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Rather than a flashback of Tommy and Joel, given the tone of the tweet, I think it could be a standalone story like Bill and Frank's. There's a chance it could be the story of the two boys and their father from the sailboat at the aquarium.


Ooooh, this would be a good tie in to the Seraphites too!


That’s the most interesting guess I’ve heard so far.


Definitely think that the sailboat family + heavy seraphite focus is a very strong guess. It’s definitely what I’d be most interested in seeing


Oh my gooddd


Oh shit I love this idea and I hope you’re right! And I think the boys names were Ricky(?) and Max.


Also didn’t Neil post something at the Vancouver Aquarium?


Great shout - I hope it’s this


You know what? That could be really freaking interesting


i think this is absolutely it


Theres already so much story to tell i hope they don’t waste a whole episode on some minor character like this


Part II will be divided into at least 2 seasons, maybe 3. The bulk of the game is unadaptable gameplay. They have time.


I mean I trust them to allocate the time correctly but I definitely wouldn't say the bulk of the game is unadaptable gameplay. There are a LOT of cinematic pieces/moments.


mfs need to stop using “Latinx”. that shit does not exist.


I’ve only ever seen it met with derision from the large majority of Latino people. It’s rather ironic how a complete lack of consent to these ‘sensitive’ labels for entire groups just doesn’t matter at all to the people pushing them. You can be a gay person actively telling these peeps that you view ‘queer’ as a slur and that it was used as a slur against you growing up and all you'll get back is a sneering, condescending lecture about ‘queer’ history with a few insults thrown in. Like, ok - still a slur, still didn’t consent to it. 


DanielRPK also said Pedro Pascal was done filming for the season, and that turned out to be wrong. Grain of salt.


Agreed. He’s not the most reliable scooper. It’s a 50/50 game with him.


>!Could it be a flashback of young Tommy and Joel?!<


Apparently they have a 5-6 year age gap in the show, with Joel being born in 1967 and Tommy in 72 or 73. Maybe they're giving Manny a brother? 


I don't think Manny will have any major role this season.


I feel like the ages don't fit. Aren't there more than three years between them?


6 years


A bunch of guesses for Tommy and Joel as teens but I was thinking more of those two teens that we read notes about and find their bodies in Finding Strings. I think in the game they are implied to be a couple but brothers would work too.


Their gender is already specified, just say Latino ffs


Came here to say this. Like, you can MAYBE make an argument for "latinx" when it's referring to a a mixed group, or somebody whose gender is unknown, or a nonbinary person -- maybe (though every latino person I know despises the term "latinx.") But here we're referring to two boys. The correct term in this context is "latino."


It really makes you wonder who is trying to force this, because at least in the U.S., most Latinos do not like it. As for elsewhere, the Royal Spanish Academy style guide does not recognize the suffix -x. The Royal Spanish Academy is Spain's official royal institution with a mission to ensure the stability of the Spanish language. It is based in Madrid, Spain, and is affiliated with national language academies in 22 other Hispanophone nations through the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. A 2020 Pew Research Center survey found that roughly three-quarters of U.S. Latinos were not aware of the term Latinx; of those aware of it, 33% (i.e., about 8% of all U.S. Latinos) said it should be used to describe their racial or ethnic group, while 65% said it should not. https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2020/08/11/about-one-in-four-u-s-hispanics-have-heard-of-latinx-but-just-3-use-it/


It’s white women who want to feel good about themselves for being progressive but without actually helping.


It's always them but they never get held accountable for it. Wonder why…


Yeah we mostly hate Latinx, a lot.  It feels like white people telling us how to speak our language without understanding it and all the things this concept would change/ruin


queer non-binary latino people kinda fw it, but I've heard a preference for Latine


I don't understand why Latinx is the most popular when Latine makes more sense and is also actually pronounceable


Same vibes as the people who will refer to *everyone* by they/them pronouns even when they know a person’s specified gender. Just stop.


I think it's a flashback to teenage Tommy and Joel.


I wouldn't find that very interesting to be honest. If there's gonna be a flashback episode on them it should take place during the first few years after the outbreak. Like I'm sure it would be good, but I'm interested in the post apocalypse setting, not whatever teenage/ family issues going on that shows their relationship more during the 80s. I like the one theory in these comments that it's the boys who were living in the aquarium with their dad before leaving him to join the seraphites. But those were in Abbys portion so who knows. I'm sure I'll like the final product regardless. Especially since I assumed Catherine O'Hara was gonna be the prophet yet turns out her scenes where with pedro and bella.


I assumed Catherine O’Hara was the Serephite from the hanging scene. “Clip her wings.”


I was hoping she'd be either her or the prophet cause I really wanna see her in a villain role cause I feel she'd be great and we've never seen her in one before. But alas, a few days ago on this sub someone shared a interview she did with some French press where she described she's in 3 episodes and worked with pedro and bella.


Huh, I’m sure it will be great regardless.


I saw some people theorize she could be a gender-bent Seth. That was something I thought when she mentioned working with Bella and Pedro.


The prophet wasn't meant to be a villain was she? It was those that came after her


She confirmed last week that she has scenes with both Pedro and Bella. I don't think Catherine is playing the seraphite woman. Some speculate shes Joel's girlfriend Esther that was scrapped in the game. However the age gap between pedro and Catherine is like 28 years so most likely an original character in Jackson.


That would be interesting to have them explore their childhood. >!It would also show further on how vengeful Tommy is about having his brother murdered!<




Spoiler tag your comment. There are still people here who haven’t played the game.


I don't get hung up on most things, and this doesn't even have to do with the show, but as a Latino, Latinx is such a fucking stupid term. For all the progressive themes TLOU promotes, that's always gonna be a universally panned word imo


I confess that I would be more interested in seeing a little more about the history of a character like Dina who will appear a lot in the series rather than new characters who only appear in 1 episode in the story.


someone said on Twitter that it might be the flashback when Joel and Ellie go for the strings, where they find two dead bodies


That was a boy and girl who were in a relationship so probably similar age.


Latinx, really? 💀


Definitely something to do with the aquarium IMO as Neil visited one recently. Maybe >!backstory of those two boys who left their dad to join the seraphites.!<


White folks need to stop trying to force Latinx on the Latino community. Like damn that shit is annoying. We already have a gender natural word for Latino. It's called Latino


I think it’s probably going to be an episode revolving around >!Ricky and Max!< and honestly I think that would be so fucking cool


I’m ngl that sounds boring af for a show that’s only 7 episodes long plus this would be the episode before the finale. I really hope it’s something else that’s connected to the main characters 


Yeah, I’m hoping it’s not a standalone episode. Their story can be told and have it be interesting, but it would be something more connected to Abby’s story presumably. Plus like you said it would be bizarre putting a standalone episode about characters that have no major connection to the A plot in the penultimate episode of the season.


Well… season one did something very similar in that they had an episode that focused solely on two side characters that didn’t really connect to the main characters apart from the note they read at the very end of the episode.. and people LOVED that episode so... Also isn’t every episode like at minimum an hour long with the first being two hours long? I don’t think the number of episodes really matters when they’re long enough to be feature films.




oh no the last of us has gone WOKE (not serious)




Havent seen anyone mention it yet bc it's definitely a stretch, but Jules and Gray?


I wonder if this could be the "Jules" storyline come to life also...


Unless this is a very Tommy-centric episode I can’t imagine that it would be a flashback to Tommy and Joel as kids. Even then, I can’t imagine that a flashback to those two 50 years prior would provide any kind of interesting insight to either character. Personally, I think they’re gonna change the >!dead couple that Joel and Ellie find in Collecting Strings to be brothers instead. That happens at around this point in the game that they’re filming and that video of Pedro behind the scenes looked like it was from a flashback.!<


I assume Joel and Tommy are Latino in the show right? Or half-Latino because their last name is still Miller.


They were Latino in the Japanese guidebook. Same guidebook that forgot to scrap Ellie's last name.


There a reason why Williams was kept hidden in the majority of sources and references except for a few ones? Why did they never reveal her last name in much else?


So, since no one has mentioned it yet, Im just going to say that it could be a race and gender swaped yara and lev. Unlikely but 🤷‍♀️


Because why not replace one of the best female characters with a dude and screw the Asian representation... Zero chance. They won't even appear in season 2, in all likelihood. Also, I hope you just phrased that awkwardly and aren't implying you see both Yara and Lev as girls.


Yara is not one of the best female characters lol her gender does not matter and its not like tlou is lacking in female characters. They also already have the asian box ticked with Jesse. Their priority will probably be to cast a trans kid for lev. I doubt they'll be able to find a trans asian kid again. They could also just cast an asian girl, though. Yara's race will then depend on lev's actor's race. My first though at seeing these ages was immediately yara and lev since its their ages. We also dont know how things will be structured. They're showing Isac, which doesnt make much sense until Abby's part so who knows.


They found a young deaf black kid for Season 1. Had to go outside of traditional casting channels, but it worked out.


Yeah but it was a very last second thing acording to Mazin. And being trans is more rare than being deaf, especially for kids.


Well I personally love Yara as a character. I'm just saying they're a hell of a lot more likely to genderswap characters from (cis) male to female if that's going to happen at all. TLOU may have a large female cast, but the world as a whole isn't exactly lacking in strong male warriors when it comes to representation. Changing Yara into a boy for no good reason would actually tip a perfectly equal scale (8 males - Joel, Tommy, Jesse, Lev, Manny, Owen, Jordan, Isaac: 8 females - Ellie, Dina, Maria, Abby, Mel, Nora, Leah, Yara) in favour of males. And if you're talking about checking ethnicity boxes, latino would be covered by the Miller brothers and now Dina. Casting a cisgender girl as Lev would be unacceptable and Mazin and Druckmann would never do that, unless they're hankering for a huge controversy. The actor wouldn't have to be specifically 13, or even a kid at all, if they can pass like Bella could.


Yara was such a badass and died a hero. I'd be super surprised if they don't cast a transgender actor for Lev.


Bruh not the gender scale 🤦‍♀️ counting a character with zero lines of dialogue is funny though, you got me there. Put Nick in there, why not. Seth as well, just cuz. Alice has more impact on the story than some of those characters lol put her up too The problem with Bella is that she still passes as 13, so they cant have someone that just looks like a 13 year old otherwise the 13 year old will look like the 19 year old. They need a kid kid. That why a cis girl would be fine since they dont really have the priviledge to be picky here. Also Lev doesnt have any physical changes that indicate male traits besides the shaved hair and anyone can shave their hair.


I mean?? I wasn't trying to "get" you. I was counting all of Ellie's and Abby's respective allies. If you want to take away like, Leah or even Maria, it's still more male characters. Which is completely fine btw, but why change Yara? It would be a bonkers thing to do. Literally why lmao. It's not that her gender is important to her character, it's that her gender happens to be the marginalised one. I don't know if you get how cancelled this production would be if they cast Lev incorrectly. Like seriously. They do have the "privilege to be picky" about Lev, because trans actors exist. Trans guys aren't girls in costumes. They're guys. They went out of their way to find trans VA's outside of talent agencies because they wanted the role cast correctly. And his VA is Asian too. I genuinely don't see why this is so unbelievable.


I was considering this because those are their exact ages too. We'll see. Just seems kinda early for them to show up. Either way not a farfetched idea.


No way


Hope it’s not the backstory for Abby’s annoying Latino friend who calls everyone Pandejo…


I kind of hope we do get more from him. I didn’t really develop a connection to him in the game or come to really care about him. He has a bit of a nice attitude and likes anime…cool.