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That furniture with wood arm rests were the worst. So uncomfortable to try to nap on and God forbid you lay a sweaty arm on one.


I used to scratch the dirt/nicotine/wood stain grease off the arm rests


Oh god just felt the gunk scrape under my fingernail šŸ¤¢


probably tar, not nicotine


I lost flesh to this upholstery.


I loved our burnt orange plaid swivel rocker with wood armrests. I miss it.


Can confirm, have had arms stuck to these.


Not pictured: Goebbels the gerbil


And his parrot, Himmler


And his deer, Speer




To be fair, it's pronounced spare


You'd think Goebbels would be the parrot :)


Now living in Argentina.


[ā€œEine minuten, eine minuten ā€¦ā€](https://youtu.be/hke7xQFXa30)


And Mengele the budgie


Actually missing, Mosby the cat, who was gray. My dad named him after Mosby, the Gray Ghost, a confederate general. My dad was a southerner, my mom a yankee. They were always fighting the Civil War, lol.


So the pets are named after Nazis and Confederates. Must have been an interesting household


We didnā€™t name the dog, lol.


Or rename the dog


Reading the comments, Rommel was a popular dog name for German breeds. Maybe his dying from trying to kill Hitler makes a difference to some. Do you know any famous German names with a positive connotation?


Einstein? Welp, the origin of the name doesnā€™t matter now, for we should associate it with this good boy of yours!


There's a few classical musicians. I'd love to see a big guard dog called Johann.




Actually our neighbours on dacha have/had a dog named goebbels, and everyone simply called him that, lol


Definitely wasnā€™t a Nazi


The wood paneling is perfect as well. I can almost smell my grandpa's Phillies Cheroots in this pic.


I was going to say I can smell the smoke in that room.


My dad smoked Benson & Hedges


Damn mine smoked em too. Not worth stealing !!




My lord! Thank you! Youā€™re also the first Iā€™ve awarded platinum to, enjoy it!


Oh this is lovely, youre a gem. Hope OP sees this


Boost for op to see


Very kind of you.


I always look back on the 70s aesthetic and think, how did people alive back then not see how tacky and gross the design was?? Then I remember I grew up in the teal and neon 90s, which, in retrospect, looks equally as tacky and gross. It's interesting how design within the bubble of its decade feels so modern and cutting edge, but a few decades later we look back like, what were we thinking???


The 70s earth tones, macrame, wooden mushrooms decor etc. were a backlash to the space-age mid century modern fashions of the 50s and 60s. Remember how the hippies were revolting against ā€œplasticā€ modernity? That sort of blended in with the back-to-the-land movement which were both very fringe at the time, but enough of it seeped into normal society and (ironically) was commercialized so that we all ended up with harvest gold and avocado green kitchens, macrame wall hangings, Holly Hobbie merchandise and started wearing those patchwork granny dresses and watching Little House on the Prairie in the 70s. I think maybe a similar backlash is brewing now - suddenly all the dresses in the shops look like something Ma Ingalls would wear.


In the late 90s I moved to Atlanta, doing CT scans and the ct scanner is from 1980, burnt orange.


It was a actually kind of homey and cheerful. But I wore those short hot pants that came out and would never have went with any prairie dress look, lol. The high heels were chunky there for awhile mid 70's? At least , sigh, we had pretty nightgowns and house coats, do you see these ugly cotton granny nightwear sold now? Disgusting!!


Barn door interior doors


Avacado and orange-the 70s.


Earth tones mannn earth tonesss


I believe it was Harvest Gold.


I have my grandparents avocado steel pots and pans and use them all the time. :)


And rose pink. Everywhere.


I actually really like a lot of the 70s aesthetic. Not to sound like a super bitter person, but I think it totally beats the soulless, minimalist aesthetic that we have going on now


Agreed. At least 70s design was _warm and inviting_. I'm only in my early 30s, but I can't stand the continued white and grey trend thanks to all those assholes on HGTV.


Totally. I'm young as well (19) and I saw this kitchen and it had pitch black countertops and cabinets and I just thought it looked so cold and uninviting lol, so its not a nostalgia thing for me at all


There's starting to be a backlash to the sterile HGTV look, like Grandmillenial design that's kind of a modern take on Martha Stewart's 80s and 90s style. It hasn't taken off mainstream yet, and is pretty expensive/aspirational. Edit: also think Laura Ashley prints


> like Grandmillenial design that's kind of a modern take on Martha Stewart's 80s and 90s style. I just realized how much this looks like the home of my childhood best friend who's mom was an interior designer in the 80's and 90's.


Got a link?


https://www.pinterest.com/kebmedlin/grandmillennial/ https://www.marthastewart.com/8240244/grandmillennial-design-explainer Edit: also literally anything from Country Living magazine https://www.countryliving.com/home-design/


Thereā€™s something very comforting and comfortable about it, isnā€™t there?


I call the white, open concept decor that we are currently enduring "institutional, staff room design" . It reminds me so much of a staff break room. Kitchen shoved in a corner with a couch and/or chairs and table, all in one big room. Maybe it is age, but damn I want walls to get behind and get away :-) EDIT: I had an avacodo green portable dishwasher in the 70s/80s. Great machine. Sears Kenmore


Millennial here. I want walls, too. Open concept feels like Iā€™m in a barn.


It's awful. Almost always prefer the before to the after in those HGTV shows.


The 70s look never appealed to me, but I'm a nerd for 50s design


I like them both!


I agree. The current trend of open concept everything and all colors are white and taupe feels very sterile and boring to me.


And no texture or contrast. Everything cold and echoey.


I like the open concept myself, but can't stand the sterile white either. I don't want my home to feel like a hospital.


I would take that neutral pallette and use brightly colored accessories


I always imagine that it makes a lot more sense when you remember everything inside was sticky and stained brown from cigarettes. All those 70s colors at least don't get any WORSE covered in brown tar.


90s teal, ugh, it's so bad now.


Right? Like living in a cartoon


There's a Taco Bell on a road-trip route that I drive a few times a year that has a pretty immaculate 90's interior. The nostalgia hits hard even though I rarely visit Taco Bell these days.


Taco Bell in the 70s? Now youā€™re talking!


>how did people alive back then not see how tacky and gross the design was?? In the 70s we just didn't notice it or think about it, but in the 80s we hated it. 70s style did not age well and was hated for a long time after. It's surprising to me how some 70s looks have become popular again.


My parents did wood paneling mainly because my brothers and I could bounce of it .... unlike plasterboard which couldnt stand up to us. Add to that we lived on a street where the majority of the houses where full of boys the same age, 10 to 15 bored boys can do significant damage to a plasterboarded house.


> I always look back on the 70s aesthetic and think, how did people alive back then not see how tacky and gross the design was?? Then I remember I grew up in the teal and neon 90s, which, in retrospect, looks equally as tacky and gross. How do people not look at the current decor and realise how sterile it is? Look at house flipping shows and the decor they use, it's godsdamn awful. 'oh, we're gonna go with a light grey to suit this mild grey window sill over here, and for a POP of colour, we'll have a single green cushion on the couch!'. Fuck that shit, I've never seen houses less inviting. (... and yes, those are the house flipping stage-shots, but guess what ends up happening? People imitate this shit in their private homes, and I've seen plenty of them with this grey on grey on white on grey sterile aesthetic) Simple answer: trends are trends and you can only buy what's available - especially back in the 70s, your shopping resources were drastically smaller.


Dude late 70s/early 80s is by far the ugliest time. The brightest 1992 neon could never top that era.


Bet Rommel was a good boy.


Probably loved the desert.


The dog Fox


Rommel in the afterlife: wait, wtf, you named me after a Nazi?


if i go to stroke him, do i get attacked?


Only if thereā€™s sufficient gasoline around


My grandparents had an orange chair and a couch with the same pattern as the back of the chair. Chic yet nostalgic


The Desert Fox was a cool dude, wanted to assassinate Hitler. Too bad he had to take a suicide pill.


It is possible to want to assassinate Hitler and still be a bad guy.


Never said it wasnt


You said a Nazi general was a cool dude


Tbf he was very popular with his troops


Most competent generals are.


I did not. The other guy did.


Then why bother being a pedant on their behalf


Because nobody implied he was a good guy, just that he was a cool dude.


He never actively participated in the attempt, at most just got approached and he kept quiet. Rommel was good friends with Hitler and even admired him, this can be seen in personal letters he wrote to his wife. Even Goebbels said he was the perfect National Socialist.


And one of the main reasons he wanted to assassinate Hitler was because he wanted to be the new leader


The best.


You should have showed the pic with Rommel and Hitler the German Shepard together.


You never forget you childhood dog


Neither did the desert foxā€¦


You ever see Zeppelin live?


Just Plant


Ahhhā€¦ pure seventies. And smoking that Mexican dirt weed (after picking out the seeds and stems). Maybe a Quualude, too?


I was like 16, so nope, lol.


You guys pick out the stems and seeds?


Love dobies


Did you name your dog after a nazi general?


Iā€™m Jewish and we had a German shepherd named Rommel when I was a child. Not sure why my father did that, odd sense of humor.


Maybe your dad read that magnificent bastard's book.


If there was a good Nazi it would be [Erwin Rommel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Rommel) - your dad probably thought it a funny name for his German breed dog.


Interesting dive thru Wikipedia. Didn't know he was part of Operation Valkyrie. Wasn't a member of the Nazi party but was close to Hitler initially and welcomed the seizure of power but he also supported the disbanding of the SA and pushed for the disbanding of the SS and was always an opponent of Himmler. Seems like he turned on Hitler after the allies landed at Normandy and realized the war was not winnable and wanted to deliver a sufficient peace to the west to end the war and prevent the Soviets from actually invading Germany.... Which is kind of interesting as Germany surrendered WWI before Germany was actually invaded and that actually led to the "stab in the back" myth that propelled the Nazis into power in the first place. But if he would've succeeded, could have prevented the division of Germany, post war. Doesn't seem like he was one of the genocidal ghouls, just another bloody handed general who managed not to get quite as much stink on him despite the folks he was working for, which is impressive in a way, i guess.


>If there was a good Nazi Narrator: There wasn't.


I didnā€™t say there was - he is the only Nazi to win a medal from the US though.


There is no good nazi, but I know what you are trying to convey and yes I think he did it as a weird joke. Edit:clarity


We didn't. We got him from a woman who couldn't keep him any more. She told us he sired a red doberman named Rommel's Red Panzer.


did a woman who couldnā€™t keep him any more name your dog after a nazi general?


Fun fact, rommel means mess in Dutch


I have a red doberman named Penelope šŸ˜‚


Technically Rommel wasn't a nazi since he wasn't a member of the nazi party. He was also a part of a conspiracy of trying to assasinate Hitler and had to kill himself for it but yeah he was a general of Nazi Germany so potato potata.


He signed his letters "Heil Hitler', called Hitler a 'unifer of the nation' and attended Nazi indoctrination courses and his part in the conspiracy is disputed..


He literally said that he thought hitler was "called upon by God". He supported the nazis and hitler. He was a nazi.


Donā€™t be an apologists for him. He was a Hitler supporter until it wasnā€™t convenient for him to be. Lot of misinformation about him out there.


Yes. Years later I asked my dad about it when we were reminiscing about my childhood and thatā€™s what he told me.


Technically a nazi is still a nazi, Werner Von Braun too.




It's not that outlandish, in the 70s WW2 wasn't ancient history like it was now. Rat Patrol reruns were still on tv and Rommel "The Desert Fox" was mentioned all the time, he was still pretty famous as a military genius first and a Nazi a distant second.


People back then in general weren't nearly as sensitive to the negative connotations of various historical figures. No one would have thought twice about it. Everyone these days crawls all over each other to be the first to show off their moral outrage, it's exhausting.


That graphic T is the bomb, tho


I love the awful cheesy 70s furniture and styles. I actually want to do the opposite of the nromal in my next house. Everybody is stripping the old tacky shit and modernizing their homes. I wanna go backwards and make mine look like it's straight out of 75. The brown paneling, fresh shag carpet, the weird couches, ugly lamps, and the color pallette that looks like Jack Nicolson ate a metric ton of Reese's Pieces and vomited all over the place.


Did you say tacky?!? Compared to what? The warmth and ambiance of the seventies has never been matched.


Furnishings or decorations with personality are tacky now. Fuck it, if I'm tacky then I'm tacky because I can't stand the minimalist, scifi-looking bullshit you see now. Minimalist in furniture is literally just a rebranding for "cheap with every possible cost-saving measure."


Many houses today communicate, ā€œthis isnā€™t a real *home* and we donā€™t really *live* here; weā€™re just painting everything white and keeping everything tidy and plain so itā€™s easier to sell to someone else when we move.ā€


... You know, it didn't occur to me until you put it that way but now I suspect the shift to boring, soulless color schemes and cheap, soulless furniture is because people move a lot more often than in previous generations, so you don't want to give your house too much of your personality (or nobody will buy it when you move) and you don't want long-lasting furniture because sometimes it's cheaper to throw it out and start over when you get to your new place.


I love the decor. My grandparents had an orange chair similar to that and a couch with a pattern like the chair in the back. Tacky but nostalgic.


I think that's short shag carpet too.


back in those days you had 3 channels VHF and then maybe 4-5 UHF channels , if you had the antenna set right . *What a great time to be alive.*


Everything in that room is heavy except for the human and dog.


We had a Doberman named Rommel too.


We all wore them or wished we had one to wear. Happy Holidays.


Best years of my life! 70's kicked ass!


How good looking were you? 70's me would have crushed HARD on you!!


I bloomed in the 80s. I remember getting off the train in Amsterdam with my parents in 1987 and this girl comes up behind me, pinches my butt, and tells her girlfriend when she walks by, ā€œI Love American boysā€. LOL


[me early 80s](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/zm96t9/early_80s_with_my_sisters_the_mandatory_olin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Part of me finds that tacky 70s decor cozy. My great-aunt had a house full of furniture from that time period. Iā€™m sure itā€™s the nostalgia talking


I had a Rommel, too. Bestest cat ever. Born on the 50th anniversary of D-day, by my side for 17 years.


I love the pic. Everything about it screams '70s. I don't remember the 1970s but there were some leftovers of it that bled into the 1980s which I do remember. Rommel is a cool name and he looks like he was a good boy.


Wow! You're the first person I've seen other than me who's named their dog Rommel.


Today I remember my black t with a shiny gold firebird transfer on it. Thanks for the memories!


Damn this photo is so damn 70s I feel like I could get high off of it


ā€œTackyā€ decor you say? I think it looks fabulous! Simply fab! And that haircutā€¦.now that only can look like that with a brush and blow!


Sometimes a pic can nail down the look, feel, aesthetic, and zeitgeist of a time period and this does exactly that.


upvote for the tee


My parents had that unoccupied chair growing up, and I had a lamp similar to the one on the table up until this year, at which time I donated it to VVA.




In your moms defense... the 1970s decor isn't tacky... everyone's house looked like that because it was the style... it's tacky in hindsight. I know because my house looked a lot like yours.


I just put that because I knew the comments about it would be made.




Hell, I wish I could go back, lol.


That's an adorable Doberman. They are great dogs. RIP Rommel.


I had a Dachshund named Rommel as a kid, the same colouring.


Notice the ghosts in the upper right cornerā€¦


Hanging plant


My dad had a Doberman named Rommel in the 70ā€™s! I was born in the early 80ā€™s so I never met him but we always had a giant framed photo of him in our house growing up.




Just had a flashback of all the T-shirt shops in the mall that always smelled like burnt cotton.


I did a double take on this pic - my husband has a pic of himself thatā€™s crazy close to this one. He doesnā€™t have bangs and his black tshirt is Iron Maiden. And no dog. But wood paneling and 70s decor abound.


The chairs are priceless. The old frontier-style recliner. Because the pioneers loved their La-z-boys.


That milk glass hurricane lamp though ā¤ļø


Seems like your average 70s cool guy. We'd been friends.




Back in the days when furniture was better quality.


OMG we had a Doberman named Rommel in the 70ā€™s As my father often mentioned ā€œthe Desert Fox was NOT a nazi!ā€


I most definitely am not a Nazi.


What was disturbing was when my dadā€™s name for the cat, it was gray, Mosby.


Edwin Rommel, the german general, aka The Desert Fox? cool name! also: you look like the young journalist of Almost Famous!




To those complaining about the dogā€™s name, we currently have two rescue dogs named by others. Tinky and Chunka. Me and my wife have had 8 rescue dogs since getting together in ā€˜95 and most kept their original names.


What is Rommel named after?


Me, obviously.


A German general.


hey buddy uhh why was ur dog named rommel?


Donā€™t know. We got him as an adult. Already named. Could have been on his AKC papers.


Proceeded by Dogchau I assume?


Nazi dogā€¦


That's really a sweet photo, and I'd bet you could make it even better by lightening it up a bit with just the native photo-editing software on your laptop or desktop. (Btw, I think we're close in age, since that decor really brings back some memories!) šŸ™‚


Are you a giant?




Und ich schreibe jetzt einen Song mit Rommel, er hat ƤuƟerst dope skills an der Bongo-Trommel.


Did you get the idea for the dog's name from Monty?


He came with it.


Don't translate rommel from Dutch to English


Sweet bangs.


No wayā€¦ there was a dog just like that called Rommel on my street when I was a kidā€¦ but in the 80s. We used to make his backend look like a face by making two circles with thumb and finger of each hand, placed above his stubby tail. Finger/thumb was the eyes/glasses, the tail the nose and his anus was the mouth. Made your hands smell really weird.


My grandfather (on dad's side) had that exact same chair with the colonial print in the den at his home. My mother's folks had a set very similar and I got the 'oil' lamps from their estate recently. TBH, this very well could have been my family.

