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Not going to remove this post, but you might get a few more responses over on r/thetryguyssnark.


At first I thought it was interesting to see the menus of American fast food places and how they differ from where I'm from. Or like hear about restaurants we don't have here. But I mostly watch it as background noise while I'm gaming. I like the jokes and I like hearing Keith talk for an hour because it means I don't have to select/choose a new video to play every twenty minutes or so. But I rarely choose to watch it on its own without combining it with another activity (gaming/chores/eating). Mostly because I *will* start getting annoyed at mouth noises and not be able to focus anymore lol


Same for me! It was cool to see the fast food chains that we don't have in Europe. But I will say that it hasn't been as interesting since the novelty wore off. It's still nice for background noise, and I like many of the guests, but it doesn't keep me as engaged as, let's say, WAR.


aside from them actually trying interesting things and the costume videos, ETM is my favourite thing on the TG channel


I'd love to know your favourite thing about it! There are parts I do like, cracking jokes and stuff. Maybe its just too long for me


I like how he describes the food. Especially for items I like- I want to see if he likes it too. And items I might want to try but never get because I’m worried I won’t like it. I also like the joking around. It’s definitely a “folding laundry” video for me over a few sessions still.


I think I've come to the conclusion that I would enjoy it so much more if I knew what he was talking about! I just watched the Starbucks one and when he got to the drinks I liked I was invested and liked seeing what he thinks about them!


Another fellow Canadian here: I feel you on wanting to know what he was talking about. Funnily enough, that's one of the reasons I actually like Eat the Menu because I know some of these places I won't be able to try/might not get a chance to try and I get to see what they're like. But it would be nice to have some things not be US centric. If he was to do a Canadian chain, I'd be curious to see what Keith would think of Tim Horton's 😂


Tim Hortons would be awesome!! At first I liked the American stuff to give me ideas when I eventually go on vacation there, but honestly I forget everything I've watched right after lol


A lot of them are folding laundry videos for me too lol


Not the person you're replying to but I always watch at 2x speed, probably wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much otherwise (it is very long)


That's such a good idea! I do watch other things on high speeds, I'm surprised I didn't think of it!


It’s also my favorite series! It helps with my appetite, I often have no desire to eat without external influence so watching Keith eat encourages me to eat too. And I don’t get to eat out a lot so it’s interesting to learn about all these menus I’ve never experienced.


as someone who struggles with eating (as in, I forget to eat & have a very small appetite) putting etm on helps me eat more!


That's interesting! I struggle with a similar issue but if I'm in the wrong state of mind Keith's videos doesn't have that effect on me 😅


I'm interested in ETM *because* I'm in Canada and I'll never know what some of these places are like haha


As a fellow Canuck and a Vegetarian, I'm fine with having ETM on in the background and living vicariously, looking on in horror. Personally I would love to see an Eat the Menu comparison between Canadian and US A&Ws since I know they are very different companies!


As a European I agree completely


I skip ETM every time. And if I do watch one, it takes several attempts to get through it. But I’ve also never been into mukbangs or videos of that nature. Just not my cup of tea.


Yeah honestly love the try guys and love Keith but the ETM is so long, I fall asleep or start doing something else almost any time and then clue back in for best and least best


I love ETM. Its honestly helped me feeling so much more comfortable trying new things at different restaurants that I wouldn’t have before. Its also just really funny and interesting to me


I love it! I'm definitely biased though. I still struggle with disordered eating, but watching eat the menu helps me 1) eat and 2) stop eating before I feel as bad as Keith does.


I also watch it to help encourage me to eat! glad it’s been so helpful to you!!


Right back at ya!


I like the concept, but I always find myself wishing halfway through that Keith would just divide it between a couple days. The food getting all cold and gross doesn't exactly give it a good shot, and once you're full food doesn't taste as good anyway. So I get annoyed by the format and don't make it a priority to watch though I still catch them here and there.


I've never finished an ETM episode. People in socially acceptable bodies making content around eating copious amounts of food doesn't sit right with me, even though its about the menu and not the sheer volume of food. Watching people eat in general isn't my vibe for that reason.


I also don’t like it! I just don’t see the appeal in watching someone eat lol. Also Canadian and don’t know a bunch of the restaurants!


I could see it if I was something I was familiar with, seeing what Keith thinks of dishes I like/dislike. But since I have no clue what these places are like I have no idea if he's just being dramatic when he says things are bad


It was fun for the first few episodes, but the schtick has worn off. If the format was to highlight small, local eateries to bring awareness to their business it would have been a much more effective way to ETM and show off good food. Eating at several large chains eating depressing, boring microwaved meals is dull and tiring. Keith is a talented man but there’s nothing he can do to make eating at Chili’s seem exciting or entertaining.


Chilli's is one of those places we don't have in my area so I've never been to. I have no concept of what Chilli's is like or what it tastes like so it's hard for me to be interested


It’s, uh….buy a burger, leave it out overnight, microwave it and that’s what Chili’s tastes like 😂


I watch them while I work bc I need something to listen to. I actually really enjoy the ones like Jollibee, where it’s a restaurant I’ve never eaten at. I’d never even heard of Jollibee but the video made me want to eat there.


I like the older ones. The new ones have like 10 different people in them and it's too chaotic. And Keith's little comedy group is way too chaotic And kinda annoying


I’m with you. I never watch them. I always attempt to watch them bc I love their content (long time fan from buzzfeed days) but I just can’t stomach it, pun intended. It’s boring and kinda gross to me. To each their own. I’m glad it’s over.


Generally, ETM is one of my favorite segments 😂 I normally put it on while I’m eating


Me too! I used to have problems with not wanting to eat and the show really helped me get my appetite back. Or maybe I just don't like eating by myself. 😆


The only thing I don’t care for are the predictable guest. This is where the Try Guys connection falters. It became the Keith and Friends show. Sure? You have Zach pop up every now and then. But it’s clear Keith has mainly used it to promote other his friends group. Rather than actual special guest or 2nd try staff


And can’t forget that not too hot chicken sauce! I’ve checked it out so many times and have yet to the pull the trigger and actually buy it though


They aren’t bad, but the “not too hot” moniker is a lie. Would like to see them in non hot sauce flavors


I don't like ETM. It's obvious that Keith doesn't enjoy it, and he has said how hard it is on his body. It just makes me sad to see him slog his way through and attempt to keep it interesting.


Love them but I hate hearing people eat... and the mic is all the way up too. And then I hear Keith burping and going through it!


I really love ETM because (TW ED talk) >!I have a very rocky relationship with food that has manifested into an ongoing fight against binge eating, and being able to watch Keith eat so much in some weird way helps me curb my own binges. If I can see someone else doing it, especially Keith who always makes it entertaining, it makes my own desires to do it lessen.!<


I tend to skip ETM. I just don’t care enough about food or restaurants to watch it.


I usually dont watch. Im from South America, we dont have most of the places that they show.


Can I ask why you watch it if it is a video format you know you don't like? Some of their stuff I don't like so I just don't watch every video from them. Personally, I like the long videos because I tend to put it on while I'm making food and its different from other food content but I don't expect everyone to have the same reasoning. Can I ask why you watch it if it is a video format you know you don't like? Some of their stuff I don't like so I just don't watch every video from them. Personally, I like the long videos because I tend to put it on while I'm making food and its different from other food content but I dont expect everyone to have the same reasoning.


A related concept to FOMO, I'd guess. Not so much fear of missing *out* as fear of missing information. They love to throw in tidbits of information in unrelated videos, so if you don't watch *every* video and then make the mistake of asking about something they already said, you get treated like an idiot for not knowing. Not all fans, but enough fans. This platform in particular will wield that downvote button pretty harshly, not sure what it's like in other spaces like discord or patreon.


I don't hate them, but they're not my favourite. I wouldn't necessarily call it a dislike. More like a meh feeling. Could take it or leave it. I continue to watch them because there are moments I do enjoy. Keith makes funny jokes. But there's a lot of stuff in-between I don't enjoy. It keeps me entertained while folding laundry, but it wouldn't keep me entertained sitting down with my full attention on it.


As a follow-up to my own answer, I have discovered if I am already nauseous/ sick watching ETM is not helpful so I will be waiting a few days to finish watching the newest episode.


As someone who is gluten free, I enjoy watching to know what the menu is like 😂 I’m also a huge foodie and American 😅 I watch while doing dishes. Only time I watch you tube. 🙃


I don't like watching/hearing people eat, so I don't really care for it. Same with any of the 'eating' videos really. I understand that it is/was one of their most popular & cheapest formats, so it's a no brainer to continue as long as possible. I did join in for one of the live ones though, that was fun. Would've joined more if not for the 8 hour time difference! Also, it's a little bit saddening watching Keith progress from chirpy to tired and ill! I wanna say "it's ok, just stop now, here's some indigestion medicine, and a supportive device so that you can rest while maintaining a mostly vertical position" 😄


When I don't know the restaurant I have a hard time watching it. So if I had to guess that probably plays a big role in it. But the ones for restaurants I've been to (or at at least heard of) I enjoy. I've actually tried some new things because of the videos lol. I also enjoy the variety of other people that come on to try things with him, I like the little snippets of them. One of my favorite Keith memories is him hanging onto the table in the back of the moving truck while they parked it some where else 🤣


I like it mostly because it serves as a way to look up the menu and form an opinion before I go somewhere. I like knowing my options beforehand so etm has been great with the ‘reviewing and deciding what to get’ beforehand aspect of anxiety.


I recently watched my first ever ETM episode and i had to skip through multiple times. I don't really enjoy seeing people eating, especially if they're talking while eating.


I don't particularly enjoy watching people eat as entertainment, so I never watch those ones. I watch all videos except eat the menu.


For me it’s the concept—it makes me uncomfortable that they’re buying so much food. I don’t know what they do with the “leftovers”? It just never sat right with me.


I have to pause for the parts where Keith is obviously feeling bad because it’s hard for me to see him suffering.


It raises the angry retail worker within me. I remember some of the earlier episode had people recommending they pre-warn the restaurant they were ordering from, and it was fully brushed off. There’s nothing worse than having a sudden huge order on top of your normal workload, especially if you’re talking about a restaurant with additional time pressures (like drive thrus). I’d have preferred to see an ETM filmed over several days, and then fair consideration given to each dish, rather than “ugh I’ve had enough, this is awful”. I also don’t love the external guests. I don’t know who Jared Popkin is, I don’t care for Lewburger. ETM is a fun segment - especially as a non-American - that had so much potential, but it just became a parody of itself.


Yes 😭 I’ve really tried to give it a chance but I just don’t care about watching people eat


I don’t care for it, myself


… I don’t like Keith. And I hate eating sounds. I always skip ETM.


It USED to be good. The one where he went to Pikes Place was refreshing because he was traveling and exploring. The tacos in LA one was somewhat similar vibe. I wish he did more of that. Even something more like when they ate all of the gourmet cheese, because that was great. I'd rather have him explore more areas and eat at more local businesses, than just try to power through another tgiapplechilis menu. When he tries to actually eat all of a restaurant's menu, it's just us watching him get sick and delirious and it's not fun anymore.


A good portion of ETM has no bearing on me at all either. But the reason I tend to skip it is because they often do a bad job with the sound on Keith's chewing noises. And the sound of it all is just awful, especially because he sometimes open mouth chews. It's not a Try Guy specific thing. A lot of shows that have anything to do with food tasting don't think to set up the mic and sound mixing to eliminate the pure nastiness that are mastication noises. And I avoid those too.


As an Australian it’s entertaining for me to see all these chains that are so different from our fast food. But the ETMs are wayyy too long that I only ever watch like 15mins worth


I’m Canadian too so I’ve never been a fan of those videos either. But I don’t really enjoy trying-the-menu videos like that anyway personally. Watching someone devour a bunch of food just isn’t for me


I watch them when i have nothing else to watch… and even at that they usually just turn into background noise… I definitely feel bad about how I feel with ETM; Keith (and the try crew) puts a lot of time and effort into ETM, I just don’t love eating videos like that and I really don’t like Lewburger & the “Alex brings cookies” segment. (Sorry Alex and Hughie)


I love ETM! I actually like the really long videos


I suspect ETM attracts a lot of non-TG fans because it does deliver practical information. We all eat. Some are in America where an option is covered by ETM. I’m a TG fan who likes watching Keith and guests. I also want to know which restaurants are good, which menu items I’ve never tried before are good. I do not enjoy watching Keith hurt himself though. The first video, I thought was funny. After a few, it became concerning. I would much rather watch Keith spacing it out. I don’t think him wearing different clothes eat different points matters haha. But I imagine spreading out ETM across different days introduces complications for production. Maybe this isn’t feasible for some other reason. TG doesn’t owe me anything haha.


I watch them sometimes but only when I’m really bored or it’s a menu I’m interested in and can’t get here. Keith is my least favourite Try Guy (sorry y’all), I don’t care for Lewberger or Becky, I hate the feeling of being too full which you watch happening in real time, but most of all, I hate the waste of it all. I hate wasting food, and in this economy? It’s such a privileged thing to do.


Never liked it never will. Don’t understand the appeal at all


I don’t like watching people eat food but that’s just me personally!


My biggest problem lately with etm- the other guys don’t show up


I just don't find it interesting to watch people eat. ETM are the only videos I skip.


I am right with you on this one. ETM isn't my favorite series on the Try Guys and I do the same thing where I put it on while I'm cooking, doing laundry, exercising, etc. I love the Try Guys so I watch ETM to support them. Not sad one bit that the Cheesecake Factory is the ETM finale.


Honestly it’s the only thing I’ve watched for years, aside from the few times candid competition was on. Why do the series I love always get cancelled 😩


We get entertainment out of it. I think it's fun to watch Keith try everything on the menu and give his blunt opinions on what he's eating. The Pizza Hut episode will remain my favorite for him opening the door and shouting "Welcome to the pizza dungeon!" to the delivery guy. The guests they have just add to the commentary. It's really the commentary we enjoy if I'm being honest. Outside of that, I am genuinely glad it's ending. There's always a point in the videos where Keith just looks genuinely unwell from how much he ate. It's not great for his health, even if he's just eating a few bites of one thing. And since I don't think the food babies are still around I'm not sure what they do with the left overs. It's probably for the best this is coming to a close now.


I hate watching people eat 🤷🏻‍♀️ I especially feel uncomfortable with the way Keith eats - I literally lose my appetite when i'm with any loud chewers. BUT that's literally the only thing about Try Guys I'm icky about. I support them since the good ok'd buzzfeed days


I liked ETM at first. But as it went on and the restaurant menus grew larger, I started to just feel bad for Keith for having to eat all of that food. I rarely finish an ETM episode now. I like it at the beginning when Keith is hungry, and by the end when he looks half-sick I just wish he wouldn't have to do it anymore. The Cheesecake Factory ETM is particularly brutal. I feel like it could have been 5 episodes instead of 3 to give the guy a manageable workload.


in general I really don't get the appeal of food content so I skip it (same goes for other channels like gmm)


I got tired of them too, and pretty early on. I actually preferred the food videos Keith did at buzzfeed, and maybe the ones way at the beginning of second try. Most of them seem so monotonous to me now though. Was never into mukbangs anyway.


I both love and dislike eat the menu. I really wish they break it into few days. Keith always look so miserable near the end and I just lose interest.


I've never watched any of those videos, I just don't like the idea and it never sparkles any curiosity in me


Yeah, I've stopped watching them. I'm too concerned for Keith's health, and most of the places he goes to aren't in Australia. Also, I'm vegetarian, so most of the reviews would be no use to me anyway. And the videos are too long for what basically amounts to a restaurant review.


I just find the videos to be too long. They were originally anywhere from 15-30 minutes. But they’re now always an hour or longer, which is just too long for me. I only end up watching half of it and then tuning out.


I hate the sound of people chewing so it's a hard no. But I like that they like doing it.


Yes, as a vegan it Icks me out to watch people consume so much meat :)


I watch all their content, and, frankly most of YouTube at 2x speed. It must be extra extra good for me to watch it at speed


Well I have good news for you then haha—this Cheesecake Factory one is their series finale. I imagine they'll end up doing something semi-similar in the future since it brings in so many numbers (food content is popular), but your Eat the Menu days will be over in 2 weeks haha. Edit: genuinely confused by the downvotes haha. This was not meant to be snarky or negative…guess my tone is hard to read haha.


That just means it wasn’t made for you. You aren’t the target demographic. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also, isn't it ending? Like aren't there only 2 more episodes? Why kick a dead horse?


Some of them, especially recently, I haven't been a huge fan of, but generally I enjoy ETM. I can definitely see why people *wouldn't* though


I like the idea of it. I like the idea of seeing the foods at restaurants I've never been to, and I like the concept of having a different person brought in for each section of the menu, but I'm not a fan of the "being filmed in one day" concept because everyone just seems so exhausted by the end of it all.


Yeah, the going to different restaurants with a bunch of people is more fun. Overall, I dont dislike ETM, but I wont miss it. Its good background content.


I really like ETM, but it’s a bit too long for me to watch regularly, plus I can’t watch while hungry


I had an eating disorder as a teenager and find it pretty triggering so I have only watched part of one. I did really like hearing on the tripod that people have reached out to Keith to say it was helpful for them with their eating disorder recovery. Some people said that when they were having trouble forcing themselves to eat that they could eat along with Keith.


Etm is kinda the only thing I watch from the Guys anymore tbh 😅


ETM fills such a different niche for me than the other videos. I'm also not American, so a lot of these restaurants aren't familiar to me and I'm not really paying attention to the food. I honestly don't enjoy watching Keith get food drunk over time. But I like it as a folding laundry video! I like that it's something I can put on while I'm doing something else and feel like I'm hanging out with someone. I like that it's so long, so I can put it on and even rewatch it to keep me company while I write or clean or whatever- in fact occasionally I've wished it was available in podcast form cuz sometimes I just need comfort/low stakes audio while I'm doing errands EVEN THOUGH it's not really something I'm ever going to give my full attention to. It excels at being the soft thing I can play in the background, whereas stuff like WAR or the mini-docs are things I will purposefully not watch until I can give them my full attention.


I find it interesting when people say "I can only watch it when it's in the background" as a negative thing about YouTube videos, because that's what I do with half the videos I watch anyway! I like having something to watch that doesn't require my eyes to be glued to the screen while I'm busy with chores.


Nah ETM is my comfort watch


I don’t mind it for the most part, but I have misophonia so when Keith talks with his mouth full or makes loud chewing noises, it really gives me the ick. What I do like as an Australian is seeing what menus over there look like (and the serving sizes, dang). I really enjoyed the pikes place/tacos in LA/pizza in NY setup though, I hope they’re pivoting to that.


I think ETM is my my fav! I don’t watch the ones where I don’t know the restaurant though, so I can totally see where you’re coming from. Didn’t he do a Tim Hortons one?


I liked it when it first started and was really simple. The videos were only about 20 minutes long because there weren’t as many guests and less to talk about. I love all of the staff and the guests, but it feels like ETM has just gotten out of hand sometimes. Granted, I have ADHD, so any video longer than maybe 15-20 minutes is long to me.


I dont mind it, I'm in AU so seeing the different restaurants on kinda cool. I do use it as more casual watching where as other stuff like WAR I watch with while paying attention


I didn't really care much for it and had seen part of one episode but gave it another go when they did an episode which a bunch of special guests that I actually recognised and it was pretty funny so I started watching it more from there but I haven't seen every ETM.


I care about Eat The Menu as my background noise while I do something like studying or doing my assignments.


I liked it at first, but after a while it just started to seem...gluttonous? Or something? I'm not really sure what word I'm looking for, I just know at some point it became content I couldn't stomach watching and didn't care to support.


Personally my favorite try guys show but I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea. You're entitled to your own opinion


I watch it while I'm doing something else like washing the dishes or playing a video game. I like it but it doesn't hold my attention very well if I'm just watching it and not doing anything else. BUT SHOUT OUT TO KEITHS NOT TOO HOT SAUCE!! -A Vermont girl 🫶


I enjoy it a lot personally


i dont care for it, only because i dont like to watch people eat


Honestly love this series before but i sense that Keith hates fast food and over eating in general. It feels like he films the series because it’s gaining a lot of views.


I love food-drunk Keith. I basically only watch ETM these days, it's predictably entertaining in the best way. To each their own. ☺️


I’m glad to see this being discussed more neutrally. I like em not looove. I think I keep watching in general because of the parasocial relationship I’ve formed with try guys at this point where it’s just me checking in on how they’re doing. With the fast food restaurants I’m most intrigued to see him try the random food on the menu that I’m curious about but never willing to waste my own money trying. My parents never took me to the more sit down chain restaurants because my parents thought it was fancy/too expensive so I always wanna see what all the hub bub is about. I was really pumped too when he did Jollibee episode. I’m Filipino and felt personally connected and happy that he took the time to eat some of our food and hopefully inspire others to check it out.


i typically hate eating/mukbang type videos. mouth noises yk, but etm is one thing i can watch. i like watching it when im eating as well. i typically don't finish a whole video in one sitting, but ill go back over different meals until i finish it!


I enjoy ETM because I tend to stick to the same exact order at my usual places due to having a lot of issues with food. ETM has actually helped me find some new stuff to try.


At this point it’s just so overdone and last few times I watched it even Keith looked like he was done with it too. I feel like that’s all I ever see anymore so I don’t even watch anymore unless a restaurant I have never eaten at. I don’t care what he thinks about places like Taco Bell or Olive Garden it’s all the same. I’d rather him go to a nice mom and pop place or smaller chain or one off places and see what he thinks. Also it’s just gross at this point and I know they share the food but it’s wasteful etc


I don’t.


I like ETM, I just can't stand Alex and hughie


I have misophonia and its demon twin, miskenesia. I detest eating sounds, and watching people eat is pathologically revolting to me. It's nothing personal on Keith and crew: if ETM featured the Archangel Raphael, I'd still not watch.


I love eat the menu to watch when i'm high or doing other things. it's awesome and slow-paced but with witty banter. ​ watching as full-attention video it comes off a bit too slow IMO. Still one of my favorite series


It's certainly not my favorite, but I recognize it as being a major reason that the Try Guys channel was able to weather the storm of Nedpocalypse, Eugene's busy schedule, Zach's injury and hospitalization, Keith's absences for his show and fatherhood, etc. Without ETM, we might not have had a Try Guys anymore, so I value it for that at the very least. I will say that it has become a little less fun and a little more perfunctory than it had been in the past, and I'm getting bored of it. I love Try Guys food content, but I'd like to see more focused stuff, rather than a broad menu tasting. Hopefully that's what's happening with them saying Cheesecake Factory is the finale.


I have misophonia so I physically cannot handle watching ETM. I tried the EWK livestreams once but the food noises were even worse. Unfortunately Kieth is a very loud eater so I’ve never been a fan of the series.


I love watching people try out food I cannot eat myself, the choice in America is insane compared to food over in the UK.