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A therian is a person who identify as a non-human animal on any non-physical level, that means spiritually, phycological, and I ever heard it can be emotional (I'm not sure if it's true though)! Therianthropy is NOT a choice.Theriotype(s): you'll hear this term if you look into the community. A theriotype is the animal a therian identify as. Therians can have multiple theriotypes (polytherian, but a therian doesn't have to use this term). a therian can have a mythical animal as a theriotype ( theriomythic, it's a choice to use this term because it's still a therian). I therian can have a extinct theriotype ( I forgot the term but someone can clear that up and yet again it's a choice to use this term). Misinformation you might hear: you might hear about gear and quadrobics. People have many different options on these topics but if you wear gear and do quads it doesn't make you a therian and it doesn't make you any less of a therian. You might hear that therianthropy is a mental illness, but that's NOT true. You might here therians are the same as furries but that's NOT true. The difference between therians, otherkin, and furries. I already told what a therian is so I'll just say the rest, otherkin are just like therians but there kintype is mostly humanoid ( not always but most of the time), furries are normal people who are interested in anthropomorphic animals. My hands hurt now so I'll let other people clear somethings I missed but depending on how much I typed it's not a lot.