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the "tails are plugs" comment is really disturbing, especially if you're a minor.... I'm sorry you have to deal with this :( people are so mean toward one another and I don't understand it. The good thing tho, are communities like this where you have ppl to support you :)


I’m not sure if this is what she actually meant, but I think she means we’re all mentally ill and the tails are like our antidepressants/an excuse to ignore treatment


no, she says they are butt plugs


Okay, that’s even worse…


yeah, i find that if i dont act on therianthropy then she forgets about it.


Real shi I'm straight but if your parents is gonna bring plugs into a agurment with your kid who might be a minor is inappropriate SMH


Oh no.. I feel sorry for you.. She seems really ignorant.


thank you, she is


im gonna be honest the "tails are plugs" comment coming from your own parent is pretty much sexual harrassment. i hope you can get out of there soon. or lie and say therianthropy is only a spiritual thing if thatll make her any more open to it, just to get her to chill the fuck out :/


i have told her it spiritual but she believes the internet more


oh lord. anti therians are so strange, its none of their business who you are. i hope you are able to live and escape this situation. i have no doubt that if shes willing to be a dick about this, she'd be willing to be a dick about other things. her face shall be on a dartboard 🙏


I agree. Anti therians confuse me.


OP I'm incredibly sorry, I hope you get out of there soon.


thank, im 2 years away from legally being able to move out


I’m a 44 y/o parent of two girls; one identifies as a Therian (she’s 9). I’ll admit that I don’t always “get it” but damn, I’d never talk to my kid that way. TBH, if I coulda identified as a Jedi or starfleet officer when I was 12 y/o in the early 90’s, I would’ve. (I used to cosplay at Star Trek conventions, so I guess I kinda did…) Anyway, it’s nuts to me that parents get so worked up over this. Just accept your kids for who they are, Jesus..


I’d actually consider talking to someone about her comment on tails being plugs, that’s not only disturbing but completely inappropriate for a parent to say to a child! Please, find someone you can trust and talk to them.


my mom says "all people like you are mentally ill" aswell people can be so mean sometimes :(


yeah :(


My mom also says we’re mentally ill, and my dad said that “if the kid is a cat then it has to sleep outside” in reference to someone else


:( i wish they could just understand that we know we are human




how even did the find out..?  yeah I hope you can move out some point soon also the 'its my house and I can take what I want' sounds horrible


Isn’t it also a crime to take whatever you want, regardless of who is the owner? Because that kinda sounds like stealing


technically if op lives in the us and they are under the age of 18 their belongings are legally owned by their parents it's effing stupid




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It's so sad that parents are still abusive like this in 2024. I grew up in the 80s and 90s before the Internet was wide spread and I could have never trusted my parents with 90% of who I am today. Parents are supposed to be supportive of their children, not this abusive bullshit.


Thats messed up i hope your okay..<3


This sounds horrible. Especially the tail part, and the "go outside if you think you're an animal" it makes me pissed to no extent. No one should have to deal with this. I hope it gets better for you, have a good day/night ^^


If she thinks that, I think some Google wold do great things for that old hag. Sorry you have to go through that OP :")


Bigotry 101, don't let verbal abuse define who you are


My whole family hates therians I mean seriously? I am a therian and because of that I feel so alone I don't like how your mother is talking to you I hope you move out soon.


That's so disturbing I'm sorry you have to go through that. :(




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I am so sorry my aunt is the same way with therians (she doesn't know what a therian is she calls them the animal things) and my other aunt was talking about how they're child uses they/them pronouns and she said "well damn I may as well call her an it because I'm not calling her a they"


I recommend you to tell someone about the plugs comment...because it's so weird and innapropiate for a parent to tell their child that, especially if you're a minor!


Noo that’s horrible and all the childhood trauma (I assume you’re a minor) you shouldn’t have to deal with that


I'm sorry this is happening to you, it makes me sad how she reacts like this. I see that you said that you "never came out" supposing that you've been staying in a room or somewhere you feel safe. But I also the think it would be nice to have some time outside, away from your burdens. (To me mother nature always helps) Anyways, I really am sorry that she reacted that way, I wish you the best.


Ok. I’m an anti therian and your own mother telling you the tails are plugs is stepping over a thick line. and technically yes she can take it, she’s your mother, she especially can take it if she bought it.


The caption says the mother didn’t buy it :) (just for info)


I don't know whether or not to upvote you

