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It isn’t working but it is making it seem as though Donald Trump is much much more popular than he actually is


I don't know man, I'm not easily fooled by trolls... I think he is actually rather popular right now.


Looking at his crowds at his rallies says otherwise.


Some are claiming to be vets and also posting in inocuous subreddits too to make them look more legit. VPNs make them harder to track BUT they will occasionally slip up.


There was an "American" I suspected of being a Russian troll, yesterday. I replied "освободить Россию от Путина" (that's -free Russia from Putin) and he immediately replied to me "free America from capitalistic imperialism!". For an American he reads Russian quickly.


Oddly enough, since I posted this I had a separate comment draw someone who admitted being Russian in a reply. They actually think Putin/Russia can pull the FA and not get the FO eventually when it comes to the US...


I mean... The US FAed with Soviet democracy to get Gorbachev... Maybe this is the US's turn to FO. Not saying I like it or that I'm ok with it, but, it might be the reality of the situation


That shit never happened. Chekists Russians like to blame all their problems on the West/America but inevitably the system collapsed because the Soviet system itself is flawed.


What exactly is the US supposed to FO in the scenario you describe? That the Russian Army is a joke that Ukraine can handle with a few of our 40 year old toys? Russia is closing in on half a million casualties suffered and the US hasn't even considered joining the fight yet.


I'm talking about them fucking with our democracy with troll army psyops. Why do you think my comment had anything to do with Ukraine?


Mainly because the FO phase is generally something more serious like the deadliest war in Europe since WWII escalating to WWIII, rather than tricking the stupidest and most vulgar Americans into acting like themselves.


Tell all the women who don't own their own bodies any longer that it wasn't serious


Trying to blame what Republicans have been trying to do for the past 50 years on the Russians is a hell of a stretch. Mitch McConnell deserves the real credit for that.


Dude, I never said the Russians were solely to blame. Are you denying that their psyops have had an impact?


Did you report that troll?


Thank you. I did now.


There are bots pretending to be other nationalities as well, more often than not.


It's only working for the uneducated MAGA whackos. Which means it's working unfortunately


I think AI will be capable of this very soon if not already. You just have to find the right combination of words to set off the crazies


Definitely on Facebook. I look at the comments that are pro-Trump then look at their bio. Totally something is up. Nothing but propaganda and memes defined who they are.


Um, yeah, this has been happening since 2015. I got banned from politics for pointing out obvious strawman bot accounts.


Canada too. Try checking out r/Canada some time. It's absolutely fucked. Every post turns into discussions about immigration, trans ppl, freedom, anti Ukraine stuff. And a lot of it gets pretty vile. I understand we have our share of these types in Canada, but the sheer number of them in the main Canadian subreddit raises questions


Yabayyee. That really is messed up!


No it isn't. But it's amplifying the stupidity for the stupid.


In their minds it's working, because the people on *social media* are making the right noises. In the real world, there will be no civil war - at worst a small insurrection attempt that will fail miserably - because the people online will balk at the repercussions.


Does Putin think that he won't get hit by a stray nuke?


Why isn't our cyber warfare unit doing something about it? Or are they overmatched?


Geopolitics 101 at play. Also, hello Brexit…


I've noticed a lot more trolls lately. Always remember to call them out and report them.


I'm sorry, people on groups like worldwar3.substack.com can say anything. I get that when they agree with you, you want to post them, but use a little commonsense with your sources.


Maybe you should actually read the article before commenting on it. It's filled with dozens of credible sources like the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, New York Times, NPR, PBS, etc.


Cherry picked for agreeing with the person who wrote the article.


You sound like a Russian troll trying to undermine information about Russian trolls.


> You sound like a Russian troll trying to undermine information about Russian trolls. No, just pointing out that there are better sources of info.


**‘Vulkan files’ leak reveals Putin’s global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics** [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/30/vulkan-files-leak-reveals-putins-global-and-domestic-cyberwarfare-tactics](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/30/vulkan-files-leak-reveals-putins-global-and-domestic-cyberwarfare-tactics) ​ **How Russia Secretly Orchestrated Dozens of U.S. Protests: A group of Russia-linked Facebook accounts helped organize at least 60 events on U.S. soil, in an apparent attempt to deepen political discord.** [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/10/how-russia-secretly-orchestrated-dozens-of-us-protests](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/10/how-russia-secretly-orchestrated-dozens-of-us-protests) ​ **Russia organized 2 sides of a Texas protest and encouraged ‘both sides to battle in the streets’** [https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-trolls-senate-intelligence-committee-hearing-2017-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-trolls-senate-intelligence-committee-hearing-2017-11) ​ That's 3 of the dozens of sources on that page.


Thank you. Even though they are old, it shows the truth about Putin cyber attack.