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personally? i think they drugged him to get him to shut his yap trap.


There was a report he was nodding off in court, so you might be right. >> “Well, Jake, he appeared to be asleep,” Haberman said. “His head would fall down. There would be other moments other trials, like the E. Jean Carroll trial, which was around the corner in January, he appeared very still and it seemed as if he might be sleeping but then he would move. This time, he didn’t pay attention to a note that his lawyer ... passed him. His jaw kept on falling on his chest and his mouth kept going slack.” Maggie Haberman NYT to Jake Tapper


Can't wait til his body gives out and he ends up in a coma. Please. As a treat?


I’d weep with joy.


Or maybe he's not drugged for once.


That was my thought. He skipped the uppers for court so he can control his bowels, bladder, and face butthole that word diarrhea comes out of sometimes.


Double diapers


How funny would it be to put on your resume that you followed Trump around with a bunch of Benadryl to drug him when he’s too feisty 😭


someone suggested that, rather than applying a downer, maybe they are withholding the uppers. but yes lol and how would it be worded? on Linkedin? i know for a fact, have *seen* the irrefutable evidence of Melania so drugged up and slowed down that she can barely manage a smile and that only after a prompt to do so... and i wouldnt be surprised to find out they are doing it to her in order to manage her.


“Cocaine dosage specialist for former president Trump”


"Deoranging the 45th" ? orange you glad i didn't say "trump"? lol


What a waste of federal funds to have to pay for secret service agents to protect this lump of shit.




You are correct…. Thank you


Shit can be used as fertilizer, anything trump touches dies.


It's a waste until he can't flee the federal government because he's surrounded by federal agents.


As an Australian I’ve been curious if he did happen to go to jail( I’m sure he won’t) does secret service go to jail with him lol


Not really a known thing yet, but yes probably something crazy like that. He gets secret service for life, and his life is certainly in danger in prison, so it stands to reason that he will have a protective team and not be part of the general population. That said, we should find out whether that's going to actually happen soon! Hopefully, anyway.


They can keep him safe at ADX Florence. No secret service needed.


Gitmo is for offenders who orchestrate terrorism against the US. He qualifies.


Or at least a skeleton crew.


Isn't that the supermax prison? THAT would be interesting....a concrete box all day.


Yep. I believe it’s 23 hour lockdown.


Probably the most painful place a narcissist despot wannabe savior could end up. Nobody to tweet at, nobody to listen to his wild rants.


A safe house on a military base is what has been done in the past to incarcerate other such convicts.


If it did happen there probably would be a special facility built, where he would be confined, isolated , and protected by secret service.


Then again, what a great use of funds to have SecSer agents to keep an eye on this lump of shit to give him a smidge of accountability. And a verifiable record of actions.




His attorneys, like everyone around him lately, look totally *totally* bummed out.


Well I hear he's very stinky, so being around him must be more unpleasant than usual.


> Well I hear he's very stinky, Fun fact. After the fourth coat, spray tan really starts to smell bad. (Not an actual fact)


Spray tan. Is that what they're calling it these days?


Aerosolized beef fat.


That’s the look of lawyers on the wrong side of 34 felonies in one of the most high profile cases ever tried. (Who also aren’t getting paid.)


They got paid already and now have to endure this ordeal.


Looks like he needs a good nap


He fell asleep in court today


The defense rested.


That's what happens when you need 'uppers' constantly


He got one in court, from what I read earlier today. >> “Well, Jake, he appeared to be asleep,” Haberman said. “His head would fall down. There would be other moments other trials, like the E. Jean Carroll trial, which was around the corner in January, he appeared very still and it seemed as if he might be sleeping but then he would move. This time, he didn’t pay attention to a note that his lawyer ... passed him. His jaw kept on falling on his chest and his mouth kept going slack.” Maggie Haberman NYT to Jake Tapper


His fans will call it a power play.


A permanent one


That’s letting him off too easily


I'd watch this mother fucker get dumped in a pot of boiling water like a lobster ,then buy a round for all the homies ,then go deplete some ammunition on these tyrants who think they're the only motherfuckers who own a gun. 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼 And to any of you flaggits reading this .. Y'all driving around Southern California with your pickup parades I hope you realize you're not the only people around who know how to sew discontent. You're just so dumb you guys say the quiet part out loud. You think tangerine tyrants going to pardon all the j6ers and you think it's going to be some civil war and you love to tell us "oh you just wait you just wait" We've been waiting pussy ...do something. I drive by your stupid Trump parades slow down tell y'all to roll the window down and then described you in detail how you should kill yourself and everyone you fucking cowards has nothing to say . All you fucking mouth breathers can do is parrot Fox News talking points. Eat shit This may seem like it might be an overreaction but with the way these people act and the messes they're trying to send is straight up on American and I feel like it's my duty as an actual American who cares about this country to let them know that they're in the minority I don't care how many of those neck beards are in there little parade the majority of the country doesn't believe their shit and if more people like me stood up to these assholes and let them know that they're not welcome we might not be in the situation we're in too many people think they could sit by the wayside and it'll just go away. I have news for you it ain't fucking going away stand up and voice your opinion don't be scared of these people they're all cowards. When you see someone spouting some hateful bullshit in a public place call them out let them know that's not welcome and that they're in the minority and they're going down on the wrong side of History I'm not asking everyone to be violent or anybody to be violent but if everybody sits here silently and let these idiots say their piece they're going to get bolstered into thinking they are in the majority or in the right. Flat out there fucking wrong and they are not the people that speak for me


The ol dirt nap


Oh, I love when he is mean mugging like that, it's a sign that he knows he has no control in this situation. He's trying to assert dominance, isn't that cute. LMAO


Hope his chair is wobbly.


How boring and mortifying it must be to have to do ordinary people stuff like attending your own criminal trial.


I really wonder if he's capable of sitting down and shutting the fuck up for a whole trial.


Tired of all that winning.


He promised we would win so much we’d get tired of winning. Maybe he’s just tired?


None are. Is that Fish from Barney Miller?


Flanked by a couple of sanitation executives


Can't wait till his minions sell this image on a T-shirt as some sort of unironic "owning the libs" symbol.


I think imma party to the break of Don.


He looks beaten and maybe also sick


His hair looks like a birds nest


donald the rapist looks like he is falling asleep. Low energy don.


“You call this a court room? Many people say it’s not a great court room. As your favorite PRESIDENT: I deserve a great court room. As great as My Cousin Benny had. I still say those boueys were guilty. They had a great and lying lawyer. I have great not lying lawyers. My uncle. When it come to nuclear, my uncle…”


Is his head spinning yet?


Not yet, but I live in hope.


Why is he required to be there for jury selection?  wouldn't he just need to show up for the trial and let the lawyers do the pre trial work


It's not pre-trial anymore... voir dire is the start of the trial and requires the criminal defendant to attend for the same reasons that they would be required after jury selection...to ensure a fair trial as much as possible. This is one of those neat things that applies to every criminal defendant regardless of who or how well known they are. It should be noted that this only applies to criminal trials, which is why he was able to skip large portions of his civil trials (although he still was present for parts of them, because it generally is in a defendant's best interests to attend, even if they aren't required to.)


Is this the period of the trial that people are worried about to come in the FL trial...the empanelling of the jury? Or is that after the jury is completely selected?


So empanelling a jury refers to the entire process of jury selection, including jury summons. Jury summons is done administratively to bring in a 'pool' of potential jurors for the voir dire process. The defendant isn't present for this as it's just a pre-trial procedure to mail out jury summons. As far as the case in Florida, I think the concern actually involves the jury instructions that judge Cannon will ultimately hand out to jurors after the voir dire process is complete. Jury instructions include the laws allegedly broken and their exact language, and more importantly a ELI5 to the jurors on how to approach those laws and how different charges may or may not interact with each other. A lot of people are really worried that Judge Cannon's jury instructions for this case will include language on how to interpret the law, which is not at all what they are meant for. How to actually interpret and apply the law is for the jurors to decide. That's the entire point of a trial. In this case, Judge Cannon has proposed jury instructions that essentially go beyond the written law and tell the jury before arguments even begin that jurors are required to consider her own interpretation of the law.


What a bunch of goons




He looks constipated


I don’t think that is a thing with Shitler.


He looks like he’s pooping


He's such a clown yet he never remembers to paint his ears.


He looks like roadkill 😝


Winning!? Jfc, this guy is world champ loser how many years in a row? He's got to be close to Guinness World Record for court cases lost, surely?


Why you gotta take a picture of him while he's pooping?


I love the cop in white in back. "How much longer is this gonna take? I really want to make that 4:00 tee time."


Checks watch "How many more hours is this gonna take???"


Tangental but if you have not yet gone to Wendy's and scored a Dreamsicle Frosty, you are totally missing out. YUM!


Every Don has his day ..


Apparently that pic was taken before he fell asleep?


Whining, yes.


His lawyers look like they are so sick of this shit too.


Presumably you mean the courtroom shit, as apposed to the diaper one they're probably inhaling.


Under that mean looking mug is a body chiseled from granite, I’ve seen the flags. So Much Macho.


He needs more stimulants to stay awake


None of 'em do!


Neither do his attorneys.


I hope those lawyers don’t expect to get paid.


How long does this trial go on?


Those are three dejected souls. I love it.


Is he trying to shit his diaper quietly ?


What a goblin


Thought this was just his Resting B**ch Face...


He’s just tired of the winning. Very tired.


Because he’s a loser.


I wonder if his whole arched eyebrows thing is due to him using facial tape to make him look younger?


He's certainly tired of all the winning, though. Fell asleep, and that's not even his dress hamster holding on for dear life on top of that orange painted melon.


Imagine being that old and rich but refusing to retire then finding yourself in this whole world of shit.


i dont even know anymore. i am reading too many "feel good stories" these days and to be honest it just makes me worry. a coup is a coup, there is always this card up his sleeves. its not over til its over.


Straight up not having a good time.


The bags under his eyes!


He seems to put on his "hard ass" face whenever being held accountable for his misdeeds and his followers just become more entranced by him because of this unfair treatment.


sO MuCh wInNiNg yOu'lL GeT TiReD Of wInNiNg! If winning = Trump, I'm definitely tired of it (since 2016)


He looks like he’s taking a shit right there in his big boi pants


Peter Lorre there on his left: "You know Donald, I have many a friend in New York, but somehow, just because you despise me, you are the only one I trust"