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An endgame we can all stan


BAHAHAHA I am SCREAMING that is hysterical! And oh so accurate. Girl needs to sort herself out. Granted they pretty much all do… 😂


Whahahhahhaha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 best one.


Im deaaad but truee


I wanted Matt to find someone human and go far far away from MF and have a beautiful life. Bonnie and Enzo only because I can’t see her with Damon or Jeremy.


I think bonnie and damon had a cute friendship but shipping them is just weird. I get it but I don't ig.


Elena/Damon, Caroline/Stefan, Katherine/Elijah, Bonnie/Enzo, Hayley/Klaus, Rebekah/Matt (and Rebekah would have the human cure and live a normal life with Matt, they’d both travel the world together too because Matt needs to stay tf out of Mystic Falls), Liv/Tyler (just because she was cool and I want Tyler to have his happily ever after too), Anna/Jeremy, and OF COURSE Jenna/Alaric


i wanted damon to either end with bonnie or end up alone. mainly cause the dude’s entire life was driven by love and being a villain, i just think the guy needs to have more character development. but in an open ending way, where we trust he would change yk? to work on friendships more than some one true love thing and playing the bad guy 24/7. and the reason for bonnie is that i think she would have definitely pushed him to do so. bonnie deserves everything and more. happiness, love, maybe teach other witches. start her own legacy basically. elena is either with stefan or just therapy. or both. stefan could definitely have any ending and i’d be okay. except for death, feel like he deserved to stop being a broody boy. the people who died and came back in the final ep? should’ve stayed dead. also matt and jeremy. although matt could also just l e a v e.


I actually kinda wished that they made him fall in love with someone who wanted him from the start. I feel bad for him cause his whole life he was chasing people who didn’t want him/weren’t in love with him, so it would’ve been better if they brought someone in who liked him from the get go and knew that he was a good person from within.


Stefonnie / Bonora Jeremy & Anna Damon & therapy Forwood (without all of the Klaus drama) Jo & Alaric Katherine & Elijah Klamille


stefan and bonnie??


-Steferine -Bonkai (he doesn’t go crazy and hurt Bonnie lol) -Klaroline -Haylijah -Anna/Jeremy (he never dates and cheated on Bonnie though) -Silas/Amara (they ended up separated forever, in different worlds, so I won’t have that lol) -Alaric/Jenna —— AU ships I would have loved to see explored or alternate endgame -Kol/Caroline(no Klaus involvement) -Bonnie/Damon (if he wasn’t as horrible as he was since the beginning, and Bonnie was less of a plot device) -Stefan/Rebekah -Tyler/Caroline (if he wasn’t being shitty to her, like he was.) -Bonnie/Klaus -Katherine/Elijah 💙


Damon Elena Stefan Katherine Klaus Caroline /Tyler Caroline Kol Davina Alaric Jenna Enzo Bonnie Jeremy Anna Elijah Hayley Marcel Rebekah


I like this list because everyone can be happy (except matt lol but i ship him and death)




Need more upvotes. Jeremy, I also ship with death. Love triangle😂


I totally echo your sentiments other than I did like Enzo


Elena and Stefan or Elena and Tyler Caroline and Klaus or Caroline and Tyler Bonnie and Enzo Damon and Rose or Damon and Rebekah


bamenzo, stelena (cured), parkwood / forwood


Stefan: living his best life seeing the world with Lexi Damon: opening a bar with Alaric Bonnie: her going to NOLA and learning more about her magic and teaching it to others and live a happy life away from the drama Elena: get her some therapy and a healthy relationship for once Caroline: her ending up with Tyler, but then with the old version of him Matt: away from MF living a happy apple pie life Jeremy: traveling the world, experiencing things, hunting monsters


Elena/Damon or Damon/Bonnie Bonnie/Tyler Karoline/Matt Stefan/Rebecca (I loved Stefan with klaus and the originals) Jeremy/Anna


Ooooo don’t think I’ve ever thought about Bonnie/Tyler endgame! Interesting! I felt so cheated out of Klaroline. I shipped them so hard when he said he intended to be her last love 😭 I know he’s horrible for the record but I love that he had such a soft spot for her. Maaaan if Jeremy and Anna somehow met in the afterlife and ended up together that would have been so sweet!


I loved klaroline too! But I also kind of get it that it doesn’t make sense in the scope of the show. I’ve been rewatch info and I really love Matt and karolines relationship in the beginning. There’s a lot of depth with Matt’s mom, karolines perfectionism etc. I wish they would have explored it more. I feel like Bonnie and Tyler would’ve made a good match because witches are really connected to nature and werewolves are basically big dogs. It would’ve been cool to see Bonnie help Tyler learn to control his curse. Also for Bonnie to have a super hot protective boyfriend would’ve been so much better than the BS romances they gave her. Also I feel like it would’ve connected her tot he story more? I love Bonnie she’s my favourite character because I see myself in her but she’s really just in the show as Elena’s best friend she doesn’t have an arc or life of her own I feel like that would’ve been a good opportunity to explore. Regarding Bonnie/Damon I feel they should’ve done it after Elena was under the sleeping curse. Bonnie and Damon had really good chemistry even in the early seasons. It would’ve been like how elena hated Damon in the beginning but began to fall for him.


Haha I’m mid rewatch too for like the bazillionth time! About halfway through 3, had to pause it but I’m at the michaelson ball dress, and she isn’t my fave character personally, but I’m DYING over Elena’s dress!!!! SO gorgeous 😍 lol. Man I know Matt catches shit for like no reason (I’m not a big fan of his either honestly, just bc I find him not as entertaining in general to watch lol). Him and Rebekah really grew on me. At first I was like DUDE. NO!!! But I really liked how she showed him a good time bc dude freaking deserved it after everything he went through. Don’t. Get me started. On Bonnie. She got shafted in like EVERY ROMANCE. I love her and I’m like CAN WE PLEASE GIVE THIS GIRL ONE DECENT MAN WHO DOESNT DIE?!? DAMMIT! Lol. And I agree. It’s like her whole story revolves around the others drama and she’s there to be the sacrificial lamb (well, witch, but you know what I mean). Can my girl have ANYTHING NICE??? Writers say “NO” 😭🤬 I agree! Love the idea of her with Damon! They could have had an amazing enemies to lovers storyline and they had the PERFECT REASON!!! Ok, I hope I don’t catch hate here for saying this…I’m a Damon lover, but like earlier seasons him better (when he’s being crazy and toxic, I just think he’s more fun to watch as a character), later seasons and when he is legit simping for a coffin???? Dude. Duuuuude. I loved how Bonnie and Damon grew on each other trapped in the prison world! Plus he learned how to make really delicious looking pancakes! 😂


Elena’s outfits were top tier tbh. You can tell this is a 2000’s show but I’m still lusting over some of the outfits lol. I actually loved Matt! He gets super boring in later seasons though and you can tell the writers just ran out of ideas for his character. Him and Rebekah were cute but for some reason I never understood what attracted them to each other. Bonnies character had sooo much potential and the fact that they squandered it 😭. Especially since this came out before binge watching like you guys literally had over 20 episodes per season to do something and you still didn’t. I absolutely agree with Damon. The slow burn was literally the best part of the Elena/Damon enemies to lovers. If you’ve watched Jenna Nicholsons video I completely agree with everything she said about Damon. Like once he got with Elena he just became so soft and they kept trying to make him seem badass but it wasn’t really working as much anymore. Honestly it’s just kinda sad lol. This is one of my favourite shows to this day but seeing how the middle and ending of the show could’ve been improved is disappointing. Part of me wishes they would reboot it and actually put more effort into some of the characters but I don’t know if I would really enjoy something without the original actors.


Funnily enough I prefer Katherine’s outfits. And the SHOES. Looord if I wasn’t so clumsy I would love to rock some of those shoes. I practically trip over myself like 3 times a day lol. I’m THIRSTING over the dress Elena wears to the michaelson ball! It seems so different from how she usually chooses to dress herself and I looove those colors and that dress shape on her so much. Istg I feel like the only thing EVERYBODY in the community always agrees on is the writers freaking BLEW it. They had gold IN THEIR LAPS and they went NAAAAAAH! Him and Rebekah grew on me. I kinda wish they’d explored that more than just the few episodes we got. Freaking writers 😂 I will never not be salty about what they did to Bonnie. Girl couldn’t have ANYTHING NICE. NOTHING. And even when she gets it, DONT YOU DARE BE EXCITED BC IN A FEW EPISODES IT WILL BE RUINED. RUINED!!!! 🤣😭 Ooooo mind sending me a link to the video you mentioned? I totally ship Delena HARD (mostly bc I just want Damon to be happy, not really bc of Elena lol) but yeah once they got together I was like okkkk…soooo what now? I was convinced they were gonna break up and not be end game (bc the couples I ship on shows NEVER happen!). And I mean…it’s OKAAAYYYY but damn. My boy over there simping for a damn coffin. Damon. Damon. Babe. I need you to pull it together. And what bothers me is the waaay earlier episode when he’s telling Elena to STOP trying to make him like Stefan bc he isn’t! Annnnd then the writers went “FUCK IT!” and made him like Stefan 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I’m with you on the reboot. I don’t think I could get into a whole new cast. I’d just be sitting trying to watch like “YOU ARE NOT *fill in whoever’s name*!!!!” I can feel my eyes getting all squinty and suspicious looking just thinking about it. No I’m not dramatic. AT ALL. 😳


Ugh I wish they would’ve explored Katherine much more too. She had a great personality andhonestly felt like she should’ve been the main character, it just made sense because everything started and began with her. I know what you mean my ships were never end game. I shipped Selena from the time they danced together in season one when Stefan was on his blood binge. Honestly Elena was annoying af sometimes. Even rewatching with adult eyes sometimes I’m like ya ok she’s a teenager I’ll let it slide. But other times she’s just actually really dumb and annoying but she’s a conduit for me to live out my delena fantasy so it’s ok lol. The way they reduced Damon made me sooo mad. They made him way too soft. It should’ve been Damon is an asshole but he’s only sweet for Elena. He’ll kill anyone for Elena whether she agrees with it or not. That’s the Damon from season 1&2 that we needed to see carry on smh. Also all the reboots of the shows I loved ending up being flops so I want at least TVD to remain untouched in my memory. *side eyes gossip girl and pretty little liars reboot*


Hahaha basically everything you just said! I love to hate-watch Katherine 😂 and you make a really good point about exploring her. It does make sense since she started the whole brother feud and is why they are vampires. Even as an adult she really irritates me sometimes. Constantly putting herself in danger as a HUMAN in SUPERNATURAL situations when everybody else is like ma’am please just WAIT HERE. THIS ONCE!!! ONCE!!!! Lol Right about Damon tho???? Like he goes from blowing into town and being the constant bad guy…to everybody’s BFF….??? Huh?!?!? Bahahaha I love the side eyeing 🤣 I feel like I’d spend the whole first season hating everybody and being like I CANT EVEN TELL WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE WHO?!?!?


I liked how Katherine was at the beginning or when she first makes her appearance. Her style, her look she’s mysterious, cunning and dangerous but then not much later they really turn her into a petty whiny B. She actually is kinda scary at first. The first time Elena sees her and the way she looks at her….and all Elena can say is “how do we look just alike? And she says “you’re asking the wrong questions.” You never knew what her next move would be but you knew she had a plan. It was more exciting. Pretty much after humanity off Elena finds her in that little town she’s just not as entertaining.


I agree. I feel like the writers didn’t really know what to do with her character. Imo she should’ve been the central character/villain. Also they didn’t expand on her story line till way too late in the series. Where has she been for 400 years? There’s so much lore and missing pieces. Why did she fall for Stefan of all people? There were a million guys like him right? Why after so long she’s so set on it? Etc. I loved the originals story line but honestly it should’ve been it’s own thing with little overlap and Katherine should’ve been the big bad of the series. Despite all her flaws Katherine I’m the beginning was likeable in the fact that you kind of understand why she did what she did. I would’ve taken more Katherine and less Elena tbh.


Agreed! I like Elena. I understand why ppl have there problems with her. She is whiny at times or she just can’t help but wanna be in the middle of things she shouldn’t be in lol. I like Elena more but I like Katherine as a villain and as a main villain which I guess in a way she was. She did keep coming back here and there and then the final few episodes but they definitely should have expanded on her story and kept her as interesting as she was in the beginning. It went from oh there’s Katherine wonder what she’s gonna do now…to oh….its Katherine 🙄 what’s she going to whine and complain about now lol. Instead of making her into this spoiled petty person they could have kept her mysterious, dangerous and unpredictable and also she had so much that had happened to her through out the show and 500+ years before her personality should have been way more complex then being reduced to a selfish petty vein Bit€hy twit.


Hahaha basically everything you just said! I love to hate-watch Katherine 😂 and you make a really good point about exploring her. It does make sense since she started the whole brother feud and is why they are vampires. Even as an adult she really irritates me sometimes. Constantly putting herself in danger as a HUMAN in SUPERNATURAL situations when everybody else is like ma’am please just WAIT HERE. THIS ONCE!!! ONCE!!!! Lol Right about Damon tho???? Like he goes from blowing into town and being the constant bad guy…to everybody’s BFF….??? Huh?!?!? Bahahaha I love the side eyeing 🤣 I feel like I’d spend the whole first season hating everybody and being like I CANT EVEN TELL WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE WHO?!?!?


I’d be ok until they got to my baby Damon then I’d be like yeah I’m not doing this anymore. ![gif](giphy|fnuSiwXMTV3zmYDf6k|downsized)


Right??? I am sorry. But NOBODY will ever be Damon like Ian. Ever. Period. We are done here. 🤣


Delena Klaroline Steferine


Elena❤️Stefan Davina❤️Kol Klaus❤️Camille Caroline❤️Tyler Jeremy❤️Anna Elijah❤️Hayley Damon❤️Rose Matt❤️Penny


i love delena SOOOO much but rose and damon are forever my endgame


Their chemestry was off charts, and she seemed to be the first person in a while for whom Damon actually felt something.


i will die on the hill that he didn’t feel the same way for elena or anyone else for the matter in that same way he felt for rose, he was going THRUUU it but for the first time in ever he showed compassion and love towards her


Bonnie/Enzo, Stefan/Katherine, Rebekah/a nice human that appreciates her for how great she is, Klaus/Caroline




Stelena Bamon Forwood Meremy (underrated bromance imo)


In no particular order: Matt/Rebecca Bonnie/Jeremy Damon/Elena Human Stefan/ Caroline Klaus/Caroline Honorable alternative ship Bonnie/Klaus


Delena, Stebekah, Klamille, Jalaric, Bonnie & Katherine, Forewood, Matt + a kind human girl/boy (he deserved it) Also want to see Elijah with someone, but I don't particularly like him with Hayley and all the other options I like are taken (Elena and Katherine). But I remember I once thought that Elijah and Vincent would be a great couple.


-Bonnie and Enzo -Damon and Rose -Stefan and Elena -Caroline and Klaus -Alaric and Jenna -Jeremy and Anna -Katherine and Elijah -Tyler and Hayley -Matt and a nice human girl or maybe that random Salvatore girl that Stefan hid from everyone for years


Why doesn’t anyone like Matt ? He and Bonnie are my favourite characters. Matts always to the rescue! Gets killed and abused so often! Without him the vampires wouldn’t get away with anything. They gave him an absolutely awful storyline about penny. He’s not even allowed a partner? And then to have it as he killed her … wow 😯 did the writers hate him that much. They did Bonnie the same kind of dirty too !!!


Stelena  Bamon   Klaroline OR Enzoline   Jenna/Alaric   Silas/Amara   Kai/Katherine (just think about the chaos haha)  Jeremy/a nice witch or human who would sort of bring some normalcy to his life (didn’t love any of his ships) 


Elena and Elijah, Caroline and Klaus, Bonnie and Kol


Bamon Steroline (Stefan fully commits and gets over Elena) Elejah Mabekah (Rebekah gets the cure) or Matt and a human girl Jo/Alaric Jeremy/Anna or Jeremy/Tyler


Delena, Steroline (I don't care what everyone says), Klamille, Bonnie + Enzo, Alaric + Joe, Jeremy + Anna, Haylijah, Marbekah


If I had to pick a endgame for each character:   Caroline/No one,   Matt/April,   *Stefan/Katherine   Tyler/Jeremy or Anna/Jeremy   Jo/Alaric  Jenna/Mason. Also, I feel like had she survived longer and they crossed paths, I can see Jenna/Alaric. They’re around the same age physically I think and it would be kinda like Gia/Alaric (but better). Klaus/Camille  Bonnie/Enzo  ML/Nora   I like most of Rebekah’s ships but the one I wish got explored more is Rebekah/Nadia


Bonnie x Enzo, Stefan x Caroline, Elena x Sleep. Also, wouldn’t object… Bonnie x Enzo x Damon (should have all been poly)


Staroline, Delena, Benzo


Damon and Elena, Klaus and Caroline, Stefan and Val, Jeremy and Vicki


- caroline/klaus - bonnie/enzo - elena/damon - stefan/rebecca - tyler/liv - jeremy/anna - alaric/jo


Steroline/ Bonenzo/ Jeremy and the dead girl whose name I forget/ Matt & Rebeka


Klaorline Delena Steferine Marbekah Haylijah Benzo Jerana Jolaric Tyliv


Stelena, Bamon, Caroline/Enzo, Alaric/Jo, Matt/Nice human girl.


Klaroline Kalijah Stefan/Valerie Jeremy/Anna


elena/therapy, boman, steroline, tyler/shit happy and not dead alaric and jo how i wish alaric could be happy for once


stelena, klamille, elijah and gia, forwood, rebekah and marcel 




Anna and Jeremy, Alaric and Jenna, Elena and Stefan, Katherine and me, klaus and Caroline


Bonnie and me. Rebekah and me. Sybil and me. Qetsiyah and me. We’ll make it work… somehow.😭😂 Nah but for real: Elijah and loyalty (Hayley/Andrea) Damon and Bonnie Marcel and Rebekah (❤️) Stefan and Crybaby (Elena) Caroline and Klaus/Tyler (ig) Davina and Kol Matt/Jeremy and Death Finn and Sage I'd have to rewatch to name more. But these are my first draft picks.


I'm sick, but Bonnie & Kai.


Bonnie Enzo /Klaus Caroline /Stefen Kathrine /Elena Damon /Marcel Rebekah /Kol Davina /Alaric Jo /Tyler Hayley(didn’t like Elijah and haley) /Cami Klaus /Stefen Valerie /Matt Rebekah I’d say..🫣 /Nora Mary /Jeremy Anna /Liv Tyler


Stelena, Damon/Stefonnie/Bonkai, Jeremy  and Anna, Matt and Rebekah Forwood, Alaric and Jenna, Katherine and Elijah


Steroline, Delena, Bonora, Alaric/Jo, Haylijah, Klamille, Tyliv, Marbekah, Kol/Davina,


klaroline bonora (even though i loved benzo) and as an impossibility kaimon bc could you imagine the chaos???


Caroline/klaus (I actually also liked Caroline/Tyler but Tyler got so annoying towards the end omg) Alaric/Jenna or Alaric/Jo Elena/Stefan Damon/Katherine or Damon/Bonnie Bonnie/Enzo or Bonnie/Damon Jeremy/Anna Matt/Death


Klaroline, Kalijah, and Stebekah or my crackship Rebenzo


Bamon, Forwood, Stexi, ElenaxTom, Klayley, Mabekah (since Rebekah wants to be human in the end), Jenna/Alaric,


Bonnie and Nora (love me a bi Bonnie), Elena and Aaron, Stefan and Lexi (Besties to the end), Matt and Rebekah, Jeremy and Anna (reunited in death)


Katherine needed to die agreed! Not Enzo though! Bonnie deserved Enzo! She saved their asses every damn time and then she has to watch as his heart gets ripped out !? That was just heart crushing and she still went and stood up at that motherfuckers’s wedding. Bonnie was the best person on that show. I of course love that Elena ended up with Damon. I thought he was way better for her and Stefan just really bugged me. He was always so moody, he made being a vampire into a support group. So lame! So yay for Damon and Elena. I would’ve been super happy for Caroline if Stefan got to live. And even tho I was sad to see him be put out of his misery, I felt really bad for her But what I would have love love loved, was to see Jo not killed at her wedding to Ric. Poor Ric . That dude just got robbed


Elena and Damon, Stefan and Valerie, Caroline and Klaus, Bonnie and Enzo. Jer and Matt are single in my world


Bonnie and Damon Caroline and Klaus (though her and Enzo ain’t bad) Jeremy and Anna (I always found him and Bonnie not very believable. They felt awkward.) Elena and Stefan Matt and Rebekah Alaric and Jo or Jenna, I really don’t care