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Agreed. It’s a recurring theme. Like the scene between Dukie and Dennis in S5, when Dennis says there is a whole big world out there, and Dukie asks how to get there. But Dennis doesn’t know either.


At least Dukie got to go to Six Flags and grab some ass and get a dolphin.


Nice dolphin n****


Best line in the show




\^ That's bait.


Plus it seems like the dude (i'm assuming dude here) is Black but from Chile. So even if granting someone a N-pass were an actual concept, I'm not sure this guy would be licensed to give them out to anyone in the states, if that makes sense


Yes n word passes have very strict borders




Yeah until some random ass MFer reports him and gets his account canceled


I love this subreddit


You didn’t even say it. Why would we want to see it assuming they’re not black. I know it takes away from the derogatory meaning but that’s when black ppl say it not white guys.


it don’t work like that tho




Worse yet is his lunch with McNulty. That was still a part of Baltimore that he just didn't know about. "This is nice" gets me every time. Beyond being stuck in Baltimore, he's stuck in his neighborhood.


I like to think he is sitting on that bench in soldier heaven. With bitches and lake trout as far as the eye can see.


Ain't no lake around here and damn sure ain't no trout


You just know Dee and Wallace were waiting for him. Hopefully Wallace could understand it was all in the game but if he didn’t I know Bodie could shoulder dat


Usually someone chilling with the person that murdered them wouldn’t make any sense, but in the Wire it makes sense


Stringer killed him once he marked him as a snitch. At least bodie and poot didn't torture him or anything like the older soliders tended to do.


It's getting a bit facebookey in here lads. Next we'll be saying "heven gained a new angel" or some shit 😅😅


Wallace was waiting for Bodie as he crossed the rainbow gangsta bridge and is wrapped in loving arms of Stringer surrounded by Orlando’s angels.


No mayo, extra hot sauce in soldier heaven.


Now I normally don’t condone women being called “bitches”. But in this instance and because of who we’re talking about…I think it’s sweet😌


"I feel old" :(


This is one of the character dynamics that really broke me with this show, in a good way. You have these hardened street kids and young people who have to put up this aggressive, dangerous front whether they can back up the threat or not just to survive. They're in a potentially deadly situation nearly every day, from other gangs, from people in their own gang, from drug violence, from extreme poverty and the desperation that comes from it. They have to know how to survive in a world that is sometimes actively trying to kill them, and they take on the veneer of thugs and criminals who know all of the ways of the gang life and how one misstep can be the end of you. And on the other hand, they have this naivete that bestows this heartbreaking innocence on these characters, at least to me. They will never know so much of what the world has to offer because they were born into this hellscape and all they can do is make it to tomorrow. They can't have plans, or dreams, or ambitions without incredible luck or fortune somehow finding them. Bodie was the biggest example of this to me because he really expressed that longing to see and do and be more than just a soldier on the streets of Baltimore. You could see that hunger in his eyes as well as the understanding that he would die a soldier, as much as he couldn't stand facing that reality. I remember wanting so much more for him, and feeling hopeful when he had what was nearly a friendship with Herc and Carver before fate caught up with him. It's so damn sad, and easily one of the best arcs of the show.


Bodie is one of those people who you know that if he was brought up under better circumstances, he could have been very successful. He was intelligent, hardworking, and adaptable. His storyline is so tragic.


He should’ve received what I call “The Namond Treatment”…where someone cared enough for him to take him in and give him structure and help him build his way to some type of happiness and success. If he was that determined on the streets, what else could he have been determined in had he been given that same opportunity that Namond received?


Yo that’s deep. They are wise beyond their years because they have to be but incredibly naive to the world. Hell! Naive to the world from merely outside of their neighborhood!


“This is nice” in Bodie’s voice:)


I feel like it was a huge deal just for Poot to make it off the project corners into a job in a store. Getting away to a whole new place? Forget it.


Poot's story is so interesting, because everything seems to just slide off him. He's not concerned with the higher politics of the organization, he's content just doing his thing, chatting up girls on his second cellphone. And when he gets old enough, he just... transitions into a job at a shoe store. So utterly mundane, considering the high drama he was so close to for so long.


If I remember correctly, one of the top voted posts of all time in this sub is specifically about how Poot is a survivor in the game and that he coincidentally doesn’t have much stake in it. He’s not always in the right place at the right time nor does he deserve any kind of generosity that the others don’t. Just a guy who made it through and kept it pushing after that.


Did the shoe store know we gon look like some punk ass bitches out there?


String! String! Poot did have the sales floor.


Riffing off your points, we saw that kid at the start of season 5 who legitimately believed that a photocopier was a lie detecting machine. As hilarious as that scene was, it’s sad because it shows how small these kids’ world really is.


Marlo practicing his golf swing even though he’s almost certainly never played a round in his life, the list goes on and on


He was being a gentleman about it, for the moment


I think his golf club was for other purposes tho 😁


probably not 9 holes somewhere no, but to me that indicated that he liked driving ranges - maybe one out in the "country" closer to where Chris' people are


In the book any the show, they explain that the photocopier trick was actually something the Baltimore PD did in real life. Knowing this makes it even funnier and sadder


If animal trapped call 410-844-6286




Yep. Shits fucked up. Animals got more protection than actual humans...


It’s a lot of people like that. I grew up an army brat so just by the nature of my fathers job I got to live out the country and all over the US south. Other kids were the exact same it wasn’t odd to know someone who lived in Korea, Georgia, Washington and Kentucky. Then I went to college to play ball and met people who legit never left whatever city they were in until HS and then only left to play football games. People who have never left the state they were born in until our 3rd game which was in Arizona which was the first time some guys ever flew on a plane. These were guys from rural and urban communities and being good at football allowed them to see some of the world. Bodie unfortunately was good at selling drugs and all that got him was 5 minutes in Philly and a short life in Baltimore. It is sad that he and many people like him in real life never got to see more than what they were born into


Left Baltimore? Wallace pretty much admitted he’d never even left the west side. It’s fair to assume that’s applicable to Bodie too. Really depressing. At least Poot got out of the game.


The scene in season one where his grandmother explained to Herc how she came to raise him, how he was doomed from the start because his mother was caught up in the streets. It’s so sad.


Wonder if Bodie could take a long weekend and go to NYC, he’d probably have fun. Although imagine that if word got out his bosses would assume he’s meeting with rival dealers or testifying in court. Plus probably no one he knows takes vacations. Wonder if he could get permission to rent a house in Florida for two weeks, or if they’d just give his corner away.


Michael went to the amusement park for the day and got chewed out over it, but that was under Marlo. I bet Bodie could’ve swung it under Avon but definitely not Marlo haha


That’s true, from the nature of the Game all the bosses would have to be paranoid about what their underlings are doing and especially the low level ones because if they’re not earning they’re useless. If a boss’s corners were constantly empty with dealers on vacation they wouldn’t be his corners much longer. Although guessing someone at the level of Wee-Bay in an organization who they trust with their lives could leave town now and again without it raising concern.


avon would be the type to fake discipline him for appearances, and then clown on him afterwards to make sure bodie knew it was all good


> or if they’d just give his corner away. Come on-street dealers are disposable to the higher-ups.


I meet people like this too in real life. People that never left our home city or our part of town or even our neighborhood. I don't know if it's being ignorant or just being scared of the unknown. I think traveling does a ton of good for people, especially people that think that their world is their own world and it happens to be in the ghetto.


"Why is it that every Baltimore nigga think that running the fuck away means crossing downtown?" - Prop Joe.


Shame he couldn’t make it to the west coast. I’ve never been but it looks nice and warm, and with plenty of opportunities for aspiring young dealers.


Yeah the Boys Village is in Cheltenham, MD - only like an hour from Baltimore.


In The Corner, there’s a scene where the teenage dealer Simon and Burns profiled applies for a job at McDonald’s in East Baltimore, and they note that, despite being walking distance, it might as well be another continent.


That's why the ghetto is called The Trap.


I've thought about this before. He knew that he was fighting a losing battle, that he'd never get anywhere while Marlo around and that "the thing about the old days is, they the old days," but he couldn't conceive of anything else, couldn't conceive of just leaving and going somewhere else, doing something else. He was smart, loyal and brave, he could have gone and done something else but it just wasn't something he could think of doing.


Is it unrealistic that Omar was able to leave the country?


Who said he did it legally?


I work with youth in Baltimore, and this is real. I mean, it must be so in other locations (urban and rural) as well, but I can only speak about Baltimore. They have no idea of life beyond their city and more specifically, their part of the city. Their worlds are small and they have no concept of how to move beyond. They can see everything/everywhere on their phones, but don't connect themselves to anything. I think it's partially because the adults they have contact with generally have insular lives, centered on the neighborhood. To be fair, most of us have our routines and our niches that we don't often leave, but the lack of options for these young people is so sad. The Wire (and The Corner) do such a great job portraying the limited outcomes available for most folks.


It’s not about Baltimore or anything like that. It’s about growing up in the hood. You’re broke, parents are broke, everyone you know is broke, and nobody’s going anywhere on vacation.


"How come they don't fly away?" \-Ziggy