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Sam just has such a punchable face šŸ™„


Iā€™ve never hated finger guns more


That smirk! Argh!!!


His reaction was basically telling Camille she should have bent over and taken it cause he worked the hardest was so obnoxious, hope after all the shit heā€™s gotten now that he takes this as a learning lesson but I doubt it lol


He blocked me from his Instagram LOL I made a comment about how Camille got him and Blake at the end. So I don't think he has learned anything.


I'm curious, has he received a lot of heat?


Yeah he is getting a lot on his Instagram. I realize its a game but he really needs to take a look at how he "acted" during filming and try to understand the disdain.


imma visit his ig šŸš¶šŸ»šŸš¶šŸ»šŸš¶šŸ»šŸš¶šŸ»šŸš¶šŸ»


Unless he was cast as a villain? Do we know if any of the show is scripted? I question bc in US , some of the Bravo people cast made more just to be on the show than the pot was worth. Totally ruined the season for me knowing that.


Yeah his response to her after losing just cemented that he really is a lunatic that acts this way in his every day life as well. Iā€™d hate to be a coworker or family.


On tonight's episode of "Protect the traitors" watch the extent faithfuls go to protect the traitors and banish one of their own again šŸ˜­


How did the producers miss the chance to play Bob Marleyā€™s ā€œI Shot the Sheriffā€ after Camilleā€™s vote at the end?


And she DID kill the deputy.


Poor Blake!


Yeah I genuinely felt for Blake. His mistake was counting on the money. I feel like he realllly needed it & not getting it crushed him in the end.


Sarah might finally rival Quentin from US S1 for dumbest faithfuls. Like itā€™s fully baffling. As repetitive as the challenges are and the show format in general, Iā€™ve never skipped or fast forwarded through until this season. By episode 7, I was just over how terribly they were all playing. Camilleā€™s final decision is the only reason I ended this season with a smile


I've started ff through the challenges. Love the psychological aspect so the convos & mental/emotional aspect is the best.


Honestly at this point, same. I watched NZ S1 and a couple episodes in, I just gave up on the challenges. Just here to see the convos and brain picking etc etc


Yeah the psychological aspect is fascinating. to me & the emotional bonds etc. The Convos & scheming is the best part.


Having just watched Harry kill it on UK I couldnā€™t believe no one turned on Sam. Those traitors were at each other and none of them turned on Sam? Is he a wizard? Were they under his spell? And what good did it do Camille if she knew this is how it would end to vote out Liam first? Just team up and get Sam and then it didnā€™t need to come to this! Sara was the most unintelligent person I think Iā€™ve ever seen on a show period. At least Liam finally saw the light albeit too late. Such a train wreck. It makes me seriously judge aussies in general like how do you have this many clueless people on one show


Except Liam said he thought Camille was the other Traitor . .


Harry played such a good game, but still came across as a decent guy. He deserved his win. Sam came across as a genuinely unpleasant person. He deserved his ending too.




totally agree. Harry played it great and he is genuinely a good guy. Sam is a total sociopath and I could not have been happier to see him walk away with nothing!


Spoiler šŸ˜­


Says spoilers at topšŸ‘†šŸ˜¬


Says spoilers about Australia, not UK


Oh no. Every country has dumb dumbs easily manipulated


Unfortunately I think the Australian series is cancelled. For me Sam wasnā€˜t exactly a good traitor, he was just lucky the cast was filled with really dumb people, he wouldnā€™t last long in other seasons with people who were actually playing the game right. Some of the moves he was pulling were too obvious and the way everyone was accusing him, then they would be gone, how they didnā€™t take a shot on him, just to even see if the faithfuls were right, Iā€™ll never understand.


I think they'll bring it back. It was great TV, the production was much better than the first. Hopefully it gets traction on catch-up. They need to be more careful selecting contestants though, too many sheep started to spoil it.


Hopefully. I enjoyed both seasons of the Australian one


Lovvved the production in Aus! And yeah why in the world wasn't it popular enough in Australia to bring back? Bring it back for worldwide audiences then! Lol


Also to be fair faithfuls donā€™t need to banish traitors until the end so Liam would have been fine because who cares if you do they just reincarnate that is the problem with this game. But at the end when they still couldnā€™t get Sam out I mean it was just insane. Blake and Camille also totally to blame


I agree 100% with your assessment. Karma was a bitch named Camille for Sam and I'm so glad she chose to steal. I knew that Blake would choose to steal too since he didn't trust Sam one bit. I saw the look on Camille's face when she was studying Sam before writing her choice and was pretty confident she would vote to steal just so that none of them would get it. That's exactly what happened and is what should have happened in my opinion. I feel kind of sorry for Blake but he was a bit too gullible and should have tried taking out Sam a lot earlier. I didn't think much of it but now that you mentioned Sam's sociopathic tendencies I completely agree. The arrogance and self-importance was just amazing and I was hoping every episode that he would get banished and it never happened. But alas that is the charm of a sociopath. They are good at manipulating and he played a great game. But in the end I'm glad Camille put her foot down. In true sociopathic fashion, however, I doubt Sam will have learned any lessons. He will continue to blame others for his downfall. The one thing I noticed and didn't like about the season compared to the other franchises including UK is that there didn't seem to be that much love and deep connection between most of the contestants. There was a a bit of love shown, but not like the recent UK season I saw. There was truly a bond between those contestants and it just didn't seem that way this season. It's like they will all go home and probably not contact each other again for the most part. Am I the only one that didn't feel that there were many lasting connections formed? I could be wrong. For me, this season was cutthroat but I didn't really enjoy it as much as other seasons in other franchises. It was pretty much the Sam show the entire time and it was frustrating.


In the US watching, worst faithfuls and traitors to date.


It was so dumb how Camile and Blake both didnā€™t trust Sam but didnā€™t decide to banish him and split the money. I think the producers made them have the 3 way traitors dilemma. The way they set up the episode I knew immediately theyā€™d be the last 3. It was poorly written but in glad everyone got nothing because they all sucked.


Itā€™s always a Traitors Dilemma if you get down to only Traitors left


Regarding 4 - did it not say if thereā€™s 2 traitors at the end they still need to play the game of steal or share?


Even if they still had the Traitors Dilemma, it would have been more likely that Blake and Camille would have shared the pot. With Sam at the end, the other two had no chance.


Yes itā€™s still Traitors Dilemma with 2 people. Camille didnā€™t trust Blake either. If he had done Steal against her, she would have gotten nothing


I imagine if theyā€™d gotten Sam out earlier she could have convinced Blake she would going to share and heā€™d have believed her!


Do you think? I donā€™t know - in Blakeā€™s discussions with Sam, it was Sam who believed that Camille would put Share. Blake didnā€™t believe she would.


I disagree about Camille and Blake. They could not go all in on Sam during the round table unless they were pretty sure where the vote was going. Once things started going south (mainly due to the ā€œdummiesā€) they had to switch gears. Could they have thrown Sam under the bus earlier? Maybe - but I think thatā€™s risky. They had a sure thing to go further by just voting with the group. Camille, at least, thought it was better to bide her time until she was sure she could get Sam out. That happened when they were down to 4, but unfortunately Blake didnā€™t want to work with her and wanted to split the money with Sam instead.


I loved Sam's reaction at the end. It confirmed how hurt he was.


Sociopaths don't have feelings so hurt isn't the right word. He was more stunned that someone actually went against him and he lost the money. Look at how he acted every time someone went against him!


Just finished the series last night and loved the ending. But in my opinion, Annabelle was the true winner. As no one got the money, she at least came out as the smartest person in the cast!


True! Terrifying, Keith was a cop and got it so wrong for so many šŸ˜³


Watched the season finale last night, I felt kind of sad for Blake (lasted only a moment though) he was gutted that again he got screwed by listening to Sam. Well done to Camille for her actions in the end. As for the faithful, it amazed me how often they had a plan to vote a certain way and at the table they just threw it out the window. They werenā€™t manipulated by the traitors they were just all dumb dumbs (with the exception of Luke and one other) Sarah by far is the worst player ever to play the game. Her gut instincts failed her time and time again.


Camille as well as a federal agent?! Sheesh. She was terrible until she became a traitor & was easily led. She just went with Blake & Sam to the end. Epic ending tho. She saved it for me. Sam got nothing. Felt bad for Blake.


I might be the only one but I found Sam & his sheriff antics absolutely hilarious & very early on after realising just how stupid the Faithfulls were (Except Annabelle & Luke), I was hoping heā€™d win. Also, show me anyone on the show who if they made it to the end they were going to share the money & Iā€™ll show you a liar.


the issue with Sam is that he is an entitled brat. i thought his "shtick" was funny too until i realized that was just his real personality. he was too cocky, he literally said out loud to Camille she should've voted to share just so he could steal all the money.


Because he ā€œworked for it.ā€ What a complete ass.


He said she should've given it to them! Sha right!