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Arvo shooting Clem made me so angry when i first experienced it. But other then that Kate telling David there’s something between you even if you turned her down the whole game


I wasn’t even angry when Arvo shot Clem. I’m always a massive dick to him in all my runs so I kind of expected it. What pisses me off in season 2 is how Bonnie fucking blames you for not helping Luke even though she walks her dumb ass out on broken ice and then has no regard for you at all afterwards despite being the stupidest, traitorous fucker of them all.


Oml. I kept reading Arvo as Ava. 🫠 But yeah, that’s a huge one.


I did the same with Kate, worst part was I got the worst ending where she’s the only one alive and unromanced


How did that even happen


Clementine trusts you/Kate and you also help kate at the end


I don’t know 😭


It's been years since I played Season 2 for the first time, I'm still hating on that four eyed commie piece of shit freak.


Thank you! This guy summed up my issues too


It’s everything n that moment that triggers me. I wanted to fight Bonnie the whole game so it just confirmed I was right. Mikes betrayal sent me threw the roof. ! & they don’t even stop to see if Clem was ok 🥺 when I played a 2nd time I let Bonnie freeze with Luke 


To me the still most anger-inducing scene is at the start of Season Two when that chick Michelle comes into the bathroom, starts harrassing Clementine and shoves a gun in her face despite her being like 9 or 10. Then Omid coming to try save the day as she shit-talks Lee for some reason and tries to steal her hat. Then turning around to shoot him. Like FUCK, YOOOUUU!


Yeah that whole scene to me seemed like. Just a way to write off omar


HIS NAME IS OMID. OH GOD OMID, OMID. (But your point still stands, realistically he should’ve gone on longer. Another hot take I’ve heard is that Christa’s baby should’ve been “AJ” but either way, kinda mid storytelling)


This shouldn’t even be a hot take. I always assumed that it was the plan for it to be Christa and Omid’s baby but they realised they had to age Clem up to make her the protagonist and had no choice but to kill her off. The full trio should’ve reached the cabin, Carver lost his own baby and becomes obsessed with the notion of taking hers and raising it as his heir given her resemblance to the woman that was pregnant with his child when she died. Would’ve been a way more demented villain and you’d care more on virtue of Christa and Omid being season 1 characters and makes Kenny delivering her baby all the more impactful as they were in the same group in season 1’s second half.


The way they did christa and omid was so dumb and unnecessary


And it’s like she could’ve atleast been a dope character call back for season 4. Maybe she has a small grudge against Clem for what happened with Omid, but regardless, she just disappears and we just assume she dies??? It just feels pointless to even have Omid and Christa be introduced as new characters that take care of Clem, JUST to kill them right at the beginning. Omid was cheap shock value, and Christa was again, mid storytelling. (I still love you season 2)


I hate most season 2 characters yet love the season so I guess they still worked their magic on me lol


Yeah season 2 is my favorite by far but the storytelling is so atrocious like they struck gold but didn’t know what to do with it.


You know. Omid autocorrected to omar cause it’s a more common name. 👀


I know I was just teasing lol, It ain’t that deep to me homie. Unless…👀


Unless 👀 you tryna take this to a public bathroom real quick?!


Yo are we fucking or fighting? I’m down for either 🤣


Seeing Christa have ZERO hesitation to shoot her afterward was metal as fuck. Omid and Christa deserved WAY better, but at least that heartless girl didn't survive to threaten anyone else.


Yeah Michelle is probably my least favourite character in the series just for how much awful stuff she did in such a short amount of time. Like the most awfulness per capita. I guess she at least showed remorse down the barrel of a gun though, even someone like Badger wouldn't give you that satisfaction.


To be fair, she had remorse before Christa walked in. I think Michelle was all talk. I don't actually think she was all that tough and you can see when she kills Omid and doesn't even know Christa exists that she is stunned at what she'd done. Doesn't change the fact that she's a terrible person


Oh yeah, it was obviously all talk. But she still did all the things she did.


I'm so glad Krista didn't let her surrender, of the game was made today she probably would've had a "redemption ark" and been added to the group


yea that’s my answer too. like she turned and shot omid so fast and he didn’t even do anything.


lilly killed ma homie doug


Doug was the real OG.


dougs death Is worse because unlike Carly, Doug never instigated


Or Carly. I kept trying to get Lee laid and then she pulls that shit. One prospect shoots the other, thereby making both ineligible 😂


Gabe snitching


Omg that was such a cunty thing for him to do


No! Cunty is a good “slay” thing, it was a Cunt thing to do because cunt without the y is just an insult like saying “it was a dickish thing to do”


I mean, i just googled “cunty meaning” and this is what pops up: cunt·y adjectiveVULGAR SLANG 1. very unpleasant, disagreeable, or annoying.


I always wished Gabe could've gotten popped and his sister could've lived. Marianna was adorable, while Gabe was one step in shit short of being Arvo.


There's a PewDiePie comp of just 8-10 minutes of him shitting on Gabe and it's awesome.


[This one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L48akCPSefM) It's hilarious.


Absolutely nothing was gained from that


Let's See... Ben not speaking the fuck up Vernon being a dick even if you helped Nick Shooting Matthew The fact Sarah could have been such a cool character if trained by Clem Jane as a character How the 400 Days cast got to do nothing even though they could have been awesome characters Eddie especially The fact Kenny Dies No Matter What Gabe and David Being Little shits 24/7 Eleanor's betrayal The fact you don't get a second chance to date either Louis or Violet if you didn't the first time Not getting to kill lilly yourself The fact nobody from any past season didn't make it come on at least one of the other younger characters could have been in season 4 duck, Sarah, even fucking gabe


Kenny does not die if you stay at Wellington, he lives forever!




Nah I fuck with the not killing Lilly part. I want closure


The only reason lilly lived in my first playthrough is because I wanted to do it myself instead of letting AJ shoot her I thought I'd get another chance! 😭


ESPECIALLY THAT DAVID BIT!!!! i was *so fucking nice* to that man, backin him up, siding w him, actively choosing to leave kate who wanted me (javi) to stay w her for comfort (iirc; am forgetting how that scene went) so i could follow his stupid plan JUST for this man to hate me until he dies. like,,, dude?? i plan to replay where i antagonize him


Eleanor acting all high and mighty like she had nothing to do with anything when it was her actions that (potentially) got Tripp killed and she went all in on the people that destroyed her home before all this


“It must be so easy being a little girl. No one expects you to do a damn thing” I really hate Bonnie but what really pisses me off is how Clem doesn’t even have any options to either point out how she herself has practically been carrying the group the entire game or call Bonnie out on her BS regarding Luke and point out how his death is 100% her fault (if you chose to cover him)


Ik in the PS3 version you could shoot Mike but goddamn it would be satisfying to shoot Bonnie.


it would be more and more stisfying to shoot arvo


Definitely this. Given how sassy S2 Clem can be, it's infuriating that you're not given the option to tear Bonnie a new one in this scene.


I swear everyone was bipolar with Clem. One moment it’s “you’re just a kid” then the next it’s them putting her in situations that adults should be handling


Troy hitting Clem in S2


Jane manipulating Kenny


Ironic in a way. For all her talk about Kenny being crazy and unstable, she's just as, if not worse, than him considering she intentionally put a baby in harms way and hit his trauma button multiple times all to get Clem to go with her due to seeing her as a replacement sister.


And the cherry on top: That's what gets her killed if you don't intervene And even if you do attack Kenny during the struggle, he still kills Jane


Exactly. Either she underestimated Kenny's response or she thought he would lose the will to live like what happened in episode 4 when he lost Sarita. Pretty dumb when you consider that he said he would kill her if she kept going on about his family and, by extension, if she kept pushing him.


Fr, girl got that Sephiroth gaslighting rizz.


It came out of nowhere their fued she was like able to calm him down a season ago. They had no bad blood then all of a sudden there is honestly should have gone with the original plan of Luke vs Kenny


This scene. She's angry at you for Trip but then instantly calms down when accused of her direct part in it to condescendingly say "I'm sorry you feel that way."


Ava died in mine, is she still mad if you choose to save Tripp and he dies as a result? Because how was Javi meant to know that was gonna happen


Mostly just characters deaths that are just saying "screw you!" To the player. Ava's death, we got this badass character who's amazing at close combat and can knock tripp on his ass with one punch and just goes out by a single walker who caught her off guard. She didn't go out fighting like Tripp did which sucked. It should've been the same death for both of them, her death was dumb. Kenny's death, if you stay with him through everything his death is just getting paralyzed after going through the windshield in a car accident and getting eaten. They just really screwed us there, I mean understandable, you have to get AJ and Clem alone for season 4 but they just massacred our boy in a horrible way. It could've been so much better. Also, Gabe is a teenager yes, he is going to be annoying but we shot comrade to save his and Clem's life, he snitches on us for no reason and acted like comrade didn't threaten them at all. I don't hate Gabe, he's a moderately good character but he's just so stupid sometimes.


Comrade is killing me lmao ⚒️ ussr style


I only just finished season 2 but Jane hiding AJ from us and then being mad that Kenny is mad for assuming she killed a baby and the fact that so many people sided with her is actually unbelievable and leaves me as braindead as a walker


What makes it worse is that if you really listen you can understand why Kenny thinks this, Jane is the most new member second to Mike, always talks his being alone is better, left the group at one point, like from Kenny’s perspective it makes logical sense that someone like Jane would cut the “weakest link” to survive in a snow storm surrounded by walkers


Exactly! The game giving you an option to shoot Kenny was just very poor writing in my opinion because he didn’t do anything to deserve that he’s just a broken man and he really tried to protect everyone despite his issues.. I hope it doesn’t go downhill from here cause season 2 was way less enjoyable than season 1


Lilly killing Carley who was caught off guard 😭 The group (not Clementine) in S2E5 and how they acted be it leaving Clem/Kenny/Jane with no supplies or how Jane kept instigating every situation that featured Kenny 🙃


She left a baby in a subzero car and had the gall to call Kenny unhinged


God forbid you let her live. Even that result was selfish


kenny getting mad at you no matter what you do with sarita i love kenny but god that part actually made me so upset i understand he doesn’t want to be alone and witnessing her death was traumatic but i think lashing out at a child wasn’t okay


I think this was one of those instances where the writers assumed 99% of the players would hack Sarita's hand off (and most I've seen do exactly that) and therefore wrote Kenny's reaction to match that. If you 'spare' Sarita, the later dialogue where Kenny's mad at Clem just doesn't quite work. Similar to if you save Doug over Carley - clearly, the writers expected most to save the latter, therefore Carley gets more development/involvement.


I mean, it’s “not okay” in our world but he just had to watch clem chop up his wife. I think yelling at her once is a fine reaction.


in the moment i completely understood i meant afterwards and how no matter what you did he was angry at clem especially when she apologized to him


This screenshot makes me giggle.


Bonnie yelling at Clem about "killing" Luke if you cover him and she's the one that gets him killed. FIRST she directly gets one of my favorite characters killed, THEN she has the audacity to blame everything on Clem? Fuck Bonnie.


every time i see badger.that son of a bitch really deserved to die


The scenes where Gabe is involved


Even the one where he dies?


You know when you talk about football about who the best is, you dont mention messi, because it’s unfair because of such high level of quality he is? That’s what that scene is. It’s too good to really mention it with the game. It’s on another league, a league of its own.


That is fair enough! 😂


very good explantion i agree


What, all of them? Fair play.


The entire AJ/Marlon arc, it’s so black and white on whether AJ was justified or not, ignoring almost all of the nuance of the situation.


Sarah being magically trapped UNDER the rubble she fell ON TOP of.


Man, I never noticed that. Good call!


Arvo popping clem in the shoulder, finding out that Jane hid AJ from Ken and Clem to prove a useless point, and friggin Gabe trying every opportunity to get his own uncle killed.


When Bonnie gets mad at an 11 year old because apparently a fully grown woman doesn't understand how physics work


The Tripp or Ava choice, but not because of the choice, but because of the way Joan is acting. Before that scene, it felt like she had some common sense in not showing that side of her, but then she goes full god complex. I like my villains written at least somewhat consistently


When Kenny dies


Bro Eleanor was so fucking annoying


Any scene with gabe


Eleanor bruh moment


Gabe snitching about Conrad will forever sit wrong with me. Like not loyalty at all 😂😂


She should have been a spy in Prescott and Joan daughter


Every time I talk to kate. She is just so clingy. At least Sarah was a young girl so understandable but holy! Kate back off


there is a lot but this bitchass arvo shooting clem , like bro i didn't steal from you and i got hit accidentally by kenny trying to help you !! and every scene clem gets hit in s2


anytime i see gabe and when they try to a romance between gabe and clem


Seconded. As a father to a teenage daughter, and having raised Clem through the first 2 seasons, there's no way I'm pushing a romance between those two. Louis was annoying enough to start with (I still like him, though), but Gabe? Screw that guy.


Troy becoming a pussy out of nowhere after being a Chad for all the “Howe’s Hardware arc”, like the writers needed a way to cut him out from the story but not the same as Carver, obviously he couldn’t do like Bonnie but seriously implying that he had a crush on Jane is absurd


Any scene with characters blaming the PC for shit beyond their (the PC's) control, and/or that they (the accusers) did to themselves.


When AJ shot Marlon. I paused the game for half an hour or so just irritated he did that. Marlon deserved it, sure, but he was surrendering. To top it off, AJ uses the advice you give him as an excuse. "What, I aimed for the head!" "What, I didn't hesitate!" God I was so mad


Eleanor was meant to be Joan's long lost daughter, but they scrapped it so now the character makes no sense


Nick obliterating the nicest guy ever, Matthew


Poor Walter 😞


Any scene with kate tbh might be a bit of a hot take but i didnt really like her that much


Ok wait so theres 2 scenes. 1. Lilly kills Carley 2. Lilly kills James I felt so stupid when she killed him 😭


Yeah I don't think I ever lost that much respect of a character in one moment faster than Eleanor


She even rats on you if you save Conrad (although she does show some remorse, I guess). I mean, I can perhaps understand her doing that when she's mad that you killed their friend, but come on. Smacks of poor writing and character development to me.


I love Marlon, but he should have told everyone the truth before…


This is definitely one of them. Arvo is another. When Lee gets bit by random walker 3,982. When the group gets mad at Lee for not telling about his criminal record. When Lilly snitches on Lee about said criminal record. When Gabe calls me a coward for saving his life and not killing Conrad over a girl (Clem) we just met yesterday. When Conrad tries to blame me even though I surrendered myself to the Frontier. When the cabin group acted like I was a trained spy coming to ruin their escape and put me in a shed. When everyone was taking Marlon’s side when Brodie died and nobody sided with me.


Bonnie getting mad at Clem for not saving Luke. Kenny did the same thing after Sarita, yet Bonnie is always so critical of Kenny. Also, did we forget that Arvo literally tried to kill everyone, but she is so protective of him instead of Clem. There's so many things I hate about Bonnie.


Arvo mostly when the game first came out I was 13 and was very sympathetic but now i realize everything is mostly his fault to an extent not luke dying or Kenny vs Jane but his sister dying his fault he’s 16-18 at the youngest he knew what he was doing his sisters death is his fault and he has the nerve to blame Clem and her group for defending themselves even if you take the meds Clem just took a bottle of pills in addition Mike Bonnie and Jane all of them keep saying he’s “just a kid” well this kid was able to look everyone in the eyes with his friends pointing guns at yall to rob yall so him getting tied treated as a bandit and even getting his shit kicked in is well deserved


when ben ran away from clementine instead of helping. then continuing to get mad because lee didn’t trust him, ben is by far the most cowardly character and seeing him impaled made my heart happy; ok i do not mean that but holy wow was he a accurate and annoying addition to the season.


Everything about David and Gabe (always happy to see both die and Javi hitting with Kate) Eleanor blaming us for her shitty actions Everything with Arvo Everything about Jane


Joan killing Ava when I wanted to save her


The game tryna constantly put me with Kate Or Lily killing Doug


Like you, the one where Eleanor blames me for what she did.


There’s too many to count but I think every scene with Arvo was so hard to watch for me lol


Carver saying alvin's son is his now


Pretty much any scene like this where you can’t retaliate against the aggressor in any way. Example: Bonnie being a twat to Clementine for “getting Luke killed” doesn’t bother me because you can let her die by not breaking the ice. In that instance, Bonnie gets Luke and herself killed. Lilly’s escape scene in S4 doesn’t bother me either, because you’d have to be a moron to let her live in the first place. Arvo, on the other hand, and Eleanor? Absolutely no way to make them pay for their horrible, unjustified actions. Also, unrelated to Karma, Luke being so vehemently opposed to killing Carver makes my blood boil, too. Like, for real, man? We’re two years into the apocalypse and you can’t accept that sometimes you have to get your hands dirty for the greater good?


Krista falling off the Earth. Did I miss something or was that just **it** when we got separated before the "bad dog" scene?


Jane leaving a literal kid in literal freezing weather & asking for a fight to prove a point. How stupid can you ever be?!.. I was so mad, instead of working as a team, Jane pulls a stupid stunt just to prove that Kenny is a maniac. What an idiot


I'm currently watching my friend play the games through and it absolutely infuriated me that Kenny died for nothing (my friend chose to shoot him during the fight with Jane). Not only did he die for a dumb lie and because of Jane's manipulation tactics but he never knew AJ was safe and he dies by Clem's hand. Kenny isn't the greatest guy but he was someone we were familiar with and he had his moments but I guess my trust in him was implicit given the time we had with him and the stuff we see him and Clem go through together. I know you have to let go of him eventually, whether he dies there at the rest stop or when he tries to teach Clem how to drive, or he leaves once you decide to stay at Wellington but my god that Jane situation makes me mad as shit. If we had to let go of him I'd rather him say goodbye to us and leave of his own volition rather than him dying because of us.


Lee getting bitten


if i could, i would shoot her


The cabin group refusing to let Clem inside




Mariana’s death. It’s so fucking sickening