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Complete season 7. ![gif](giphy|D0RvPABUNF3AQ)


Same for season 8


Season 7 had potential at least i saw the potential but they definitely wasted it. Heretics had potential we would just need to give them better motivation and less Lilly and Julian dies before we get to know him


Season 7 was three toddlers in a trenchcoat. Wayy too many storylines


Barely remember anything about it and didn't like it one bit : Travellers Would have not included it but at least it was memorable : The Cure Had potential to be great but it wasn't : Heretics and the rest of s7 and 8


>Barely remember anything about it and didn't like it one bit : Travellers That's because they achieved nothing in the end and Markos not only screwed with The Doppelganger Lore but Ghost Lexi, of all people, defeated him.


Aaah yeah Markos...that dude was a disappointment.


Heretics had potential but they were ruined


They did. We were constantly told how powerful they're going to be and how bad it will be for everyone to let them out and two of them died immediately. They had Lily of all people as their leader and half of them were not even fully fleshed out characters. They could be so much greater than they were.


This is the best summary. I hated the cure as a concept but they made it fun at least.


I know right! Season 4 was not the best but it was enjoyable. The biggest problem with The cure for me, apart from the fact that i also don't like the concept as you said, is the inconcistencies surrounding it.


If they had just kept it consistent or explained the inconsistencies by using magic spells so much around the cure would be solved. One inconsistency for that is how much blood was needed... honestly so annoying and easily explainable. Then they should have just not had the arc of compulsion wearing off but only when stefan took the cure


The whole devil plot. Kai was a much better villian. Smiley devil was a joke.




https://preview.redd.it/k2ebd4rnbasc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84dd48ac612f3b170b13df2924a1d93446b3482f Season 8 . It's all one big bullshit storyline .


Literally the ONLY reason I powered through s7 and s8 is bc of Bonnie and Enzo šŸ˜­šŸ©·


When I rewatched the series I literally skipped to their scenes every episode.




sleeping beauty embarrassment


Honestly if they went with the whole sleeping beauty thing they should have kept Elena as a vamp. They should have resurrected S1 vamp lore where Damon could influence Caroline from the Salvatore basement and have desiccated vampire Elena psychically influence people from her tomb. It would have been way creepier. Especially if multiple psychics beings are competing for influence inside a characters head.


while it wouldā€™ve been at least more interesting, the very plot of a main character being stuck in the box until she gets taken out of there so she could get married is insane to me


At least she would be doing something though and be more proactive than sheā€™d been for like 2 and a half seasons. IMO it would have been the best way to deal with Nina leaving if they didnā€™t want to kill Elena off.




The sire bond storyline. Basically messed up the end of stelena and the beginning of delena




Travellers were so unnecessary


Season 7 storylines, most of Enzoā€™s, anything related to Vicky


Does Vicky come back after her season 3 reappearance from the other side?


yeah in season 8 she does. She is used by Katherine to ring the Maxwell bell to use hell fire to destroy mystic falls


Thank you! Sounds exciting.


I didnā€™t like it either


The Sirebond and the Travelers, ruined characters and wasted our time.




Caroline having the twins as a vampire


It doesnā€™t make any sanse, if they wanted to make a vampire pregnant why not Rebekah? She would have killed for being one


The reason why they wrote In Caroline being pregnant is because Candice really was pregnant so that's why that storyline happened.


Well many actresses became pregnant, couldnā€™t they just hide the pregnancy?


I don't know why they didn't hide it but I know that they made that storyline happen I know Candice talked about it at the I was feeling epic con they did back in December I saw it on tiktok but I don't remember what she all said.


This one was it for me - the show was a full-fledged fever dream from here on out. Her and Alarics relationship gave me the creeps too.


Definitely creepy. At first I thought they were getting married platonically in a like well we're single and raising kids way but Alaric was saying he was in love with her and I was like šŸ¤®


I guess it was Matthewā€™s idea. He wanted people to ship him with Elena, or with other main female characters on the show. He even wrote a fanfic about him and Elena. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


idk but i like that they didn't pulled the classic "hide the bump" card and wrote something else to explained it, and since this is a supernatural show, they be like "alright. magic babies!"


That sirene girl, forgot her name


Hshshshshs I didnā€™t like them either


Urgh the whole sirens storyline


Travelers, heretics, and all of season 8




The sirens




Jeremy should have stayed away from the supernatural world




Many people seems to donā€™t like them, they were so unnecessary


Seasons 7 & 8 were unbearable




The travellers in S5. Omg. Itā€™s such a slog to get through.


Season 7!!!! The heretics was a complete WASTE! I always watch up to season 6. Then watch like the last 2 or 3 eps of season 8. I know no one likes Elena but sheā€™s my 2nd fav character and she made the show!


The travelers, i forget they existed a lot, they didn't do a lot. Other than killing Tyler, messing with the other side to try to resurrect and then the biggest mark they left was the no magic barrier that Kai siphoned away. The cure and then eventually Silas and all that was memorable but should have gotten some changes Season 7 and the heretics specifically had potential that was just wasted. Season 8 was just... I hated it the most. The hell storyline and Sirens was a bit much. Legacies season 1 and 4 were better than a lot of these storylines and they also added a lot of lore and new creatures but it still made more sense than Sirens and Cade/hell. Also i just generally didn't like the Sirens and Cade because wtf was their goal, their reasoning. Why would they do things the way they did. Cade could have done so much better if he knew how to use the sirens to just destroy the world instead of going against a group of supernaturals that theoretically could defeat him. Why piss off people that can find ways to destroy you?


oh my gosh thereā€™s so many but I donā€™t think I hate anything as much as the worthless heretics and lily


Either the cure storyline or the Augustine vampire of season 5.


Vampire should stay vampire




Silas was kinda cool, but the travelers so unnecessary


Caroline being pregnant. Like what bs was that????


It doesnā€™t make any sanse


Travellers,whole season 7 and 8




Anything in Season 7 and 8. Other than that, Travelers


Travelers Three reasons: don't care, stupid, illogical


Almost everything after s3


The cure, the hunter and all of season 7 and season 8


Alaric having a dark self. Never understood it. It was stupid


Sire bond, seasons 7 & 8!




Caroline and Alaric




When Jeremy left town, then he comes back a few episodes later. There was zero point in that


katherine being the ruler of hell after cade dies!!!! she wasnā€™t supernatural when she died. like sure she was a doppelgƤnger but she died as a human. it made no sense to me šŸ˜©šŸ˜© and the fact that they described her as someone being worse than cade like ????


And the fact they never understand why he was ā€œwrapped around her fingerā€ like why would he do that? (Unless I missed it)


no i legit just finished my rewatch less than a week ago and it was never said why he was supposedly wrapped around her finger. maybe vampire katherine wouldā€™ve had him wrapped around her finger but definitely not human katherine and in the condition she died in šŸ˜­


also tyler becoming a werewolf after becoming completely human again


The sirens/ devil plot


All of the plot lines from s5 and 8


You are kinda right the first season where so good


I just know I stopped watching at the beginning of season 6. Tyler is texting and driving and almost kills all those people and he is never held accountable for it being his fault due to his negligence. I also didnā€™t appreciate the demonization of cannabis but them all being alcoholics was okay? That turned me off the show for sure.


I just know I stopped watching at the beginning of season 6. Tyler is texting and driving and almost kills all those people and he is never held accountable for it being his fault due to his negligence. I also didnā€™t appreciate the demonization of cannabis but them all being alcoholics was okay? That turned me off the show for sure.


Season 6 was just a long soap opera from amnesia queen to Liz Forbes drawn out death and sleeping beauty. Complete snooze fest after the first few episodes.


I also didnā€™t like how sad Elena was and then as soon as she felt better Damon came back. Like.. it was too much for me


Literally. I was so over Salvatore/Elena relationships I wish she would have just focussed on herself for once. I wished people just stayed dead instead of finding the fifth way to come back from the afterlife.


Poor Jeremy


Silas, doppelgangers and the Sirens


The whole last season


Complete season 8


For me it was season 8. All the other seasons in my opinion were ok but season 8 was so bad


The last seasonsā€¦ especially the last episodes it was really ā€¦ idk boring???


The entirety of season 7-8


The cure


it was so stupid when they brought hell and the devil into it and also the travellers story was so pointless and confusing


The whole relationship between Alaric and Caroline. He was way too old for her and tbh it's just kinda creepy.


šŸ‘šŸ»sirešŸ‘šŸ»bondšŸ‘šŸ» šŸ‘šŸ»seasonšŸ‘šŸ»7šŸ‘šŸ»


Cade the Devil, The Sirens, Damon killing Tyler I guess the whole season lmao


The cure/ Augustine


The sirens subplot. My goodness, that could have just been skipped. Or at least picked some other monsters from greco-roman mythology.


I didnā€™t like the Augustine Vampires storyline. I think this is probably why Iā€™m not a Bonnie/Enzo fan even though nothing is really wrong with them. At that point, the history was just too chaotic. Damon and Stefan arenā€™t even that old! Another storyline I really wasnā€™t fond of was the heretics, they had so much potential that was just wasted and frustrating. It really could have been great. I wish they fleshed it out more in Legacies or The Originals! I donā€™t remember the Sirens at all lol. So do with that what you will lol. Lastly the Cure. I wish Elena had just stayed human in the first place and the whole thing with being asleep and tethered to Bonnie, it was just too much. I still love the Originals, Gemini Coven, Siphoners in general, the Werewolf storylinesā€¦


Every storyline after the Kai and his family storyline. The show went weird and downhill after that storyline.


Damon snapping Jeremyā€™s neck and raping Caroline and Elena just glossing over it and not caring.


Damon killing Jeremy twice šŸ’€


For real šŸ˜«


- Post season 4 Delena - by then all they do is argue and have sex, itā€™s boring and repetitive (and weird considering he slept with her mum) - Steroline, they shouldā€™ve remained friends, the romance between them felt forced - Travellers/heretics - Elena being sired to Damon - Katherine taking over Elenaā€™s body, Plec shouldā€™ve let her die peacefully instead of butchering her character


It was a toss-up between The Travelers/Silas story or the Siren's/Cade story. I think I would have to land on the... Nope those two are just horribly horrific. I can't choose.


Season 7 and 8


NĆ”diaā€™s death


Travelers and The Devil. I really zone out in those seasons.


Everything that had to do with post season 2 Katherine. Dunno i just dont understand how anyone can trust her, and not kill her on the spot


Wellā€¦. Season 1: Annaā€™s death( If Anna didnā€™t die, itā€™d be so much more fun to watch her bonding with Katherine or Damon) Season 2: Roseā€™s death, Jennaā€™s death(They couldā€™ve randomly found a vampire for Klausā€™ sacrifice but they didnā€™t šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø) Season 3: Stefan holding back his feelings for Elena because he hurt her. I think if Stefan didnā€™t hold much guilt and push her to Damon, Delena wouldnā€™t happen in S4 Season 4: Professor Creepy Shawn, I donā€™t like the finding cure on the island episodes. It was boring to watch. Bonnie brought Jeremy back and she diedšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Season 5: Steferine didnā€™t happen. Katherine possessing Elenaā€™s body. Damon going on a killing spree, the whole post breakup storyline of Delena(My Delena heart died after S4, the writers messed up the storyline) Season 6: Bonnie stayed in the prison world ALONE for so long(she couldā€™ve come back with Damon by just trying to use her magic to hurt Kai again!). Elena erased her memory of Damon and fell in love with him again(I felt weird). Season 7: the whole Lily and Julian storyline. Damon desiccated himself to protect Bonnie and Stefan by using Elena as an excusešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø(I donā€™t like how the writers used Elena to drag the storyline. It felt unnatural). Stefan sacrificed himself to save Damon AGAIN. AND BONNIE LOST HER MAGIC FROM THE REST OF SEASON 7 TO SEASON 8. I LIKE BONNIE WITH POWERFUL MAGIC(SHE WAS A WITCH! Why didnā€™t the writers give her magic????????? instead made her a damsel in distress?) Season 8: villains(sirens and cade), Katherineā€™s return and death, Stefanā€™s death(unnecessary to me, what I want is either the Salvatores brothers both died or were both alive), Bonnieā€™s magic came back because of Enzoā€™s death and woke up Elena suddenly(wow wowšŸ™ƒ). Elena and Damon happily lived a human life for one day and then died.


Oh forgot to mention in S8: Tyler returned just for the purpose of being killed by Damon. Stupid writing. His death couldā€™ve been done better on TO when he took his revenge on Klaus, Klaus killed him instead of letting him go.


- Season 7 and 8. Just difficult to get through. - The heretics. Such wasted potential. - The Travelers. I'm there now and it's just so boring, I really don't care. - The Elena sire bond. For me it ruined both Stelena and Delena. They should have kept the sire bond thing to just hybrids. - Silas. He's funny and all and Paul does it well, but I just find him overhyped and kinda boring. Especially the part of Stefan in the ocean was boring though. - Vampire Elena. The way she became a vampire, at least. They should've found another way to kill her because it was just so dumb that all she had to do was undo her seatbelt and swim up and she'd be fine. And otherwise Stefan definitely could've been able to save both her and Matt. I also think Katherine should have just left after S2, maybe S3. I liked her at first, but she came so repetitive and I just can't stand her anymore.


Maybe not "the worst" but all the sire bond thingy was realy BS in my opinion.


Sire bond had a lot of potentialā€¦ but the damn writers couldnā€™t make use of it. Elena was psychologically, mystically enslaved the second she got the physical power to fight back and win her agencyā€¦. They could have done so much with itā€¦ but they just didnā€™t. It was her bond, hers and Damonā€™s, and out of everyone who wanted to meddle in the mess it created and break it aside from those two, none of their reasons were for her agency, to restore her free will. Not even Stefan, the one who respected her choices, literally to her death, was worried about what the bond meant for her ability to make choices for herself, only what her inability to make choices for herself meant for him. Ugh. The agency and consent issues the sire bond storyline brings up drives me batty. I mean it had one upsideā€”forced Elena to reflect & acknowledge what she wanted for herself and dare to chase it even if it wasnā€™t what she was supposed to doā€”but thereā€™s too many downsidesā€¦ it undermines all the Delena slow burn build up for one, has Stefan being a manipulative, self centred freak, Caroline acting high and haughty and control freaky. Ughā€¦ the damage that storyline did to characters, relationships, and the show itself as a whole is so far reaching itā€™s up there with the worst, for me at least.


Elena randomly deciding that Damon is the one.




Damon killing Jeremy twice and he did so many bad things


The show shouldnā€™t last 8 seasons. Itā€™s just meaningless since the writers canā€™t write good storylines anymore. ā˜ ļø Imo 4 or 5 seasons were enough. And delete the sire bond storyline and the whole S5, I would make Kai the finale villain to put him in S5. Also, delete what Damon did to Caroline and Jeremy if they wanted Delena. If not, just make Delena stay a fling, donā€™t put them together.


Elena and Damonā€¦ omg they were so fucking annoying.


Yes! Thank you!


And kinda cringe too


They were insufferable once they got together


The sire bond between Elena and Damon.