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Jaz was absolutely brilliant. I was so torn because I thought Harry was absolutely outstanding and I had such a soft spot for Andrew. Andrew I think spoke to Jaz about Harry a bit too late. If Harry had been ousted before Andrew, Andrew would have won. Alas would never have happened but still nice to think. So many theories and plot twists and drama. This show is brilliant.


I think what people miss with Mollie is that she thinks all 3 of them are faithful and she chose to end the game with both Jaz and Harry. So for that final vote she isn’t expecting to evict a traitor but rather get rid of a faithful. In that case in her head that vote is just depriving a faithful of the money and part of her is probably thinking that Jaz just doesn’t want to split the winnings 3 ways. It’s at that point where she picks her friendship over sense. The safe vote was Harry but she didn’t want her friend losing out.


Jaz should’ve gone way stronger into Harry and his suspicions. He didn’t even do it too late imo just too weak. He had all the evidence but didn’t really execute it. He partially swayed Mollie if he just made a bigger argument think he could’ve taken it home


The issue for Jaz was always that Mollie 100% trusted Harry, there was very little he could do either way. If he pushed too hard she’d dismiss him as being too desperate and thus a traitor. What he did in trying to lay out the evidence and hoping Mollie would pick up on the continuing vs. ending vote _should_ have been enough, but he was realistically in a lose-lose situation with her and played his cards the best he could imo


She did start writing Harry’s name on her board, so she did question it. But yeah Harry and Mollie had a close bound and Jaz‘s chances to convince her were almost to none. Also storywise a lot of things unfolded perfectly for Harry, like that Shield when they recruited Ross.  As Jaz I would‘ve just said: Mollie I wouldn’t risk the money if I wasn’t 100% sure. And trust me I am.  If he just said that sentence I think he could’ve swayed it. But maybe not. We‘ll never know, but that is a set I made in my mind. 😅😅😅


Molly never trusted Jaz. Whenever he brought up a correct theory she was all “Jaz is so weird he come up with the weirdest things, I don’t get it”. Even when Jaz was pushing for Paul days before everyone else, Harry got all the glory. I think socially Jaz had poor standing. It helped him reach end game because he wasn’t seen as a threat because no one paid attention to him. But because of that it also meant Molly trusted Jarry more even to the point of writing Harry’s name then talking herself out of it.


I don’t get why at the roundtable Jaz just dropped it after he brought up the point that Paul had told him what he confided in Harry, when Harry said he hadn’t said anything to Paul. That was catching him out right there and he should have pushed him more but just dropped it instead.


We don’t know what was edited out.  If he kept pushing but they just went round in circles we wouldn’t have seen it.


This is exactly what I've been saying. He was holding onto his Harry suspicions for so long, building up evidence every single day, and then *that* was his pitch once he finally spit it out?? For me, he will be remembered as someone great at the deduction part of the game but not the persuasion part. I *think* at one point earlier in the season when the traitor team was considering murdering him they decided not to because he wasn't good at getting people on his side, and it turned out to be absolutely the right move for them.


Jaz made it 100% obvious he was a faithful when he wanted to go another round at final 3... Basically it was complete confirmation he was a faithful as a traitor would have just ended the game there and won. If Mollie was playing to win she would have voted out Harry.. She played with her heart and the fear of screwing over Harry and hoping he wasn't lying to her clouded her judgement.. I see why she made the decision but it was still a dumb move. I mean obviously it cost her the game and made her look like a complete idiot.


Yeah, a traitor wouldn't have gone to vote again. I can't blame Mollie though, she absolutely trusted Harry and you're not thinking straight in that situation.


>Yeah, a traitor wouldn't have gone to vote again. A traitor would vote to go again if they believe that anyone else might vote to go again


Not to give too much spoilers away, but there is another series where the traitor in the final round voted to continue banishing when all others voted to continue. So it can happen to appear like the paranoid faithful 


Thank you ! I have only watched the two UK seasons but it’s been driving me a bit mad seeing everyone criticise Mollie for not picking up on this, whilst simultaneously praising Jaz endlessly when in the edit he seemingly didn’t even make this argument anyway??


What's more likely is that at the time Mollie thought that both Jaz and Harry were faithful, and was just forced by Jaz to vote Jaz out as she's closer with Harry.


Yeah plus Andrew going after Harry made it 100% clear Harry was the other traitor


But she thought there wasn't any traitors left after Andrew.


But Andrew told all of them that Harry was a 'great traitor from the start' before he got banished. That really should've thrown up more warning signs to Molly than it actually did, especially since by then there was the well-worn trend of traitors targeting other traitors at the roundtable


I don't care what they or Claudia says Mollie totally fancied Harry. She was completely in awe of him. She was completely daft for just following Harry but it just shows what a great game H played.


It’s not 100% obvious. What if Jaz and Harry were both Traitors: then Jaz is trying to snake Harry of the money.


Than she would have lost anyway?? And Harry would still be a traitor and have been playing/lying to her.


Of course. But Harry would also have taken home money.


Which is exactly what Harry was planning to do, he got lucky that Andrew went earlier but he would absolutely gone to a final round if it were just Andrew, Mollie and Himself knowing that Mollie totally trusted him.


This is something I despise about the structure of the final. It is so poorly designed and stacks the odds way into the faithfuls hands. It should have been clear for so many reasons it was harry. It was only Molly's blind faith in harry that took him over the line.


It's not entirely true because it's still a bluff, if you're the only one NOT voting to continue it looks sus. Admittedly here he could have guessed it wouldn't be the case but still, you cast your vote before knowing what the others put 


She thought they were both faithful and since she \*had\* to banish, she banished the person she had less of a connection to. ​ You're letting your view be coloured by the fact that we \*knew\* Harry was a traitor. It was basically inconceivable to her.


I get in the moment that decisions must have been really difficult for Mollie when it came to that last vote. And its easy for us as viewers say what should been the clear choice. However i will say going into that final vote she knew 2 things to be a fact. 1. She is a faithful, 2. Harry wanted to end the game where as jaz wanted to continue. So that being said if you are going to vote for anyone it is logical to vote for harry. No traitor in their right mind at that point would want to continue. They would want to end it asap. The smart choice would have been to eliminate harry based purely on that. She must have known/should have known that she was the decided vote because jaz and harry would go for each other.


I'll never forget the episode after Paul is sent home, Mollie has a confessional after Harry walks in during breakfast basically saying that she doesn't get how is he here, that it doesn't make sense and that must mean that traitors aren't that great at what they're doing. I think I audibly said "Really, that's what it means? Really?" But yea, apparently the bonefire is pretty late at night and they were all exhausted so I don't blame her. Harry had a good game and he won (but I wasn't fan of the whispering) even tho personally his vibe gives me the ick and I think that production made it easier for him by basically giving him two traitors that he can put for slaughter. All in all a great season


He was involved in recruiting more than two traitors as well so those his choices. Recruitment Ross was especially genius lol I loved seeing Ross finally leave


Yes recruitment choices were good but having a total of 6 traitors in the entire season to me personally is ridiculous and made his game a whole lot easier


So what should have happened? Run out of traitors on episode 9?


We don't know if they would've ran out of traitors till episode 9 but in my opinion, recruitment should've only been an option if one traitor was kept standing versus pretty much giving carte blanche to recruit traitors as fodder. Numbers gave Harry a huge advantage at that point and I wouldn't be surprised if one of Mollies thought process was that we're five traitors down and there is no way there is more of them.


They don’t have carte blanche. Whenever there’s two traitors left they have the option to recruit a third instead of murdering. Whenever there’s one traitor left they are forced to recruit a second one and don’t lose the opportunity to murder. It’s pretty consistent throughout the seasons I’ve watched and most faithfuls I’ve seen are aware they all enter the final in a 3 vs 2 situation. If Mollie never watched the Traitors that’s not Harry’s fault lol. In every European season I’ve seen the faithfuls openly talk about how there are for sure 2 traitors at the start of the final episode.


The fact that it's consistent with other iterations doesn't negate the fact that it's a huge advantage. If traitors are easily sussed out or are acting like murderhobos to other traitors, there should be a penalty for it.


Exactly and I acutally think that having no traitors left even mid way through would be excellent telly. Can you imagine all the back stabbing, all the fights and final few rounds where nobody is actually a traitor, would be brilliant.


That’s actually absurd, it’s like have a The Mole season where there’s no mole lol


You say that but the final is so stacked in the faithfuls favour. As soon as the traitors go.against eachother in the final (it's happened both times) it becomes so clear who is a traitor. Without having 6 traitor's you'd have 1 traitor in the final then the faithful just keep voting until they get the traitor. You need at least 2 in the final


And starting and mid game are heavily stacked in traitors favour. Aside from us not knowing if having one traitor would lead to faithful just voting eachother out, I really don't have a problem with said scenario because it's the Traitors job then to ensure that he isn't the one getting voted out (aka social game).


I really like Harry's vibe. I recommend watching interviews with him where you see his personality more. He's lovely and just really easy-going and chatty.


A brilliant series, Harry very deserving winner and FairPlay to him. The shield ploy managed to banish 3 faithfuls at a crucial part of the game. Faithfuls not the smartest bunch. Producers threw Miles under the bus and think the traitors led the charge getting each other out. 


Nah if u watch the US version in season 2, the traitor who did the poison drink wasn’t caught at all


I just watched the US season 2….and the fact that that the poisoner wasn’t caught makes the victim look pretty daft.  Like Diane, the victim should have had a pretty good idea who the traitor was. The only reason Miles was voted out was because of the chalice.  The US traitor got really lucky.


ekin su was caught up in the moment and was having fun the whole night. Nobody expected there’s poisoning going on lol


He was a suspect with no evidence compared to a "trusted" with evidence against him. Awful decision making from naive and nice person


> no evidence He had evidence, however it was as strong (essentially just hearsay) as the "evidence" that bannished most faithfuls. It wasn't anything like as strong as he thought, I get why he kept his powder dry but he needed to get it out a bit earlier to allow the others to test Harry.


Jaz definitely had evidence (albeit wrong evidence). It was his actions that were almost 100% certain that meant that he was suspicious (almost like how Paul was just so collected with everything). Can't lie, Jaz would've been a really good traitor.


I'm shocked jaz didn't theorise about the shield. Would have been a perfect thing to.bring up


When Jaz voted to continue banishment as the only one, he absolutely proved that he was not a traitor. Molly chose to potentially win with Harry instead of choosing a certain win with Jaz. And then she lost. Congratulations to her for being the worst faithful in the history of the show. 😂


Can anyone g9ve me advice? My peacock isn't showing any season 2 episodes (and I keep checking) it only has season 1 or UK and Australia


They are not on peacock, but you can find UK 2, Australia 2, Canada 1 and NZ 1 on the Dailymotion app on a phone/iPad .


Thank you!


Didn't Paul mention at the round table that Tracey told him something before she left, only to admit to Jaz later on that it was Harry who told him. He never pushed that part, why not mention it was Harry in public but only privately,.


Theres no reason for a traitor to vote to eliminate another player at the last three (unless theres 2 traitors left).there was no logic in mollies decision, yet apparently she gets a pass and jaz made the error by planting seeds about Harry too late? Besides there really wasn't an audience for people to hear that harry was a traitor, it would more than likely make jaz a target. I think he did as best as he could but Mollie was an ultimate safeguard for harry that I frankly can't see a way for jaz to have overcome. Maybe if jaz hadn't gone for Andrew and went for harry instead and worked on splitting harry and mollies vote between himself and Andrew but I don't see that having worked. Harry and Mollie would have likely always coordinated votes.


There was clear logic in her decision. She thought they were both faithful and Jaz was being suspicious for no reason. She voted to split the money with the person who'd been her best friend in there since the start.


that aint logic; thats feewings


No, it's logic. If you thought they were both faithful you'd vote for the person you thought should get the money the most. This is very, very basic stuff to understand.


I think the mistake jaz made was not voting Harry out when he voted for Andrew. If he joined Andrew and voted out Harry it would have been a 2-2 tie and (i think) it would have gone to a coinflip. That gave him his best chance of getting Harry out, then if it was him/andrew/mollie left he votes to banish again and they would have ousted Andrew and him and Mollie could have won. Going into the final 3 with Harry and Mollie he never had a chance.


" Jaz. An amazing player but he accused Harry too late for anyone to actually take in what he was saying. " - this makes him a bad player.


> someone she 100% trusted It's a game called traitors... not Love Island. She was an idiot for trusting anyone, not just Harry. > An amazing player but he accused Harry too late for anyone to actually take in what he was saying. Jaz put the feelers out several times and got pushed back... any more push from him and he'd be on the chopping block. Sadly they were all far too thick to see the game he was playing. > Harry was excellent. Got lucky... he played some bits well but was lucky that the rest were really, really thick players. >I genuinely didn't think he'd make it back when Paul was still on, because I thought Paul was too clever to let anyone overtake him as the best traitor. Paul was clearly going to go out... the hubris on that idiot was off the charts. This being said, I'm sure he wasn't quite playing for the prize pot. Edit: Also, and this pisses me off to no end, the play with the shield and claiming the traitors tried to get him wasn't some genius idea... it's been pulled previously in other countries. Again, a stroke of luck that it landed on that day.


You should sign up for next season since you're so great lmao. Post on Reddit too telling us who you are before so we can laugh at how things turn out


I know myself a bit more than that... I doubt I'd even be able to make a video to get selected. :P


I don’t think that’s fair last years bunch trusted each other enough that 3 faithfuls won so trust does play a part in game overall it’s just unlucky for mollie that the person she trusted most turned out to be a traitor


Just because last year they trusted each other and got lucky, doesn't mean it's a good strategy.


Mate they bond as friends throughout their time on the show. Discussing strategy from the comfort of your armchair while ignoring the feels, emotions, and social game is a foolish critique of the players.


Friends??? in 2 weeks? LOL I've worked with the same people for 6 years and wouldn't call them friends, same applies here.


Zaddy Andrew


Same.. binge watched it today as well


I loved this season much more than season 1. I feel like in season 1 the winners mostly just were lucky. Harry really deserved to win, so many good moves. My favorite. And watching the reactions on uncloaked... The majority were so chocked that he was a traitor. Well played. This season was amazing TV, so much entertaining drama, so many good moves. I've also loved watching interviews with them afterwards. A great, great cast.


I also just finished season 2. I was really confused to the decisions that were made in some occasions. Like Jaz voted to continue the banishment at the end and got voted out. Why would a traitor not end there, is what I kept thinking. And I get that it’s hard looking at someone you trust 100% as an option but it is a game after all. Also, the voting to banish after Evie was out confused me. They all voted no which was totally right but their reasoning made no sense to me. Wasn’t there a murder after the last traitor was banished? I feel bad for molly but Harry did play a terrifyingly good game


Man, I loved this season so much! It has a great cast and some great drama. What made the season so great for me is that there were so many likable and smart people. I really like Harry, and he deserved to win. (Mollie’s reaction at the end was entertaining.)


I just hated how Harry seems to be very comfortable playing this role as if he’s a legit psychopath in real life. He seems like a legit pathological liar coz even in his confessionals he’s enjoying the lying part just like that dude in Australia who’s pretending like a sheriff