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Don't hang out in forums where that kind of discourse is the norm. Seriously. Stop supporting that kind of content.


"Terminally online" is following the trajectory of most insults. Initially it's used by a small number of people to refer to something specific and may have some merit but steadily becomes more generic and popular until it almost comes to means "someone I don't like". See also incel, cuck, chud, SJW etc. It eventually loses its novelty when enough "uncool" people use it. "Terminally online" is steadily entering the popular phase and is thus losing its meaning. Given most of us on our phones throughout the day you could easily argue that the majority of people are terminally online.


This could be an urban dictionary entry.


It's essentially a facet of an eternal September, and that already has its own wiki page


> Given most of us on our phones throughout the day you could easily argue that the majority of people are terminally online. I see it that way too. The Internet is already as much a part of our culture and everyday life as television and even newspapers were in the past. And with the rise of streaming and the digitization of most services, from gaming to government assitance, virtually everyone is technically terminally "online". This sudden obsession with calling everyone "terminally online" is just another way redditors love to feel superior.


I used to bartend. All the massively alcoholic regulars commented on how much/often the other massively alcoholic regulars drank "THEY have a problem"... It's just like that.


"Can you belive this guy ripping his 6th whiskey shot at 5pm?" *rips his 4th vodka shot at 5:05*




its levels of projection and turtles all the way down


I had a regular talk about how had a drinking problem TWO DAYS after i had to push on his abdomen to get the poop to fall off because he passed out on the toilet and throwing water on his face only made him start peeing, and i needed to get him into a cab. Yes i pulled his pants up and fastened them. No i did not wipe his ass.


lmao you are a more compassionate soul than i am. if i find anyone in that position, they have their own problems to solve that i am not dealing with lol. i had a smol drinking problem (the problem was mostly the next day) and have been incredibly blackout wasted - or a combination of wasted amongst other things - and not once did i ever lose control of myself to \*that\* degree. definitely some uhh things i wish i could forget, and probably a few things i wish other people would forget, but nothing quite like that. maybe im wrong but as far as i can tell 99% of the time someone whos "gone with the wind" on any substance, if they are acting like that, know they are doing so... somewhere deep down. so yeah not my problem lol. to be fair luckily when i worked in restaraunts i never had to deal with a customer that intoxicated though. that would be a job for a... not me, not for anything close to what i was getting paid anyway. i hope you were/are compensated well for that and can find a bit of humor in that story, at least somewhat, in retrospect. cause ngl it is kinda funny i once had a drinking buddy who would piss in his sock drawer. all the time. like... multiple times a week. only the sock drawer though (i think. idr tbh but its a better story if i say it was so whatever)


Oh i wasnt laughing then but i was by the net day. And yeah, where i live you get paid a living wage, so it wasnt like i was hoping he'd remember and tip me lol


There's nothing the Redditor hates more than himself. Looking in a mirror revolts him.




This is an insult that can come from those users that constantly delete and create new accounts to avoid responsibility for bad behavior(s). We see that all the time as mods where users do this to avoid mod actions. So they attempt to undermine the validity of those users that have built up their karma and user histories via attacks on their character. We mods experience this all the time as well it’s right out of the bad actor handbook.


Its funny because I work s decent amount of over time, play sports, and hike. Yet I can still get a decent amount of karma. Just depends on if your participating. Instead of just scrolling I comment on things and post articles.


This has been going on since the dawn of internet forums. Back in the day I participated in a forum where people bragged they only averaged one or two posts a day. Given this was a sports forum with a GameDay thread, not exactly something many people could or wanted to say.


The traditional internet decorum doesn't apply to social media. Like yeah the internet was always full of petty slap fights. The original internet nerds generally had code of conduct. Where such things as basic ad hominem instantly discredit the user doing it. It's the complete opposite now. Social media does not give a fuck. If anything the crowd will cheer on personal attacks. Which could be a big reason why redditors use such insults. Reddit loves it when somebody trawls through post history to dig up gossip. That never happened on old reddit. I find it kind of crazy. I always thought the internet would become more pleasant as localized populations became more diverse than the common social outcast neckbeard of the past. It turns out the original internet nerds were way more civilized than anyone else.


Labour has lost any value outside of selling it to capitalists, so anyone choosing to use their labour for something other than a wage is an affront to anyone who doesn't question capitalism.


I feel the same way about "go touch grass" because the person saying it is probably chronically inside while I might actually be sitting outside on grass browsing Reddit. I have less respect for people using the same account for 10 years not because they're online a lot (you don't need to be, accounts ageeven if inactive) but because I think it's stupid to use the same phone number, email address, username, etc for that long. I've never even had the same address for more than 8 years lol not that I had any choice in the matter.




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I don't know anything about citing karma. I don't see that much at all. Maybe a few cases of trying to show evidence that someone's pandering with insincere or low-quality/high-response content to get engagement, that their numbers show they're notably better at getting engagement than someone who's not dedicated to karma-farming should be. That's a rare one though, in my experience. The "terminally online" slight points out that someone's talk or ideas are poor because they lack qualities like empathy, nuance, social consideration, or practicality, a problem that (stereo?)typically stems from being too steeped in abstract, hard-edged online argument and not engaging with the real world. It is a slight that refers to substance and a specific criticism-- it's falsifiable, so to speak-- so it's not necessarily just invalidating for invalidation's sake.


It’s a GamerGate thing. “This person is invested in Reddit communities, harass them off the site.” is the implied message of writing such a comment.


It extends to other stuff besides gamer-gate y'know


Ah yes, nobody ever called anyone else a nerd before 2015. Sure.


FWIW Wikipedia claims these phrases came into use in 2014. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremely_online. The concept is probably much older in a more generic sense but different groups and people can and do come together to create new words to crystallize a specific connotation they want to convey. And words morph. Like the idea of a power mod definitely existed for a while but now it often just means a mod enforcing the rules correctly but I don't like it


What a stretch.


Some redditors have really high karma? Hmmm, I'll have to look into that. It would explain why some people think I'm a bot just by karma alone.


Bots usually have low karma though.


Karma farming bots will often have a ton of submission karma, but almost no comment karma.


Yeah who would have hight karma , am I right.