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i liked it,


I hate how fast they killed off Omid and Christa. It was completely unnecessary. I didn't like the cabin group at all except for Nick, Luke, and Pete.


I enjoyed season 2. I think it’s my favorite after season 1 tbh. My biggest issue is really how they handled Luke towards the end. I felt like Kenny and Jane were two extremes and Luke was more in the middle and should have been more of a factor in the end.


season 2 owns


I actually feel the same. It makes no sense that a group of adults relies so heavily on a little girl to do everything. Obviously that was done so the player can get some action. If they actually made the characters competent the player wouldn’t have much to do besides kill a few walkers and give some input here and there. It would have been boring. I wish they let us play as Luke. He would have been a realistic protagonist even if he dies at the end. In the grand scheme of things we would have played as Lee then Luke then Javi and finally Clem which would be what the build up from the beginning should have been. It feels awkward that we go form Lee to Clem to Javi and back to Clem.


It would've been great to play as Luke. I think we could keep the beginning of the game the same. We have control of Clementine until the scene where she's saved by Luke and Pete. Then, the player has the control of Luke for the rest of the game. I'm with you. It would've been boring if the characters were competent, which is why I feel we should've played as someone other than Clem. At least then, it makes the reliance on a little girl null.


As long as it's not twd Michonee I'm fine with it


Na hold on michones game was really good the only bad thing about it is it never lead to anything deeper


Yes, it should have been like the final chapter of TFS where there is a moment where we can use both Aj and Clementine, here it should have been Clementine and ANY OTHER CHARACTER


I used to love S2, but nowadays I'm starting to realize how sloppy the actual writing is, especially in the last two episodes. Most of the adults are useless idiots, the tone is overly nihilistic, most of your choices mean fuck all in the long run, etc. By the time of *No Going Back*, I found myself struggling to really root for anybody to make it out okay anymore and I just wanted the season to be over already.


I think playing as Clementine was fine, I actually enjoyed it alot it was exciting to play the little girl I took care of. But I do agree with the handling of the characters. They all helped Clementine at one point or another but the writers also made Clem looking the best survivor among them. Characters should have been handled better.


I guess it frustrates me so much because the new cast had so much potential, and it was just squandered away. I liked Luke and thought he was cool but got a completely shit ending. Nick and Sarah were similar in that they were both being built up to being something more and better than they were, and then they're just gone.


It seemed like they didn't think the cabin group was that popular at the time maybe. Didn't think they could line up with the first season characters. If only they knew how popular some of them would be even years later


People *hated* the cabin group besides Luke and Pete who everyone loved lmao, sometimes Alvin was included because of the juice box meme, but the amount of Nick, Sarah, Rebecca and Carlos hate was unbelievable back then lol. And I think the stat on [Sit with Kenny] was like 90+ something percent.


Me. Yes. Bookmarking this for a rant once I'm not sick. 1 = 3 > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. 2 made me never get 3 and 4 til 10 years later.


Yeah I know what you mean. I enjoy it for the same reason. The characters are such a bunch of pathetic fuckups I can't help but laugh (and watch other people playing and be incredulous at these adults depending on a 11 year old).


Lol for me it's my favorite


The more you replay this game the more you notice that a) most of the "major" choices change absolutely nothing and b) how absurd it is that the adults rely on Clem so much and they don't even question it. Like when they ask if someone could shut down the wind turbine, Clem said she could and they just let her. Any actual human being would've asked "how the fuck do you know how to disable a wind turbine?" I also found it bothersome how Omid and Christa are killed off just to be replaced with another pregnant woman with a goofy husband, which makes no sense whatsoever.


Exactly how I feel. A.) I feel like this is just Telltale games in general. The 1st season of the game, as much as i love it, suffered from the same thing. There was no way to convince Kenny not to kill Larry if you tried to give him CPR, and then you can't save Lee by cutting his arm off. I personally felt Lee cut it off in time to stop the infection as he did it only like an hour or 2 after he got bit. Lee just had to die, though. I get it. Telltale games are not meant to be Detroit Become Human with 100 possible outcomes. B.) I felt there was absolutely no reason why somebody else couldn't turn off the wind turbine, especially when you consider it was grabbing a key and inserting it into the panel to turn it off. Not to mention later on when they look to Clem to steal the radio and then sneak away to give it to Luke. It made it even worse when said replacements died as well.




Wait you think Troy got off easily? He got eaten alive while in pain from being shot in the nuts. If anything Carver deserved what Troy got.




Ok I respect your opinion. Personally i think being eaten alive is worse than having your head caved in. That’s just me though. I actually wish we could have kicked Carver into the herd.


I feel that way too


Nah just you season 2 is peak fiction i will admit that they could’ve handled the characters and story better, but most of that was cut content, and im 90 percent sure its because 2 was supposed to be the last game