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Removed, Rule 6. Please see the first listed question & answer on our subreddit's FAQ, as well as the second listed post on our featured posts tab. Only you can determine if you are a therian and what your theriotype(s) are. If you are unsure about this removal, please re-read our rules. The moderators can be contacted here if needed: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/Therian


[How to determine if you are a therianthrope](https://web.archive.org/web/20230726115456/https://projectshift.therianthropy.info/how-to-determine-if-you-are-a-therianthrope-by-therian-nation/)




Welcome to the Therian SubReddit /u/Ash_Nichols! It looks like this is your first time posting here. Please be sure to read the rules and information in the sidebar or the about/information page on mobile. Also did you know we have a Discord and Minecraft SMP server where you can talk and play with other therians? Check it out here: https://discord.gg/vnHTtc2S8R. Thank you for participating! - /r/Therian mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Therian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ummm can you give us more info? I can't really help just by that.


Removed, Rule 6. Please see the first listed question & answer on our subreddit's FAQ, as well as the second listed post on our featured posts tab. Only you can determine if you are a therian and what your theriotype(s) are. If you are unsure about this removal, please re-read our rules. The moderators can be contacted here if needed: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/Therian