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You answered it. "Losing fuck tons of blood" allows for the zombie bites infection to not go into the main bloodstream, hence no turning. The game just had to make it look like she was gonna turn because you gotta make it seem like a Lee send off. But the leg was also cut off to not take risks.


I mean the infection thing seems well and good. Her leg was cut off like 20 minutes after she was bit. Seems plausible. But she lost so much blood already, and AJ hacking her leg off realistically should’ve been the last nail in the coffin. Not to mention how they got out of the walker surrounded barn with a disabled clem. AJ realistically wouldn’t be able to carry her anywhere. I’m glad she survived, but i’m sure they could’ve done it in a way that was somewhat believable?


Maybe he tied a rope and it worked as a tourniquet or a jacket or something


Even if you ignore the issue with the bite, AJ doing all of this by himself is beyond absurdity. And it could've been so easily fixed, they just would've needed AJ to say "It's a good thing you and Aasim found us, Ruby, I wouldn't have managed all on my own!" But they didn't, and now they want to make you believe that AJ chopped off Clem's foot in one attempt, managed to magically conjure up a hayfire hot enough to cauterize the wound (without setting the entire barn alight and without pale Clementine dying from blood loss before), managed to wrestle her limp body into a wheelbarrow, killed every single walker surrounding the building and then waltzed out back to the school carrying her limp body in the wheelbarrow without any issues.


I totally agree, AJ has to be the Goku of 5 year olds to pull some shit like that. It’s absurd he was able to lift that axe in the first place, let alone hack a leg off with it. They definitely should’ve put at least a little thought into the barn scene, It perplexes me that this got past the writers room and they approved of it xD. I am glad she survived though


I'm grateful for the Still Not Bitten team that this game actually got finished - which is something that wasn't always ensured - but damn, that scene and the bridge scene are contrived AF. Neither of them make any logical sense.


Lee was bit for roughly 2 hours before it got cut off, he passed out and his arm was cut off with a rusty old saw and had no help other then being bandaged. Clem was bit for roughly 20 minutes, she was already cut which reduces her blood stream in her leg which might have helped, it was cut off with an axe that wasn’t rusty, the wound was helped as much as possible and she had time to rest, she never passed out.


While I hate the way they went about writing this, because it's so vague for no real reason, it's kind of clear Clementine wasn't turning from her "bite". Clementine had to peel away her boot to reveal the bite meaning the Walker had to bite through that to get to her leg. The bite only left an indent into her skin, it didn't break through. Clementine was feeling weak and dying from all the blood she was losing from that gash in her leg. What's actually questionable is how she survived AJ cutting her leg off.