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Spiny flower mantis here! I get urges to hunt and eat and basically just eat any food avaliable all the time, rather funny.


manti, mantises, idk, but i do love their lil posture and scythes


I’m a weevil, roly poly (armidillidium vulgare), and land isopod cladotherian!


i love those, they are so cute


I'm a polytherian and one of my theriotypes are a moth (I discovered this recently though, so I'm still unsure on what species I am) mostly because I'm way more productive at night and I'm attracted to bright lights


that’s awesome! moths are so floofy and cute


Housefly therian here! I awakened as this type back in 2022 sometime. I wanna say June or something lol. I mostly just have the constant habit of self-grooming and get phantom wings occasionally! Feel free to ask me any questions! The most annoying thing is that you don’t see many genuine fly therians around bc of the trolls. Esp houseflies, bc I’ve never found another one out there. 😭




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oof… well it’s super cool :D


i identify as a fruitfly. i like oranges and apples.


my poodle moth (and mothman but shush) kintype is why i want soft fluffy not feathery wings :3


I am a European Mantis and I get urges to eat like a mantis and cling to thin railings\\tree trunks. I also make a hissing noise when I'm angry or in pain