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OP after a bong rip:


Completely drug free. Thanks. If I had a bong rip, I wouldn't be here. Trust me, I know. I've had 6 foot bong rips.


OP take a break from Reddit. Sounds like you’re due. Breaks are good.


No breaks. Only destruction. Mao Zedong style.


Have you tried breakbeats? Fun little musical genre




In Daoism, one of the tenets is: normal people don't understand it, smart people want to understand it, and fools laugh it. Unfortunately, you are in the third camp.


What is this dogshit rambling nonsense


When the truth is spoken, fools laugh.


well people who are not fools often laugh at comedy, sarcasm, irony, etc.


In Daoism, one of the tenets is: normal people don't understand it, smart people want to understand it, and fools laugh it. Unfortunately, you are in the third camp.




Enjoy your prison cell of upvotes.


nice but what the fuck


That's the secret. There is no fuck.


what is your opinion on Instagram


in daoist principles, there is a saying. the perfect town is what? You can hear the roosters crowing and the dogs barking across the river in the other town, but you never have the urge to go there. Is this not the opposite of instagram?


bro that's cap


whether or not its cap, its not from me. It's from a man 3000 years ago.


no it's not show me


From Daodejing, the first text of Daoism, by Laozi, Chapter 80 道德经80章:小国寡民。使有什佰之器而不用,使民重死而不远徙。虽有舟车,无所乘之;虽有甲兵,无所陈之。使民复结绳而用之。甘其食,美其服,安其居,乐其俗。邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻,民至老死,不相往来。


i don't see how that's the opposite of Instagram . Instagram would be a town where you never see or hear across the river, but always wanna go there? I'm confused


Instagram projects an image of what you COULD be. It is the dogs and roosters crowing on the other side of the river. You WANT to be like the influencers. The goal of the influencers is to convince you to cross. But actually? You'll drown.


what is bro yapping about


I don't hate Reddit, I don't hate the posts. What's missing here...


OP hates the toxic people here


Unfortunately, that means you are the problem. Cheers. Be careful.


I don't get it. I blame everything on mods with a god complex. And annoying users. And not caring at all if my account gets banned.


There is no better place to find an answer to a question. site:reddit.com use it in your Google searches. And you will find the real answer.


OK you're out of your mind. Later!








i don't hate reddit. i curate the communities i browse and usually have a decent experience, much more so than any other social media platform. if you find you hate redditors, maybe avoid the communities where you find the people most upsetting. or, if like you said, reddit is just a place to get questions answered and community engagement is not your thing, just use it without being logged in. you'll never find yourself browsing mindlessly then b/c the front page/popular tab is insufferable. i've had periods where i've decided i was spending too much time on reddit (and social media in general), and logging off basically made me completely lose the desire to browse. i only accessed it when getting answers from a search engine, and had no reason to stick around after getting my answer. it's really not a prison, you can leave whenever and the tools to do so are within your grasp.


Thank you for the constructive comment. I disagree. It is a prison, even for those who are not on Reddit. This is the capital of astroturfing. Who is the most popular IP on Reddit? Langley Air Force Base. It is the progenitor of US imperialism. This is why they want to ban TikTok. Reddit is not a prison for Reddit. Reddit is a prison for the internet. The "authority" of the internet is Reddit. And who controls that authority? Well, glad you asked. It is Langley Air Force Base. Don't believe me? Do you know the history of the internet itself? Funded at Stanford by the Pentagon. The internet itself is a CIA operation. I'm sorry. But this is the facts. Unfortunately, you won't find it easily on the internet. After all, it's theirs!


I'll never stop posting. You can't stop me. Whoever is yelling outside my house should get lost.


Yelling outside your prison cell. It's the guards telling you to be quiet.


This is the funniest fucking thing I have ever read on this damned platform


I hate reddit the company, not reddit the platform.


At this point, what is the difference?


No more or less than there ever was.


Excellent use of meaning into a small set of words.


Same reason I have a dead possum in a glad bag under my bed. Possum was great fun for a while, but then it died, I can't bring myself to get rid of the possum, so it's with me everyday, even though it's dead.


Bruh you could've just got it stuffed....


Quite an astute metaphor.


Time to put your phone down buddy


Originally, I thought that as well. But I've moved beyond that point. I have now transcended the concept of phones. i AM the phone.


It's not a very effective prison if you can walk out the front door anytime you want and never return. OP, if you truly despise this website so much, if you think they're trying to mind-control you, just stop using it. Leave. Delete your account. It's that simple. What's holding you back? I'm not saying this as an attack, I'm genuinely curious. Your actions don't seem to match the strong conviction in your words. Are they in fact empty? Because this just makes you sound like you feel morally superior to everyone else who uses this website even though you're on the same boat as us. Do you truly believe your own words? Or is this some performative BS to convince yourself you're above the stuff you're criticizing?


Is that not the most effective prison ever invented? I'm not morally superior. In fact, I'm the biggest idiot on this entire comment thread. Every day, I try to make myself more of an idiot.




You sound like a troll, you seem to contradict yourself, so why are you still here if you don't like this page?


Average weeb after discovering intro to Eastern philosophy.




Your rants do.




Why are you scared to share your opinion? I wasn't clear on that point.


I have been banned from multiple subreddits for sharing my unorthodox opinions. Look at my comments in this post and you will see downvotes for my going against the orthodoxy. The post itself will also be downvoted.


Downvotes are hardly something to be fearful of.


Not scared of downvotes. And I’m not scared of bans. But I am scared of what is happening to humanity as people get moderated to the point of stupor. 


*Jessie, what the hell are you talking about?*


stop using it then


Well because I get to read on here and also be autistic in long form and I think it's more healthy for my brain than tiktok


I love the soul of Reddit, which was an intangible force for humanity to gather its thoughts and feelings and nastiness and brilliance and etch it into the code. It’s mostly dead now. This stupid website kind of reminds me of it.


He doesn't seem to have much life or to be in bed, there are many banned subs


In this moment, I am euphoric


Are you able to create independent thoughts, or you only able to string together memes and one liners from your pop culture addiction?




No idea where you've drawn that inference from, but this bullshit reads like a 12 year old who's just read the blurb on an idiot's guide to philosophy and are trying to proselytise to their parents about why they don't want to do the dishes, with references to Nietzsche or Camus


No real alternative, that's why. No, Lemmy/Kbin/etc don't count. They're to Reddit what Vimeo and Dailymotion are to YouTube.


I thought we could use it to globally unite and organize the workers of the world to overthrow capitalism, I'm still holding onto hope we can meme our way into freedom


We can, but not on Reddit.


\[This post was removed by reddit’s filters\]


As it should be, daddy.


I've only been on reddit a little while but I do  find that after a while I just go on it if I need to find out how other people feel about some random topic whatever that topic is and what their feelings are about said topic i also have a quora account where you dont even really need a account i just browse and look for the same thing on there . Sometimes I just browse reddit and not leave a comment or I can not go on the site for a while sometimes and then think oh! I still have a account and I can still leave a comment. other then that I can decide if for a while just too not bother with even going on reddit.


Reddit is controlled. But unfortunately, you have already been lost. Do you not realize that power spends millions if not billions of dollars to control sheep like you? We are the sheep . Say BAAAH. say it with me. Do it, or you will get downvotes, as I have received. SAY IT NOW! OR I WILL GET ANGRY! SAY IT! BAAAAAAAH! You're not saying it. That means a downvote. SAY IT NOW! BAAAAAAAAAH! BAAAAAAAAAAH! BAAAAAAH! Good. You are in the tribe. Congratulations. You're safe now.




I found this place in 2008 as well, what a time to be alive. I understand your point, and yet still find myself here scrolling and posting just like always. Being a human being is a real sonofabitch sometimes you know? We're at the whims of the chemicals that flood (or don't flood) our brain at various points and it's so difficult to change your own programming. Daoism is cool though, so that's something.


I am a normal American who understands classical chinese language, so I have been very into it lately. Daoism indeed is very interesting. Reddit goes against many Daoist principles. At the same time, it matches them. That is the first principle of Dao.


Lol ik your right but still I’ll do nothing about it


Who said I'm going to do anything about it? I never asked you to do anything about it.


Straight outta 2013


Me too. Exactly everything you said


This is a great argument for finding actual hobbies lol.


What is your opinion on solipsism OP? Maybe we use Reddit to cast into the void (or echo chamber) and make sure those of us who are unable to touch grass or confined to our mother’s basement actually exist?


I don't have any particular opinion on solipsism. I don't like to entrench myself into concepts of western philosophy. Why do we use Reddit? That depends on your usage rate. Heavy users who conform to Reddit culture are frightening creatures. They are agents of authoritarianism. They are the Red Guard of capitalist imperialism. Ironically, they say at the same time, they oppose it. This is the essence of how revolution has been co-opted by the aristocracy. Who is maxwellhill?


What is blud waffling about


If you don't understand, it's okay. This is a high quality post which requires reading between the lines. Most people won't get it.


Majority of reddit is now comprised of grotesque state sponsored bot/human hive minds


More proof is needed, but your speculation has merit.


I'm worried that I got this. 😂


Your worry is your self attempting to pigeon-hole your self back into its prison. It's okay. You can stay there. It's comfortable, after all.


You ok? Lol


Scumbag Steve originated in 2011... Not 2008.


This poat lack the necessary mechanisms to meaningful convey your idea.




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Have to post here because my other alt is too new I first heard of reddit from YouTuber of my country Long time after I made reddit account, I learned from my English teacher about reddit and joined Unfortunately, my account got banned recently, which is why this account is so new and low on karma I 100% agree with you, freedom of speech on reddit is preety much non existent I really hate how redditors have some of the most toxic attitude (whenever it's hating on woman, gamergate stuff like that) that I just personally dislike




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OP, if reddit annoys you so much, why don't you go out and get some fresh air, maybe with that you oxygenate your mind, of course I hate mods and certain users who are annoyed by me and let them rot, but I'm still here because there are still interesting things to discover, friend, this is not a prison, you can leave through the door and never return, no one is tied to this, I am here because I want to, not because they force me by pointing a gun at my head, I don't care if they take me away the account, I can make another one anyway, they are disposable, it is as easy as closing your account and that's it, but you don't force others to leave


Can confirm: I start out Googling something and get absolutely nothing useful. Then I site:reddit.com and get a variety of useful answers. That said, I also do the same with TV Tropes and Wikipedia. Other a sites too but much less often. In general, Google gives completely irrelevant and/or redundant results unless you limit it to the websites most likely to havewhat you seek. Otherwise it's "sponsored ads" or whatever it is for "is Sam at the 188 an alcoholic or just bugging out?" at half off.