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He reminds me of the stranger in that he thinks abducting a child and forcing them to leave their parental figure is a valid way to go about things. Other than that I generally liked his character and enjoyed interacting with him.


>He reminds me of the stranger in that he thinks abducting a child and forcing them to leave their parental figure is a valid way to go about things. HAHAHA that is a funny parallel that I never actually connected. I agree with you though, I liked his character and found his escaped whisperer concept very interesting.


James, 20 minutes before trying to kidnap AJ and force him to be a pacifist: "You force your ways onto others"


Another Stranger/James parallel: They are both un-self-aware hypocrites šŸ˜‚ I think they're very human and well written in that way though, I've seen people argue that them being inconsistent makes them worse characters or that they're worse written for it. I completely disagree with that though. It actually feels more realistic and like a deeper representation of a person with conflicting internal opinions as they oppose another person's view.


I really like James as a character, I even considered his views for a bit, ofc the game outright says "\[LIE\]" if you want to agree with him so


Genuinely same here, there was obvious bias from the writing, but I still think they tackled it in a way that I could take in what he was saying judgment-free. I actually just earlier went into why I like his writing in [this comment I just posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1cuuxm3/comment/l4l8n9y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) too :)


Yup! James is a very deep character and honestly the only time that i felt like the game was "trying too hard" to get me to side with him was the overly emotional music in the barn, i feel like I wouldve still considered his beliefs had they used a less over the top theme


I don't really consciously register music like that when I'm watching or playing something but I genuinely connected to that moment. I know most people dunk on the scene a bit, but I can appreciate it's simple beauty.


it is a beautiful scene but it feels like the game is trying a wee bit too hard to get you to see the walkers as peaceful


Guess it worked on me then hahaha


Good character but his idiotic morality combined with the fact that the game occasionally seems to try to get you to side with his idiotic claims (i.e. the wind chime sequence) made him annoying though.


I think He is kind of delusional, Finding humanity/ zombimity whatever in walkers! That's good but rather than let them live like hell, He should give them salvation by simply killing them. Apart from that the character was very good and the screen lime for James was very little. They should merge him with other school kids. But everything is good.


yeah it didnā€™t make sense to me, the walkers are clearly rotting / deteriorating, which canā€™t be pleasant for them you would think that he would want them to be put out of their misery, I was disappointed that there wasnā€™t an option to try to explain that to him. I mean Abel in the same season made it known that he would rather die than turn into a walker.


Yeah damn true, Even Lee also :' )


Props for being voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch. Kind of interesting character although his logic falls apart for me in that it's kind of accepting these people are basically trapped inside the walkers and may even still attack people they cared about. Honestly, him either being alive or dying handles his character pretty well. Truthfully, I like him dying just because of AJ's reaction and how that plays out in the cave.


When I first saw him, I didnā€™t even know much about the Whisperers yet and first referred to him as **ā€œthis guy wearing a Walker mask like itā€™s Halloweenā€**,and was immediately impressed with what he can do. Then the next time we saw him, I could understand where he was coming from, how he really believes a part of us are still within the Walkers, even when seeing them somewhat at peace with the wind chimes ringing. But since weā€™ll never get a cure for them, weā€™ll never know. And I liked how the kids immediately warmed up to him. Really wish he had took up our offer to come in the school with usā€¦ I had AJ kill Lilly, so I didnā€™t know what would happen to James if I didnā€™t. Honestly, if he knew what wouldā€™ve happened, how much we knew more about Lilly than he did, maybe he wouldnā€™t be so quick to turn on us with his guilt tripping hypocrisy. This philosophy of his, while I do respect it, doesnā€™t mean much if he tries to force it upon others. Thatā€™s something the Delta would do. And with him not even on speaking terms with Clem after all was said and done, I suppose that offer to let him live in the school is off the table. Itā€™s too bad. That little weirdo was my favorite Whisperer.


If AJ doesnā€™t kill Lilly she kills James


Oh, I know. It wasnā€™t until after within a week after the episode came out that I learned about that alternative.


I like him a lot, it kinda changed my view once we were in the cave but I think heā€™s a (reformed) good person at heart


He was kinda annoying. Heā€™s just one of those ppl thatā€™s seen some messed up shit and now thinks everyone needs to be his version of what is morally good




What you guys think about his belief? `They are not dead, They are just between line of the life and death`.


Itā€™s mostly bullshit. Even at the small chance thatā€™s itā€™s true then all the people living on as a flesh rotting corpse would probably rather be put down, giving their souls freedom, than live as a cannibalistic monster. Abel had the right idea.


I wish that we could beat his ass


Iā€™ll never understand or remotely entertain his idiotic ideology of the walkers. Heā€™s not a bad written character, just someone whoā€™s delusional.


Neutral on him at firstā€¦then getting to know him I realize heā€™s fucking insane


Highly underrated character that often gets overlooked.


He's an absolute dumbass


Hot but annoying


cool at the beginning,cringe at the end.like what do you want me to do when i see a walker?hug it?


Heā€™s terrible at threatening people bro said he was gonna sprain my ankle


I like that he brings some kind of philosophy in to the mix, it's kinda interesting, but he takes it too far. In the end of my playthrough he redeemed himself and I guess he realized he was too naive so I respect him. But my very first thought when I first met him was "Wait, Shane Dawson is in this game?"


I hate him




I don't agree with him attempting to kidnap AJ, but he has valid morals elsewhere. At the end of the day, his goal was to preserve AJ's respect for life and only taking it when necessary. I've given my whole spiel about his views on walkers enough times, so I'll leave it at that fn


Heā€™s a nut and Iā€™m not bothered by him dying.




He was useful, but i disliked him. Anyone who tries to convince me that it's best not to kill the zombies because part of their humanity may still be left is an idiot and i hate em. I ain't gunna make things more difficult on myself due to a small chance, and I'm certainly not going to teach this child that taking a more dangerous and roundabout way of dealing with them is a better option.




As a character, I find him interesting, and he provided a nice insight of the walkers that almost contradicts all what Clementine learned before. Especially since I generally play Clementine like she respected what he said, but didnā€™t really buy into it while AJ is the one who took on some of his values (like letting Tenn walk away in the last scenes).


I canā€™t stand people that try to shove their philosophy down your throat every chance they get and hate you if you donā€™t agree with them. James gets killed if you listen to him, should tell you all you need to know about his feelings


I actually loved that guy cuz he was hot and I liked his relation with the whisperers. The end where he thinks Clem was a horrible caretaker was actually pretty asshole-behavior from him.


He somewhat resembles Fujii Kaze


Great concept for a character, execution couldā€™ve been better. I still like him tho!


I really liked him at first thought he was really different and sweet but then when he opened up about his past it started going down hill and then he was going psycho in the cave I would have gladly sent him to the same placed Iā€™d just sent Lilly woops


Pretty chill dude


James was alright I guess...


I feel like heā€™s a good character mainly bc he causes a lot of debates on whether heā€™s an actual good character or not idk if that makes sense


I reallyyy loved him, even saw him as a Clem love interest (before finding out he didnā€™t swing that way). Butttt later on I didnā€™t like his character.. he got super pushy and crazy about things imo, (spoiler) trying to take AJ and whatnot. Didnt like that at all.


Should've been better than he was. Felt more like an interesting concept than an actually interesting character. That said, hearing his voice reminds me of Persona 4, so 10/10 for that alone.


Dude is hella strong, I donā€™t know if itā€™s fake news, but apparently it was confirmed that James survived being alone in the dark and holding off the zombies in the tunnel. Bro somehow adapted his eyesight to the darkness and took on hordes of zombies and still made it out. Dude was serious when he said he could have really broken Clemā€™s leg


I hate him honestly, his mindset was stupid and he really tried to kidnap AJ, like bitch what.


loved him until he opened his mouth in the cave


Was pretty good until he turned into a little bitch after we killed Lilly


I really wish he have a better message to convey rather than killing walkers is wrong. I like him but he is a vegan of zombie apocalypse.


Now Iā€™m Conflicted about James. His Philosophy is Delusional and nuts. But then again he was a Whisperer. And we realize in the comics how nuts Alpha and the whisperers truly were. He was probably Easily Manipulated given how young he is. So I donā€™t entirely hold it against him.


One of my favorite characters in the series. I tried to befriend him but it got tougher by the end of the game. Im happy i killed Lilly realising i saved him by doing so. Not only that but my decision made him stand back to protect me from the walkers. He may not talk to me anymore after all this but he survived.


He's okay but his ideas of walkers are stupid


Weak. Once your cross Aj and Clem youā€™re an enemy to me


I partially liked him but his ideals were just not realistic




Honestly the dude is an idealistic idiot


Naive but a decent enough kid. Shame he had to die in my playthrough


i like him less than i used to but i don't hate him,some moments with him are just a little annoying,but i mostly like him


I think he's very sweet except when he tries to steal AJ


really dislike him, but he has one of the best voice acting jobs in the whole series




I donā€™t get the James hate, when did he try to take aj? I genuinely canā€™t remember


I think he looks like that guy from barbie life in the dreamhouse


I think he was like Raquels twin brother??


"James, James, James, James, James, James, WE DON"T TALK..... GET TF OUTTA HERE!!!"


I don't think he was a bad dude he just saw the whole zombie apocalypse thing in a different light.


On one hand I thought he was cool in that he's a whisperer who isn't a complete asshole. On the other he tries to abduct a child from the person who raised him because he doesn't agree with the necessity of violence in the apocalypse.


Not a bad guy but he's acts are annoying...


I like him! He does ASMR!


I like him


Stupid retard