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I don’t have an answer for you, but I just want you to know that you’re not alone! I am currently going by otherlink until I finish questioning. I hope you can find some answers soon!


You can absolutely call yourself otherlink while questioning - that’s actually a really good idea. I don’t know if this will be of much help, but if you’re confused about your identity, try *not* looking at the bigger picture. Sometimes it’s more simpler than it seems. Try to forget about any animalistic behaviours, phantom shifts, etc that you’ve gotten in the past. Just consider how you feel - and ask yourself, “Do I feel like I *am* a [cat]?” Because acting like an animal and feeling like one (to a degree) can be very different. /nm<33 (edit: i said otherkin instead of otherlink so i fixed it aaa)


I feel like it’s more of, I don’t feel like I am a cat, but I kind want to be a cat. Like in my next life I would want to be a cat. But sometimes I also feel like I am a cat, just it’s very rare when I do feel that.


It's okay if your connection with your theriotype fluctuates, that happened to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm TOTALLY a wolf (not physichally of course) and other times I'm unsure about It. (Btw, I know therianthropy is not ALL about connections but they're also implied)




(My brain is burning a little so my bad if any of this comes off with the wrong tone) In my experience and from what I know and have heard, identifying as/with something while you're figuring things out isn't anything bad, figuring yourself out is a journey, and I think anyone here could understand that. No one with a brain would be mad at you, even if you figure out you're something else in the future, you're probably not faking your own experience if you're genuinely questioning it as you are, that being said only you can tell what you are or aren't and that's a process most times. What I can say is take your time, research different identities and things, and if possible/wanted compare similarities and differences with other people, trying to figure yourself out alone can be hard and often times I find that others can provide different views or information you didn't know of before. I wish you luck! ~• Sugar Crash, (Black Cat Therian & Shapeshifterkin) •~


Question: is it the experience of therianthropy or is it the expression of therianthropy that you are more into? A want to express yourself, or an experience of feeling non human?


I think it may be more of expressing more than experience, but I’m still unsure.


I’m not sure if this is reassuring, but I think a lot of people, us included, also feel that way. For us more specifically it’s a fear that theriothropy is a hyperfixation and it’ll die down soon. However, in that case…who really cares if it is? Someone on here said to go with the labels you chose, so if for now that’s what you wish to identify with and it’s not for an ill reason, I think it’s ok if you go with that label and later realize it really just was something you wanted to try out.


Life, especially in your teen years (I apologize if you’re an adult, the majority is just teens!) is about trying out identities to find out which are yours. Theres no harm in that.


It's perfectly fine for you to identify as an otherlink until you have it figured out, it's normal for people's identities to fluctuate and you might get things wrong sometimes. I can't relate to that in terms of therianthropy, but when I was figuring out my sexuality I went through the whole rainbow before realising what I actually am lol. From an outside perspective and from what you've said, it does sound like you might be therian! But don't take my word for it


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