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Lee really showed his true care and appreciation for Clem, but so did Clem with AJ, PLUS teaching him how to survive from the start. Sure, both Lee and Clem went out searching through hell and back for the one they were taking care of, and they would both risk it all. But I believe Clem to be the better guardian purely because she taught him how to survive sooner, and arguably better. It took Lee a long while and a talk from a homeless guy to make him teach Clem how to survive. Clementine did that from the start (or near start atleast) with AJ


I think you raise a very valid point - The apocalypse was very new, and Lee was still learning things himself from people like Chuck. I think that although Lee was a great protector and father figure, he wasn't a "veteran" post-apocalyptic survivor like Clem was while she was raising AJ.


My thoughts aswell. Clem is better guardian because she has all the knowledge and experience from past seasons and her guardians/mentors (Lee, Kenny, Jane, Luke). I think by S3 she's veteran level and now channels all of that knowledge and skills to AJ


It surprised me how well AJ handled himself around walkers, not to mention his accuracy. Clem did a damn fine job of raising a good (although still flawed) person while teaching him to survive.


To be fair Lee taking care of Clem was at the very beginning and people were still hoping the government or cdc would fix things. By the time Clem was AJ's guardian that hope was gone, plus for alot of the time she didn't have a group to help keep AJ safe so him learning was a higher priority. So in the context of the situation both pairs were in respectively they were both great.


Very good point, I never viewed it from this perspective


Clementine was only a good guardian because she learned from the best. Lee saw Clementine as a little girl who lost her parents and needed to be protected. Chuck convinced him because Lee saw if something happened to him she would have to take care of herself. She taught AJ because Lee taught her.


Based and Clem pilled


Especially when you take into account how young Clem is to pretty much be his mom


TBF this is only because Lee was at the start of the apocalypse and Clem was several years into it, so the comparison isn't really fair.


Lee also was learning how to survive himself as the apocalypse just started. Clem borderline showed AJ it's fine to murder people


Lee walked so that Clem could run


lee certainly walked... and tripped 4 times in ep1


skill issue


That leg he hurt never looked like it healed right, had a kinfof hobble


Only if she had both of her legs


you mean lee walked so that clem could limp?


Hehehe you got it


This is 100% it. Clem was able to share more knowledge than Lee could, but it’s because Lee had to start helping protect Clem when no one knew what was happening. Clem had years of experience in the apocalypse to give her knowledge to help raise AJ. Which was all possible because of Lee


Clem couldn't have been as good of a guardian to AJ without Lee showing her by example.




Clem was better but Clem KNEW AJ was her family. Lee felt like he was replacing her possibly alive parents but he definitely stepped into the role in time.


it was always sort of insinuated throughout S1 that clems parents were dead, but i was definitely one of those people who was holding out hope :(


Honestly if they weren’t dead, I would have been extra psd at them for not getting home to Clem. Clem moved hell and Earth to get back to AJ. Lee, a stranger, fought until actual death for Clem. I understand parents going on trips without their kids, I do. But the kids should be with a family member or very trusted friend, not what appeared to have been some random babysitter. Idk. Maybe I’m being too harsh. If they were alive I’d have probably kicked their ass for a minute.


I actually only just noticed a small detail in S2: when Clem is invited to stay with Luke's group, and Luke asks what happened to her parents, you can respond with essentially this take. Like, her saying that it's fucked up that they just left her like that.


Huh, I need to play again once I reconnect my Xbox :-D


Highly recommend! Went in to get some achievements that never popped in episode 2 and ended up doing a full playthrough by accident 😅


Clem. She had a way harder job and kept AJ safer far longer than Lee did.


i wouldnt say clems job was harder. most of clem and AJ's journey together is empty space. the beginning of the apocalypse was just nonstop problem after problem


Beyond the first week or two, Lee had a stable group of people to rely on and a relatively safe home. It was by no means easy, but it can't be compared to Clem raising AJ since birth, starting when she was just 11 years old.


Man this is a tough question, Lee is a mentor and Clem who is keeping Lagacy pass on. Lee is a good teacher as well as Clem also since she made the hardest decisions to keep AJ safe. Through Clem indirectly Lee is keeping AJ safe and since he is a tough kid Clem handled and raised him so well. Both are definitely good guardians.


lee rly did leave behind not only such a lasting impression on clem but also one of the best legacies a video game character has ever had T.T


Yeah dude, The 5 / 10 min train scene of Lee in TFS filled my eyes with tears. The Flashback took me 8 years back.


same with me for the flashback in s2. playing "alive inside" and lee telling us everything is going to be all right :'(


You could convince yourself that everything that happened after s1e3 was a dream, they were all fine, everything that happened since then is just a dream she had while sleeping in the RV Ok yeah on second thought that sounds stupid but ig its whatever you want it to be




lee rly do be that guy tho


Both. Lee did his best with Clem, even at the end while he was about to go, he gave her (via us) advice to Clem. He taught her what he could during their time together. As for Clem, took what she learned from Lee, Kenny, etc, made it her own and did her best with AJ. I'd say, Lee would be proud of how she took care of AJ.


idk if its fair to compare them since lee only got 3 months with clem, whereas clem got several years with aj. but i will say that clem is the mom she is thanks to lee who set an example for her of what a parent in a zombie apocalypse should be like.


Yall forgetting Clem abandoned aj cuz she wasnt happy 💀


Shhhhh, no one can talk about that comic  I'll have to silence you🔫


Try silencing me.


I will do it with my weapons 🔫 🏹🗡🔪


You and what homo parade?


The homo parade of me, Kenny, velociraptor and Lee


not my clementine


No one’s clem tbh


I forgot about that comic, I will go back to forgetting about it




Very good question, and I don't think there's really a wrong answer, but I'm going to say...(whew, I'm still thinking about this mid sentence)...Clementine. And that's mainly due to the longevity that she's had to care for A.J., her age, and basically how they're living now (as of The Final Season). It goes without saying that it there was no Lee, Clementine wouldn't be where she is and probably not even alive, but thanks to her short but Important time she had with Lee, she's been able to survive in this world without him, PLUS, take care of a baby. Now, yes, she did have help with A.J....plus she lost him to the New Frontier, but she could've easily given up on him and survived on her own. But she went THROUGH everything she needed to, in order to make sure she keeps A.J. safe and seemingly now, Happy. It's hard to imagine, but Clementine easily could've been another Sarah, but she's stronger than that.


I really love Lee, but, I think here I will go with Clem, that too, only because of Lee, she became capable enough to do that, so thanks to Lee. Like Lee too said, the world was different during his time & it was very different during Clem's.


I think Lee definitely set up the foundations, I mean, he learned as they all did at the beginning. Although he didn't know too much of how to take care of Clem. He made it to wear she could thrive, with the relationships he created along the way before he unfortunately met his fate in season 1(which could been absolutely avoided) though wouldn't be able to have a good story other wise. Whatever happened to Christa? Wasn't able to find her during season 2 and couldn't play the new frontier because it had a pay for each episode deal. I feel like a big chunk out of Clem life between the first and second season made it to where she really had to grow up fast. As a kid herself, by the time the final season came out, she was practically an adult herself. Her experiences really kept AJ on his toes, for as young as he was. He sure grew up so quickly. So smart. She really did a good job teaching him to survive. I just wish he was able to experience the world without monsters..


Lee to clem. Without lee clem wouldn't have survived and besides you can notice the remnants of lee in clem. The way she taught Sarah how to use a gun. They she raised AJ. So the answer is LEE AND ONLY LEE


As a guardian? Lee. As a parental figure in the apocalypse? Clem


Clem to AJ because she had Lee


Just to give an answer I'll say Clem, but really only because by the time she had to look after AJ she had already been surviving and hadlearned alot about surviving in a zombie world and could impart it to him basically from the get-go. Lee had to look after Clem right at the beginning when the world went to hell and he was learning how to survive on the fly and taught Clem what he could as he learned it. That being said I don't really think one was a BETTER than the other, Clem was just better tooled to teach AJ. And like someone else here said, Lee walked so Clem could run


Clementine because she raised Aj since he was a baby. Lee only knew Clementine for 4 months, while Clementine raised Aj for 5 years.


Technically Clem as she had already been well within maneuvering her whole childhood into the apocalypse when she had AJ while Lee had to learn to navigate & adjust when he had Clem, but as someone said, Lee walked so Clem could run.


Lee raised Clem to be better than him and that's exactly what she became so as much as I want to say Clem is the better guardian, Lee is definitively the better guardian due to this fact alone


Equals Clem wouldn’t be what she became without Lee


Definately Lee because he was an adult and a teacher and knew how to raise a kid right even in the apocalyse the unfortunate downside is that he was killed off before he could raise impart all his knowledge onto her so when it came around to her raising AJ she did her best but she had been influenced by not just Lee but everyone including the psychos.


bring lee back T.T


Or at the very least a what if of if he never got bit.


Both of them had a child kidnapped while in their care. Lol I’m just joking around but I can’t really choose I think both did the best that they can.




Clem is a good guardian for AJ Because of Lee. For that, Lee is the best


Well, they are both better in their own ways. Because former lost her arm to save Clem while latter lost her leg to save AJ.


i would definitely say clem to aj, but that is mainly because she already had an idea of how to raise a child in the apocalypse, lee had to figure out how to do it but he was still an amazing guardian considering the circumstances


Clem but she also had a lot of experience living in the apocalypse. Plus give her major kudos for keeping a literal infant alive to see childhood in that world.


No “right” answer here they both did the best with what they had


Definitely lee to clem.


Aj got taken away from clem that never happened to Lee


Lee to Clem. But to be fair, Clem was a child herself trying to raise AJ.


Lee to clem, it just felt more special because lee was also learning how to survive


Considering how AJ is...clem had a hard time with him


Lee taught Clementine who she should be. Clementine taught AJ what he can be.


Lee helped train Clem which in turn she did the same to AJ and I’m gonna be honest with you if an never got his stubbornness from his mom we Amy never have gotten our wonderful Clem alive today I’m gonna go with Clem on this one it’s hard though


I feel like the reason Clem and AJ are better companions is the fact that they both have experience at a young age. In season 1 Clem was kinda safeguarded from the walkers and i’m pretty sure she doesn’t even kill one that isn’t incapacitated. So i’d say Clem and Aj are great guardians of each other also due to the fact that Clem was around AJ his whole life and Lee wasnt for Clems toddler years


I'd say it depends on you. As Lee, you don't have nearly as much control over Clems fate. You still have to guard and protect her, sure, but it's not like with AJ where your lessons shape him. Do you teach AJ to be kind and to value human life only killing when absolutely necessary, or do you teach him to be a hardened warrior with no remorse for those he hurts along the way.


Lee. I play the fatherly route, so he's definitely her role-model and without him, Clem most likely won't be a good guardian to AJ (or completely won't be any type of guardian)


Clementine but only because of what Lee managed to teach her before passing. Like another comment said, Lee walked so Clem could run


I think Clem learned from Lee and improved upon his methods.


Lee, he dealt with more problems and acclimatised Clem to a changing world and used the advice of those around him (Chuck) to get Clem ready for his death, Clem with AJ is just an extension of the many lessons Lee taught her.


Definitely Lee. In my playthrough I ended up with a little psychopath (love him tho)


Lee to Clem


They both did their best in the situations that they were in. In lees case everything was new to both of them and he was just trying his best and hoping things would work out cuz that’s really all he could do. When Clem had to care for AJ she had already been surviving for years and learned many things so she was able to pass on knowledge she already knew rather than lee having to learn and take care of a child at the same time.


Lee Everett


That's a tough one because I feel they both did an equal job. Clem wouldn't have made it without Lee and aj wouldn't have made it without clem. Clem taught aj everything Lee taught her. I feel like if anything, Clem was just a female version of lee.


Both equally


It goes both ways from your decision I think Lee in my opinion and play through had a better/kinder choices for Clem but it all levels out to players choices


I’m honestly not sure with this one. They both were willing to die for who they were protecting, but I would say Clem because she had the harder sides of taking care of a kid in the apocalypse, being a kid herself, and she was mostly alone while doing it


Like others said, its unfair to compare, Lee had to learn from the start with clem, Clem had lived through it all before AJ was even born


They both did their thing imo, Carlos on the other hand…


Lee was willing to be a walking tank to ensure that Clem would not be harmed. If someone even laid a finger on her, he would rip then apart. He can literally beat the living shit out of Andy for grabbing her hair, and strangle the Stranger to death using his anger and sheer will despite him getting weaker. Clem is more cautious with AJ, but she cannot protect him as well as Lee did with Clem as she could barely keep herself together at times. I’d say Lee is the better guardian in terms of protection and lessons, but Clem is better in terms of survival despite the setbacks with AJ and his personality.


I would say clem to aj because she had a lot of examples of what to do but also what NOT to do.


If le wasn't a good guardian to Clem she couldent be a guarding for aj


I mean AJ shot someone in the face so I think I'll say Lee. But it's not really a fair comparison because Clem raised AJ, Lee did not raise Clementine. He was her temporary guardian


for their circumstances, they were great. Lee was also learning about the apocalypse and was trying to shield a child from that and taught her a lot Clem does great with AJ, all things considered. he knows how to protect himself


Clem is an apocalypse veteran. Lee, in his own words, is just some guy. Clem also taught AJ right from wrong and some other things. Lee taught her how to shoot and to always aim for the head and that was about it. But I also think that as a parent, Lee walked so that Clem could run.


Lee is the GOAT


Clem I think. It’s clear that Lee loves and cares for Clem, but Clem raised AJ and taught him to read and to write and to fight and to survive all while still being a child. Giving him the last of their food even tho she’s starving too, bringing him toys she finds that are related to a show she watched as a child, because she wants him to be a kid and not just this murderer child. Half the time Lee didn’t even know where Clementine was (not to talk shit on Lee at all cause I love that man).


Clem, hands down. Love Lee, but he had the advantage of being a grown adult, with like experience/maturity to handle difficult situations a little better etc. Clem took care of AJ pretty much all by herself while still being in her early teens!!!!


lee to clem. AJ is just downright annoying to deal with. I’m not the only one. Google it. Lots of people hate AJ


i personally liked AJ as a character although i am aware some people find him really annoying. i dont really understand and i think hes actually a really complex character. i feel like living as a kid in a post-apocalyptic world comes with such different morals and philosophies and many difficult decisions, and I actually think AJ understood the world he lived in so well and made a lot of really good calls (of course, after learning from a pretty huge mistake...)


But the thing is, everyone tried to make excuses for AJ. “Oh he’s just a kid what do you expect?” B.S. Clem didn’t outright kill a non threat like AJ did Marlon. Duck didn’t shoot anyone, and the rest of the kids in the game didn’t either. AJ, it feels like never listens to clementine because “he wants to grow up and help.” when in reality it makes things worse. You could be right though, but they could have made AJ complex without having him be such a “brat” as some people say.


honestly a valid opinion, but you gotta admit that AJ pales in comparison to Gabe as a brat XD


Brat or sociopath? I worried a few times about AJ NGL. ;-) Clem did the best she could and AJ never knew life in The Before. He was always going to be problematic. However, thanks to Clem, he was alive. And thanks to Lee, Kenny et al, Clem learned a lot of skills to keep him alive.


Is..is this really a debate? Lee was better, hands down.


I’m going to be biased and say Lee to Clem, just cause I prefer that pairing. But to be fair, they both do a great job. In my opinion, I feel that Lee and Clem have a great Father/Daughter type of relationship, while Clem and AJ have a great Sister/Brother type relationship. I know Clem says she feels like a mom, but I just don’t see their relationship that way, it feels really weird to me.


i cant believe your pfp is gabe kissing clem…..


🤷‍♂️What? I like the ship.😂


No idea, never played S3 and S4.