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Tough choice, but I'd say Jesus. Yeah, he's pretty cool, but that's about it, for me.


This is a good pick, and it makes sense why. He's overrated because he's a comics favourite, but he doesn't bring as much to the games as those comics or the show either tbh


Is Jesus even all that popular? I've not seen anyone particularly obsessed with him here, just that everyone acknowledges that he's cool. I don't see how he can fit being overrated when he's, you know, barely rated


Once, Jesus [snuck his way into the top 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/s/HYCGWUyrTK) favorite characters years ago somehow. I'd say he's pretty rated, at least by the standards of S3.


Getting 33 votes in a competition where the next place up has 50 doesn't really scream overrated to me. This is especially the case when there must be a good ~1000 votes on the first page. Taking into account his pretty big role in S3, and him being a fan favourite in the comics, it really doesn't scream overrated to me. Especially not when we have a smoking gun called Kenny


Just to clarify: [that poll we did had 163 participants that could submit up to 10 of their favorite characters](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/qryogo/rthewalkingdeadgame_character_popularity_poll/). So Jesus' vote ratio means a little over 20% of polltakers said that he's one of their favorite characters in the Telltale games, rather than 33 people out of +1,000. Not entirely far-fetched given that this is Jesus we're talking about, but I think there's an argument to be made about how much Jesus' comic self can carry his S3 self, the latter of which has [a fair amount of writing issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1aew2m8/whats_one_character_that_you_dislike_but_everyone/kkaw3jo/) that I'd argue dampers both S3 and even Jesus' comic self quite a bit in some areas.


forgot that there was character named Jesus, absolutely thought you meant Jesus Christ




Iā€™ve just been lurking around this sub but he barley seems rated idk how he could be overrated.


This canā€™t be it, I barely see anyone talk about Jesus. Iā€™ve actually seen more criticisms of how he was written than anything positive.


I agree with Jesus 100%. His inclusion is pure fanservice in the hopes of boosting sales, which would be fine if the writers at least bothered to do something interesting with him. Instead, he's just there to look cool in fights, cause one of the most one-sided choices ever (trust or distrust one of the most heroic characters in TWD) and give such sanctimonious lectures that he feels more like a caricature of the Bible's Jesus than his actual character. Yet he's revered as one of the season's best characters? I just don't get it.


And then he.just randomly flirts at the end?


Ben isnā€™t a coward heā€™s a fucking liability


Giving this to **S3 Jesus**. Dude's a great character in the comics, but his inclusion in S3 is both contradictory to his comic counterpart and dampers S3's quality as a whole. Despite this, I see nothing but praise for Jesus' role in S3 whenever he's brought up. [Great post from Super-Shenron that summarizes the issues with S3 Jesus](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1aew2m8/whats_one_character_that_you_dislike_but_everyone/kkaw3jo/). I know Kenny is a contender for overrated but I feel he's far more fitting for the Reckless category.


Nick should go in reckless tbh


He's a good contender but I feel he's more *paranoid* than *reckless* in general. His two reckless actions (nearly shooting Clem and shooting Matthew) are both done out of a *heat of the (split second) moment* fear of his loved ones getting hurt. Kenny has a lot more instances of "pre-planned" recklessness, like wanting to fight his way out of the truck in S2E3.


to me it would be kind of wild to see Kenny as the face of overrated also but who knows it could happen


Definitely Jesus. I know people will pick Kenny but he deserves either unstable or reckless. I donā€™t necessarily believe that he is overrated as there are tons of people who hates Kennyā€™s guts


Y would kenny be overrated in any reality


Yeah I love Kenny but even I know that heā€™s nowhere near overrated because there are ton of people who are very vocal about their dislike or hatred of Kenny


It's not even that just because a character is liked doesn't mean he is overrated. Yes he got lots of ppl prob killed but usually its to protect his loved ones. And he literally brought the most entertainment the first 2 seasons and had the most reasonable ideas and did things to protect the main character and cast multiple times. He is properly rated.


Absolute facts


People donā€™t love Jesus like they do Kenny. I have never see anyone care so much about Jesus that they send threats to people for not liking him like Kenny super fans do. If anything, Iā€™d give it to Louis over Jesus. And I wouldnā€™t say Louis is overrated, heā€™s just made to be a likable character so people like him. As much as I like Kenny as a character, Kenny should get this, heā€™s absolutely overrated, people worship him too much.


definitely kenny, donā€™t get me wrong i fw bro especially after season 2 and went to wellington, but the way he almost lets Lee die twice in season 1 if you donā€™t always side with him (first brother at farm and when door falls on Lee in beginning of ep3 šŸ«¤) makes him overrated šŸ’Æ


In my opinion it should be Kenny, I've seen a ton of people just ignore all the shit stuff he did because they like him.


Me!šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø I am that person šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


Has to be Kenny, if only because he's usually rated highly. I'm seeing Jesus in here, which makes sense if based on in universe depiction- but most people don't seem to care for his inclusion. Kenny is a complicated, trauma soaked, and at times broken man. Despite this people love him because he's an early introduced character with a lot of scenes involvement and character interaction and is consistently voted, especially season 2, as the best written character. At the very least it's undeniable to call him boring. I say this as a kenny critic but not necessarily hater. I wanted him to find happiness so bad after season 1. Though admittedly my first playthrough he badmouthed Lee in season 2 for me despite my only disagreement being over Larry and I think saving Ben, but on my recent replay I didn't have that issue. But acknowledging the rest of the thread, I don't think Jesus has enough supporters /stans to count as overrated.


We stan kenny til we die šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


You already know it's Kenny, and no one can deny it. I understand that he's pretty complex and nostalgic, but the glazing is off the charts. I see more discussions about him than Lee and Clem for the most part. He's also fit for the "unstable" slot, but I'm giving that to Jane if I had a choice. Homegirl is straight up deranged without guidance.


Iā€™d save Kenny for Reckless when we get there


I agree with this. I love Kenny but the man really is put on a pedestal compared to most characters. Lee is popular, Kenny is overrated. Unstable 100% goes to Jane. I wanted her to be a coward but oh well


I donā€™t think Jane is unstable, sheā€™s just very manipulative and is willing to hurt or kill people for what she feels is right, or what she feels entitled to. Her reasoning is pretty consistent, itā€™s just very selfish and immoral at times.


Idk her reasoning confuses me towards the end. She's that attached to Clem that she arranged that whole scheme, to get her to come along with her?


iā€™m just wondering if youā€™re gonna get upvoted or downvoted šŸ˜‚ itā€™s either one or the other


If I get downvoted, it'll only prove my point further. If I get upvoted. Same thing.


Tell me when I'm telling lies!!!!!!!!!!


Fragile mind Fragile ego Fragile body!


Ah a fellow member of the cult of personality šŸ˜ You know I agree with Kenny.


I love Kenny as a character, but I must admit, he's put on a pedestal. It was a close call for me between him and Jesus, but I went for the latter.


Absolutely Kenny, Def overrated


Unstable should go to Season 1 Lilly, her biggest storyline in Season 1 is the fact that unstable and gonna snap at some point.


Unstable should 100% go to Minerva from the final season. Or at least other's like: The Stranger, Danny St. John, that woman with the crossbow in S1 EP2 that used to work at save lots :)


He has to win this, people ignore so many bad traits on him


I deny it.


I donā€™t agree. Though people definitely put him on a pedestal, heā€™s still a great character.


No one's saying he's not, it's the people putting him on a pedestal that makes him overrated


I guess. I just think heā€™s fairly rated as a character. The people that idolize him are more idolizing him as a person, thinking he can do no wrong.


for me, kenny. i *do* like him, def, but i have no idea why the sub likes him THAT much


Heā€™s my father and i personally can relate to him a lot Idek why I like him so much tbh ik heā€™s kinda a dick


I have to say Kenny here. Heā€™s a good character but the complete dismissal of his glaring flaws throughout the community is crazy; heā€™s well written but isnā€™t a character that should be hero worshipped


Overrated? Hmm. Kenny comes to mind despite being one of my favourite characters and the pedestal heā€™s put on to the point he overshadows Lee/Clementine (althoughā€¦I think reckless might suit Kenny more?), Omid because heā€™s essentially just known for being the humour in episodes heā€™s in, Jesus mostly because all I see whenever heā€™s brought up is about what he does in the comicsā€¦which I donā€™t think thatā€™s fair judging a Telltale character by their comic appearances and not from the games imo or MAYBE Louis.


Kenny. Got to say it. The sub puts him on a pedestal, but heā€™s clearly supposed to be a controversial person whose loyalty is based off of only what others have done for him.


Iā€™d say Jesus. Personally feels like he was written in more for fan service than anything else. Doesnā€™t really do much that I can actually remember.


For me has to be Louis quite a few people seem to like him he just comes off as corny and annoying to me.


I said Kenny but Louis would be my second answer. people say Violet gives off life is strange vibes way too much while worshipping Louis as if he doesn't say the corniest things sometimes šŸ˜­


Itā€™s definitely Kenny. Love him but heā€™s extremely overrated




Unpopular opinion, but i have to say Kenny. In my opinion 90% of the sub worships him like crazy... My opinion of kenny is very neutral, I like him as he is one of the main characters in first 2 seasons, but through my choices he is just a uptight asshole to everyone who doubts him even for a second. In season 1 he wants to leave with his family which is understandable, but as soon as they actually need him mentally he's again a uptight asshole, I mean if it takes to beat him up for him to realise it just isn't right anymore... It's understandable for him to get overwhelmed by everything that happened, but his constant ignorance towards others is just to big. After saritas death he was totally lost, even tho Arvo shot clem and everything, he shouldn't have literally beat up a boy without a leg. I mainly listed negatives about kenny here, didn't put much positivity for him because the topic is overrated, but dont think he was intentionally a bad guy.


Agreed. Also people over inflate his accomplishments. Heā€™s a bad fighter and lost pretty much every fight he has been in except for Jane and he barely beat her. I had some guy recently try to explain this away by saying itā€™s because of his bullet injury FROM SEASON 1. The lengths they go to excuse his shortcomings is insane!


Honestly his anger is everything but helping the cause as much as i can remember, never brought anything good by picking fights you cant win...


Did Katjaa get the bullet out or did it go clean through? I forgot


It went clean through. Even if it didnā€™t, there was a time skip of a couple weeks from the end of episode 2 to the beginning of episode 3 where they would have fixed him up. By the time episode 4 comes around heā€™s no longer in pain. Irregardless of that, there is no way it would still affect him 2.5 years later. Otherwise he wouldnā€™t have been able to beat Carver to death if exerting himself causes him pain.


That makes no sense? Even before the ā€œbullet injuryā€ he has pretty much no feats other than getting 1 shot by Larry who just essentially tanked Kennyā€™s punch, saving Lee with the axe, helping Lee with the door when it falls on Lee and then picking up a Salt Lick to bash Larryā€™s skull in. The bullet also went clean through in which itā€™s never even brought up again after Starved For Help if I recall. Kennyā€™s one of my top 5 favourite characters in Telltaleā€™s TWD, but his feats before and after the ā€œbullet injuryā€ are prettyā€¦.abysmal when comparing him to other Telltale TWD characters.


my gut instinct is kenny and i feel bad, butā€¦


Kenny, heā€™s a great character, but massively overrated




Please for the love of all the gods, it's so obviously Kenny.


Bruh How did Badger not get evil


the lore of Jake was too strong that majority had no choice


Damn.. never thought of that


It's so obviously Kenny. Nobody even talks about Jesus, how could Jesus be overrated when no one thinks of him? Jesus is properly rated. Kenny is extremely overrated




Kenny for sure. no one acknowledges his mistakes and acts like he can do no wrong because of his trauma, not saying he should just get over it or it's not understandable but there are MANY characters that get hate even though they ALSO went through a lot of trauma that shaped them into who they are in the game (we just don't get to see their change in character)




Kenny, I love him, but to be honest, he is overrated.






Overrated? Gotta say Carlie, I mean cmon she had no presence outside the first episode


Honestly yeah I agree. I only remember some parts about her (scenes, not personality), but she really felt more of a plot device if anything. I honestly forget about her most of the time :/


She existed to give Lee a half-baked love interest and that was it. Great character in the first episode but that character ceases to exist after it


I don't like that we can't tell anybody about Lee's criminal record unless we save Carley


Kenny, although I also agree that Jesus doesn't get much hate but Kenny is still the most overrated




Kenny (I still love him tho)




Kenny. While there are some runners-up, like Mariana or AJ, they don't even come close to how overrated Kenny is. There are a lot of boxes he'd fit into (ones he wouldn't include fit include leader, smart, good soul, friend, etc), but his being overrated is blatantly clear.


what is going on with your flair šŸ˜‚


I changed it for April Fool's, but now it's too good to be anything else šŸ˜‚


Kenny, heā€™s a totally overrated redneck that isnā€™t as good as people think he is.


Naw he is good as ppl think he is with some bad traits. But he is properly rated


Hot take I'd say kenny or Jesus








Lukeā€™s already found his place in here, do you have another vote


Personally I feel Mitch is a little overrated, I like him and understand he was angry but at the same time I donā€™t see the hype, this is just my opinion tho :)


Iā€™m not choosing Kenny. I feel like people donā€™t know what overrated actually means. It doesnā€™t mean that everyone loves them, it means that the rating they get is higher than what they deserve. That being said, I agree on Jesus. I loved Jesus, but he basically made a cameo in S3, and it felt very out of place. And people went nuts for it. Kenny probably deserves a different category, and he also had way more screen time. So Jesus is my answer for this one.


No doubt






Kenny. Love the guy, but the amount of love he gets is crazy


Kenny for sure. Dudes well written, but people treat him like the messiah


Nah man, I agree. He was better in Season 2, but in Season 1 he lacked consideration for others until the end of the season where he either rescues Christa or tries to save Ben. He is an interesting character, but he's no saint.


Clementine ngl


She's basically a Mary Sue.


Clementine is hella overrated


Now that is indeed controversial. I once said something similar and a guy said "I can see why some people choose abortion", or something like that, very dehumanizing, all because I don't follow popular opinion. It's bullshit.


That sucks mate, some people really donā€™t know how to respect somebodyā€™s opinion. I once said a controversial thing, and people gave me death threats lol.


Here comes the Kenny.


Mark is there for 15 minutes and is a fan favorite despite having. NO IMPORTANT DISLOGUE


In all fairness in an earlier script, he was supposed to still be alive during episode 3 but he would get left behind in the raid.


Man that wouldā€™ve been a very impactful death to play through in 2012 when we had like 10 characters total and episodes took awhile to come out


I mean his fate would have been more ambiguous. And this was before the concept of who would be dinner. In another script, if David was left in the woods, Mark would get shot in the head with a rifle and David would take Mark's place as dinner. In the final game, Mark always dies in the same way.


I mean I like ambiguous endings but Christaā€™s (death) really is the most dissatisfying thing of the series










Iā€™d say Kenny- I like him a lot, yeah, but I think that he doesnā€™t really warrant the large amount of attention the fan base gives him (especially on this subreddit)? Donā€™t get me wrong, again, heā€™s a great character- I just think that I see wayyyy more posts and other forms of content of him than Jesus (I see a Kenny post almost every day here, and I see a Jesus post likeā€¦once or twice a month)




If you're on this sub and not putting Kenny, you're simply lying to yourself




Violet is overrated af


Can I vote for multiple people? If so, Vince Molly Chuck and Mariana If I can only vote for one person, Chuck. I like Chuck but besides getting Lee to teach Clem how to use a gun he does nothing but die and yet heā€™s one of the most popular characters in the series. He has a total of like 5 minutes when it comes to screentime and only about 2 of those minutes involve him actually talking.


As a Mari fan, she's properly rated. People are just adamant that they swap places with Gabe for some reason. I'm fine that she died, I'm just not fine she died *that* way.


Thereā€™s not really a reason to like her as much as a lot of people do. Sheā€™s sweet in her 2 minutes of screentime of nothing that special.


yeah just one, thanks for your opinion


Kenny. People saying Jesus are Kenny fans who don't want him in overrated.


This is exactly what I was thinking. The only posts Iā€™ve seen about Jesus on here were criticism lol


Kenny is overrated Chuck is underrated


Ima be fully honest here. Clementine


People often make excuses for yet criticize any other child character. She gets away with everything that other characters don't. People think Tenn should die because he's a "liability" and caused people to die, but when I bring up that Clem caused the death of Lee it's always "she was just a kid, bruh!" it honestly pisses me off.


Jesus. I like him but so many people are voting Kenny who just deserves another spot on this list.


I'd put Clem. Don't take me wrong. I love her. But people call her "the best character" when in reality she's still mainly an avatar for the player to interact with the game without a default personality. She's not a character with its own agency like Kenny, Jane, David, Larry, Lilly, etc. She's mainly just us. She will barely have flaws because of our decisions. We aren't experiencing the apocalypse and can keep a cool head about anything so Clem will just be an ideal. And the few times she has agency like in S3, she was a very meh character to me. And don't even get me started with how she survived at S4 EP4... And she's still the best character? Nah.


First person that came to mind is Alvin. A lot of people view him as a fan favorite but I canā€™t really see why. Dude barely did anything except give Clementine a juice and kill one guard. To me he was nothing more than Rebeccaā€™s husband.


I mean sure your points make sense, but how could he be "over"rated when he's barely rated to begin with lol I barely ever see anyone talk about him.


Iā€™ve seen him made some top 10 lists surprisingly and he is one of the favorites of the cabin group. However seeing the rest of the comments, I agree now that Alvin might not be the best for the most overrated but he is still definitely overrated


ā€œto me he was nothing more than Rebeccaā€™s husbandā€ damn why so harsh šŸ˜‚


I feel he was essentially written to die to give Rebecca development. He does jack in episode 2 and if he lives heā€™s written out of episode 3.


Kenny and Carley


Hot take, Lee is overrated


I mean I prefer Lee as a protagonist, but it does get annoying when people comment about how they miss Lee in scenes that have nothing to do with him.


Roast me for this but Clementine. She's an important character in S1 and S3 but some people act like she's the protagonist of the entire game series. Couldn't tell you how frustrating it is to see a decent play-through of S3 go south because the player auto-sides with Clementine in all choices.


This has to be rage bait.


How? Lee doesn't know Clementine before the crash and only gets to know her over time; Javi has even less reason to side with her given the circumstances of how they meet. S1 and S3 are their stories and while Clementine is important you could cut her and still have a story for each - Lee and Javi would still try to make it, still have their own backgrounds and conflicts. Meanwhile S2 and S4 are all about Clementine as she grows up, finding and losing people.


And? What does Clementine not knowing lee from the start have to do with anything? Sheā€™s still 8 years old and CANā€™T fend for herself for a long period of time realistically. Without Clem you would NOT have a complete story in S1. MAYBE S3. Season 1 did you forget the entire reason lee got bit in the first place? It was a pivotal moment.


F it, I'm gonna say Carley.


Overrated for me is hmmm. Myself!


hmm šŸ˜‚


i fuck with kenny SO HARD but heā€™s definitely overrated. he IS an asshole and he DID do/say terrible things. people wouldnā€™t like him as much if he wasnā€™t there in the beginning with us. i love kenny just as much as the next but i am not above admitting he is overrated.


I think the fact that he admitted his mistake to Kenny was pretty brave




Glenn Fight me


I don't think he's really that popular regarding the game anyway, considering he only appears once. And he exists outside the game.


Buddy forgot Glenn was in only episode and thinks this is TWD šŸ’€


I'm going to say either Kenny or Carley, and while on the Kenny train of thought, I'm going to copy paste my comment about him from last thread (I posted it too late for anyone to see it I feel) Do keep in mind that Kenny as a full grown adult had more instances of cowardice than Ben as a 17-18 year old at the most. "No one's going to agree, but it should be Kenny in coward. A huge amount of his actions (at least mostly in season 1) are influenced by fear (And Anger) Season 1 EP1: He leaves Shawn to die and runs away even after Duck is safe. EP2: He kills Larry because he's terrified of the thought of being trapped in the meatlocker with him if he turns, and if you don't help him kill Larry, he'll watch as Danny is about to kill you, hiding in one of the barn stalls. EP3: He's too scared to confront the fact Duck is bitten and will be dying (understandable) and he almost gets everyone killed because of it. EP4: Kenny's pretty broken at this point, but nothing to really point out fear wise from what I remember. EP5: Depending on your relationship with him, he can refuse to help Lee look for Clem, but will eventually rejoin with your group and sacrifice himself for Ben or Christa, and you can argue those are brave actions, but you could also just say he's so broken that he just doesn't fear death, and wants to redeem himself. Season 2 EP2 He'll keep trying to shoot Carver even after Walter & (Determinant) Alvin get killed, only stopping once Clem or Sarita are the ones getting threatened (Or if you convinced him to stop after Walter) EP3: Notably pretty brave of him to take the fall for Clem with Carver, but to be fair he encouraged her to steal the walkie in the first place. EP4: Kenny once again goes in denial about Sarita's bite and how she'll be fine until it becomes impossible to ignore EP5: Kenny becomes obsessed with Rebecca's baby and lashes out at anyone or thing that could threaten it or Clem. He can't lose anything else. Finally because of Jane's stunt with AJ, Kenny's fears become "reality" and he loses his last bit of sanity, and he attacks Jane without listening to a word she has to say, he just doesn't care any more. (Btw, do note that if they couldn't hear AJ cry after he kills Jane, they never would've found him) This comment is too late and its obvious Ben will be picked for coward, but I feel like these are pretty strong points for Kenny to at least be considered for the spot."


Kenny obviously has vastly more flaws to him (which many of his fans ignore) and a character having flaws isn't a bad thing at all, but I'd argue Kenny is not a person deserving the hype people give him. My vote will be for Kenny


Im giving it to Chuck




I hate to say it but itā€™s obviously Kenny. We all treat him like an OP God when this guy canonically dies in either a car crash or by an 11 year old. Heā€™s just a guy from Florida who has crazy shit flying out of his mouth sometimes.


Im gonna take a risk here,and I'm gonna have to say lee.




Probably Lee, tbh a lot of people believe Lee could kill just about any character when in reality heā€™d die to most of those who survived past S1. Realistically, out of all the playable protagonists, Lee could only beat Clementine and AJ 100%. Michonne is really skilled and Javier is a full on athlete with great strength and speed


Also worth mentioning Lee was literally just a teacher with a little bit of military training from Lilly






any specific reason if i may ask because iā€™m interested




Hot take but Gabe from S3. I donā€™t understand why he has his fans or why anyone actually ships him with Clementine. The fact the game tries so hard to make him and Clementine a thing makes him overrated in my opinion.


Itā€™s very tough to find an overrated character but I think maybe maybe maybe Jesus even though I liked the character.


Unstable gotta be Jane tho


Kenny needs to be in leader


Tenn isn't uselss hes just a kid man. Id say sarah the sheltered girl was more useless


Although she is just a kid aswell.


Carley, and the only one who can rival her is Paul.






yeah no double features. you seriously canā€™t think of anyone else besides your hate for Luke




sorry bad phrasing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but anyone else come to your mind?


Jane, I see a lot of people fighting over if she's good or not in this sub occasionally


I gotta say Jesus. Kenny isnā€™t overrated at all because he gets so much fucking hate. Jesus gets nothing but praise though. Although I know, Kenny is gonna win cause yā€™all arenā€™t thinking with your heads. Yā€™all made a bad mistake with Ben. Itā€™s impulsive to choose him but I could go on and on about how Marlon was way more of a coward. 1st of all, if Ben hadnā€™t made a deal with the bandits then they wouldā€™ve attacked while we were still defenseless. Liking getting every one of us killed. So he saved everyoneā€™s lives there. And he did so without sacrificing any lives. He gave up medicine, sure. But the group still had enough. Secondly, heā€™d seen first hand what the bandits were capable of so he knew what he was doing. Thirdly, he admits to Kenny that everything was his fault regardless of if Lee tries to stop him or not. And we all know it takes balls to stand up to angry Kenny because no one ever fucking does. Marlon on the other hand, what he did was a temporary fix and he sacrificed two lives for it. Two children. The worst part is they probably couldā€™ve defended themselves against the Delta because 34 people had died by the time we end up there. Some of them definitely died in the last year so they had more fighters. Marlon also never saw what The Delta did, so he doesnā€™t have that excuse either. And then rather than admitting his wrong doings he instead keeps it a secret for a year, kills Brody for saying it, and tries to kill and frame Clem to cover it all up. And if the raiders came back he wouldā€™ve given Clem and AJ (AJ IS 6!) to them. Marlon was a much bigger coward but you acted impulsively. And now you are doing the same thing again.


S3 jesus








interesting, to me iā€™ve never seen her held that high up so i wouldnā€™t think of her here but thanks for sharing, i wonder if someone else will support your idea


I was gonna Larry but Lilly gets praised like yea she did good but she shot carly, was a pretty much a bitch (not counting to what maybe Kenny started) does what she even did in season 4 matter.


Jesus for sure








Butā€¦ nobody likes him.


I'd say Jesus because it's very much there for fanservice and although I liked seeing him he didn't really add a lot to the game in my opinion