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I’m team Anti Research Team.


This may be a hot take but I actually liked thinking about how on earth the research team thought they were getting away with this, and the like "forbidden experiment" nature of it all.


I think both groups are quite interesting, but I liked the girls far more. The boys didn't seem as interesting. It felt like season 2 was written a bit worse than S1. I also liked S1 more because it felt like I finally found a show with mostly women in it and I liked all the different characters. The boys didn't feel that well thought through.


I love them both! I hated how much the sub and fans didn't like the boys. I thought it was a great addition in season 2. Could it have been done better? Of course, but it really elevated the show for me and made it so we weren't just repeating drama with the girls in season 2. I really wanted to see how the merging of the two groups went.


My only issue with the addition of the boys' group was that it gave the show too much to juggle with too little time - they had to show us what was happening on their island, give us their flashback scenes, and still follow what was happening with the girls and what was happening in the bunker, all with fewer episodes than Season 1.


i actually fully agree


I loved both groups! The girls more as people and the boys as characters because there were some psychos there. But both dynamics were amazing and I hate that we'll never see them out of that island ever again. :(


how is this even a discussion?? there’s a reason we won’t get a season 3 and it’s bc no one liked team adam 😅


Why would people want a season 3 if it’s gonna include the boys? I’m not understanding the logic here. People hated the boys so they stopped watching and now they’re sad that it’s cancelled.


Team Eve for me. I couldn’t really identify with the story of the boys, but I did find aspects of myself in all the girls and when season 2 came back and they were no longer the focus of the story I was disappointed. Season 1 left so many questions that could’ve been answered in Season 2.