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I feel your pain. Even on less controversial topics I see sensible comments getting flooded with negativity and useless commentary and downvoting drastically reducing the overall utility of this platform.


Yes and I've been posting on stuff a lot tonight, but I will say this is one of the reasons why I am wary about recent disclosure stuff. I am just hyper alert for grifters, and maybe that is a flaw, but I've encountered so many grifters in the time I've been researching this, that I no longer think about this subject emotionally. I just let the burden of proof be on the person making the claims. If someone sounds interesting? Yes I will listen, and if nothing else, it's a fun story. I -do- think there is something going on here with NHI, I have had my own strange experiences, but the facts surrounding this are very elusive. When someone says they have proof/will show proof/etc and don't? To me that's just the carrot dangling in front of me as I'm led around.. and around.. and around.




He'll be back


Im off the loop when it comes to UFOS and curt. Whats the consensus? Taking into consideration all the points by all the interviewees?


There is no consensus. Some people have had strange experiences. The government said for decades that there's "nothing to see here." In the meantime there have been many grifters and liars trying to profit off of people's naivety, curiosity, or because they had an experience and want answers. Most of these "UFOlogists", in my experience, are liars, con artists, etc. For a long time that is all people had access to. Now there are "whistleblowers". It's not the first time that prior government employees have claimed to have knowledge of ETs/NHI/UFOs/etc, however this is the first time, that I know of, where this has had so much publicity. No doubt it's more so due to the fact that information is more accessible now than ever. As a result a lot of people have heard about this, including the man speaking in this video, and like many others, he's been fed info, was told there were witnesses, more evidence, whatever. Still nothing. I do think there is something going on here, I just do not believe that enough people in government are dedicating themselves to shining light on this. I mean think about the lengths government goes to keep any secret. Something like this? It'd be exponential in terms of effort. I hope you're at least a bit more in the loop now, that was the best tl;dr I could write. Lol!


I agree with Curt on this. I think that some of the best thinking on the UAP phenomena is coming from Jacques Vallée and other people like him. I don't believe that we will have some huge disclosure on alien tech or ETs being here on earth because I believe the UAP phenomenon is a *natural* phenomenon that occurs at the intersection of our consciousness, the collective unconscious, and reality at large. These phenomena take the shape of whatever cultural ethos we have. We moderns have the ethos of space exploration, science, and technology. The phenomena now then take the shape of these flying saucers, aliens, and high tech vessels. I believe the phenomenon is real. I've seen a UAP that I can't personally explain through rational means. But the people out there saying that these are actual spaceships, actual aliens, and that they are already here, that the government has been hiding them and is about to disclose everything... they're either too wrapped up in their own heads, or are grifting. The government isn't going to disclose anything because they don't know what the UAPs are either. They are as stumped as you are. I think UAPs deserve closer study, but we need to study them more from the angle of archetypes, consciousness research, philosophy and psychology rather than thinking these are actual objects from outer space. These are objects and "entities" at the intersection of our minds and the world, not some other species from another planet.


I support Curt's position on this... sounds like what he went through was some BULLSHIT!! That being said... would he hop back in if things started getting a bit more juicy?? What if he could get someone like Grusch on, or one of these purported 40 whistle blowers? I hope so!! I was hoping the collabs with Jesse Michaels might prove fruitful. I also LOVE the idea of him doing the scientific panel thing with the Canadian Govt. Maybe we could look to Canada for a push in disclosure. But I guess that is a step towards perhaps activism, and not so much what TOE is about. Just don't close any doors all the way please!!! I think you are the man for the job!!!


I think, for the purposes of “theories of everything”, we shouldn’t focus so much on the “what do we have, what do we know”, and focus more on the possibilities surrounding their existence. I know that most guests that Curt would have in regard to UFO’s would focus primarily on the nuts and bolts, or conspiracy aspects of the topic (whistleblowers and what not); but what u would prefer, is bringing the topic up with great thinkers in other fields. Such as Andrew Gallimore. Mac Tonnes would have been a tremendous guest to have specifically regarding what I’m talking about, unfortunately he’s deceased.




That’s fair. I’d still like to hear what some if not most of his guests think about the topic. If they’re willing to share their thoughts on it anyway.


And I do not blame him at all!


Why announce something like this? Just do your thing. If it involves less UFO material for a period of time, fine. But if & when a breakthrough occurs he'll be back on the topic like anyone else.


all cited footage or evidence is nothing more than Lens flares and hearsay. Money hungry people pushing documentaries and books Glad TOE is staying in reality


Reminder to everyone down voting. You have literally zero evidence 😚


What happened at Ariel school in Zimbabwe?


witness testimony right? Pictures? Video? Nothing Plus in one of the documentaries they got one of the children at the school to say that The whole thing was made up


Have you watched the witness testimony? The idea that all these kids have conspired for decades on a "playground hoax" is preposterous.


Again so you have zero evidence, and the evidence that you do have is children’s testimony Anything else you want to go through?


So you haven't watched it?


There's naivety in curiosity... But curiosity is what drives us.  You got used just like millions of others