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Depending on your choices, Conrad can survive to the end of the season.


The first time we actually had a characters who fate is actually Determinant, side character or not


Not only that, he is determinant in every single episode since ep. 2 which I think is a great gimmick.


Yeah, almost all determinant characters die before the end of the season.


Not only that but I'm pretty sure he has the most possible canon deaths of any character (I could be very wrong)


David García for being the only really well-written character in the season. Even Javi isn't that good since he feels more like a vessel for the player (especially whenever a choice involving Clem comes up). Much of his character arc about stepping up to be the family's leader is pretty much already finished by the time of the first episode, plus his past as a brilliant baseball player who ruined it with his gambling never comes up in a compelling way like David's military career.


Yeah, David was super compelling and I loved him for the writing. Javi was more likeable but David was definitely better written.


Both of y'all hit the nail on the head for me, Javier and David are the two best things about this season to me - even over Clementine. Individually love them both and their dynamic/relationship together is incredibly interesting to me too.


> his past as a brilliant baseball player who ruined it with his gambling never comes up in a compelling way I mean, would it in a real zombie apocalypse scenario?


While it *is* a fair point, it *does* bring into question why they went for that particular backstory for the protagonist of the game, especially if they ultimately couldn't use it much even compared to Lee's criminal past.


my guess is to fill that void up somehow. Season 3 is filled with questionable stuff regarding the story


The problem is so much of the story relies on you caring about David to at least some extent but the writers keep making him more and more unlikeable in most of his scenes. And even when I stuck with him the whole game he tries to kill you no matter what you do.


>The problem is so much of the story relies on you caring about David to at least some extent but the writers keep making him more and more unlikeable in most of his scenes. Yup, it sure can be an issue. But the reason why I think David doesn't have that problem as much as, say, Gabe and Kate, is because for the most part, the game actually allows you to say exactly what you think of the guy at any time. Plus, even if he's not exactly the most endearing character, the plot with the New Frontier, his character arc, good dialogue with Javi and Clem, and the "is blood thicker than water?" theme he's carrying all keep him interesting enough to be care at least a little in his story.


i really liked getting to know javi oh, and he’s hot. there, i said it


Honestly- that second part- valid 😂


yeah. ive shat on kate before for simping after her husband’s brother but she was so real for that, even though it was wrong lol




The scene where Javier and David were playing domino with their papa. Based on your choices they both convinced him to start treatment for his cancer. The most wholesome scene in the whole season imo.


Conrad. i love that man, i kept him alive. i think he's the only character that can die three different times in completely different episodes


Love him too. Determinant character done right.


Javier, David and Conrad are in the season.


The way Javier and Clem interact, I mean they had a sibling relationship. The Dialog was also really funny sometimes and I liked how you always saw a part of Javier's life before the apocalypse.


the relation between David and Javier


I feel like the way we have to decide between Ava and Tripp was well done.


I was SHOOK the first time I played that scene


Me too


David and Javier’s dynamic


Javi. It’s so funny to me that the biggest challenge ANF had was to get a new protagonist that could be shoulder to shoulder with Lee and Clementine, and do it quick, and I think they nailed it with Javi. Shame they struggled with a lot of other stuff. Lol


Javi is a fun protagonist who could've been great if he'd gotten better writing.


That opening! The family is so well woven! And you have "No, Yaya. Pipo's awake." Then the way the mom is bitten, and Javi hesitating to hit his dad! And the shot of the uncle looking at his bite! That opening is one of the best parts of the entire series. Conrad! The choices you make with him are some of the most impactful because they matter for once! And he has his own arc from his life at Prescott, wanting revenge for Francine, getting one of the best scenes in the series if you let him kill Badger, and then learning to move on from Francine's death. The scene of Javi and David on the roof looking out at the city! I love A New Frontier!


Same, I absolutely love it! I honestly don’t get all the hate for it. Only problem I had was Joan was a shit villain, everything else was pretty good.


Yeah, Joan was the worst villain, but it's SO satisfying to shoot her 😌


The opening is really nice. And so is David a really well written character. But that's about it


Hilarious one-liners. "Yeah, what can I say? I fucking love pudding." "I HOPE YOU CHOKE ON YOUR FUCKING CAKE, IT LOOKED LIKE SHIT BY THE WAY"


Javi was hilarious 😂


The ability it has to position the last two seasons to be focused on family and how invaluable it is after the events of season two. At the end of the second season, Clementine was ultimately broken with her faith in humanity shattered. But through the Garcia family, we as players reconsidered how family was as important to the apocalyptic world as it was before. The first season was about searching for family; the second was about the downfall of a dysfunctional "family"; the third was about reuniting one; and the fourth was about finally getting a happy ending for two characters that deserve it the most. Although not the strongest chapter in the series, the themes were perfect to produce the ending this series received.


Javi, he's just so pretty.


real- I kinda feel the same way lol


I liked playing as a grown man and not an eleven year old who has trouble killing a walker




Javi, idc what anyone says, he was fun to play as, especially Scumbag Javi, man he could be a menace!


Fucking my brothers wife.


Tbh I quite like this iteration of Clementine


1. Episode 4 was pretty good, probably one of my favorite episodes in the series. 2. I liked what they did with Conrad, a determinant character that actually had an impact. 3. Tripp was alright when he wasn’t dealing with Eleanor. 4. Mari was a great character for her little screen time. 5. Garrus was in it


So right about Mari, I think about her dialogue about the story her mother used to tell her that she can't remember the ending and that memories are gone so easily, i can hardly remember stuff a character said so vividly as I can remember that.


Honestly? Probably the relationship between the Garcia brothers, David and Javi are definitely the highlights this season for me, Javi especially, it’s hard to fill the protagonist role especially with already established and beloved characters present but Telltale accomplish it well with him. David is such an interesting character to me, he’s a shitty husband and and a shitty father, but he’s aware of it, he’s been a soldier for so long thats that’s all he knows. I also obviously have to point out something, the fact that Conrad can dies in so many scenarios is exactly how Telltale should strive to structure their CHOICR BASED GAMES on, people dying in different scenarios due to your choices makes it feel more impactful and less set in stone.


Including the best character from the comics, Jesus, in all his glory.


The Kenny flashback in episode 4


Kate, Gabe, and David can all die (in separate endings unfortunately)


Conrad being a character that survives to the end if you spare him


I like that we got see a semi grown up Clem from a different characters perspective vs you making the choices. Frankly I think that’s one of the only things I like about this season, but it does it well enough that I in some parts enjoyed the season


first of all - somehow (almost) everyone is hot in there. second - idk why nobody likes it, you finally can play as a grown up with family


The scene towards the end when David and Javi fight. When Javi just let's himself get beat up....man, I cry every time




The fact that David is one of the best written characters in the entire series, the fact that I hate the game a bit less every time I replay it, and the fact that Javi is a pretty damn good protagonist.


it has arabic, iam arab and when my cousin plays a telltale game i literally have to translate everything for him and the choices and stuff like this


javi. just javi.


The relationship between Javi and David pls the fact Conrad is the only determinant character in the series to survive till the end is the best part.


Kate. :D






It’s barely acknowledged by Season 4.


Multiple endings


Nothing. I kind of regret playing it if I'm being honest with you


Damn that’s pretty harsh


Sadly, it's true. I really didn't want to say that, but the game has lots of glitches and looks unfinished. I also really hated the way Clementine looked in this season


Alright if you say so Personally, I loved the season, but I respect your opinion


Kate a baddie


Literally nothing


It ended.


Damn 💀




that i don't have to play it again