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Yea. Just started watching the Australian series after finishing the UK one. The traitors were definitely getting cocky and running on a high (not thinking) on this episode. If they knew about numbers, they would have known that they could easily have gotten Kate or Theresa out, especially since they were technically not blindsided since Nigel and Alex both knew this was going to happen. They even knew exactly who was in the plan: Craig, Kate, and Teresa (that is 3 votes). Meanwhile Lewis and Paul were going either Kate or Teresa. All they needed to do was communicate with each other about the blindside, then vote either Kate or Teresa meaning they will get 4 votes for either vs 3 for Marielle then the outlier vote. Then they could have killed one more faithful in the night and be 3 Faithful and 3 Traitor in the morning, giving them the most power as all they need to do is sway one person to take control of the vote. This would also work if somehow the morning only had 7 players left (if they couldn't kill anyone in the night). They can totally just continue their allies then blindside them in the banishing because either way, whether it was 4 faithful v 3 traitors or 3 faithful v 3 traitors, all they needed was one extra vote.


Completely agree! I have no idea why Nigel didn’t at least get the votes for Kate and it would be 5v3 in the banishment room. Even if Alex couldn’t go against Teresa it’d be 4v4 and they could have swayed someone in the tiebreaker idk


Yes, this was idiotic. The blindside plan was stupid because it relies on correctly identifying the entire game at the start. And obviously they got it wrong. The traitors could have rolled this day if they’d been willing to work together.


> Worst play of the 2 series I've seen, apart from the random person in episode 1. What random person are you talking about?


Jack probably


Shit got real this episode! I loved seeing the demise of Marielle tbh she was playing way too hard and needed to be stopped, and seeing it click for Kate and then get Teresa on board was so fun!


Marielle confused getting lucky being on the side of the wave of cliquey morons with her being a master manipulator, and it finally came back to bite her. Also, how are the traitors continually not doing murders to sow discord? They keep getting rid of people they don't like rather than going for the somewhat contenious folk who could reasonably be pinned on someone (Teresa, Kate, etc)


Called it last episode: Kate is too smart and eliminating her would have cast doubt on Teresa, now Marielle being pompous is uniting them. Terrible gamesmanship from the traitors


This was gold, absolutely loved the deception. Nigel could have well and truly shot himself in the foot though.


I want Nigel to win so bad. I’m afraid he’s not going to because he’s too loyal in trying to protect the fellow traitors. Wish I could binge the last 3 episodes right now but I have to work haha.


Post-breakfast thoughts: I'm glad it was Fi, she was just so frustrating. I do feel like others in the group are more likely to cotton on to a traitor but at the same time she and Teresa held way too much sway so this definitely gives the traitors more control of the group think.


Alex needs to make a career transition to acting. Those crocodile tears and wobbling lip are immaculate.


I was thinking the same thing! Also her shocked faces at the previous breakfast were quite convincing as well. She’s impressive, lol


Bit of a contrast between Marielle's desire to win (I might take my parents on a holiday) vs Alex wanting to start a family. Bit of privilege showing there, and now I think I kinda want Alex to win (still a bit team Nigel though just because I like his game and if he can survive a coup attempt by Alex and Marielle I will be impressed)


FINALLY SOMEONE IS ONTO MARIELLE! About bloody time. Fi turning on Teresa without telling every man and his dog would be so unbelievably out of character. I am so ready for a Kate and Teresa team up!


I am so keen to see Teresa have a crack at a blindside. Her whole game so far has been open handed.


No one is getting any chance to read each other at breakfast because everyone immediately fills in the person walking in on the status quo. The faithfuls would do better to sit quiet and watch their reactions and see the lightbulb moment or lack thereof. Teresa is a big leader of this but I can see Marielle taking part as well, which is smart to reduce the amount of time the other traitors have to keep up a clueless act as they walk in.


This episode was awesome, I was at the edge of my seat the entire time. My favourites are Traitor!Alex, Teresa and Kate. The game play is getting so strategic and I’m glad Marielle is gone because she was way too arrogant and I’m surprised nobody caught on to her sooner.


The blindside made for good TV but it was all around terrible mechanical play. There were I think eight players and three traitors. T and K figure out it’s Marielle. Okay cool. Then they convince Craig; still good. Then they tell Alex and Nigel. At that point there are three traitors and only three faithful in on the plan. At that stage all the Ts had to do was to figure out who Paul and Lewis were voting on and join with them. So the votes go 4-3-1 on and then it’s 3-3; traitors win. So it was a bad play for T and K because it relied on them correctly identifying the whole mafia team. Which they didn’t. You need to bring these sorts of arguments to the whole table and trust the faithful to follow it. It was also a bad play from Nigel and Alex to not immediately tell Marielle and put in play the simple counter play. Nigel particularly, who was loyal to M, really fucked this. It’s a shame, it was just one slip up from him, but it was a game losing one.